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UMF Cloud Pilot

UMF Cloud Pilot. andy.powell@eduserv.org.uk @andypowe11. What is the UMF Cloud Pilot?. compute and storage cloud for HE and FE infrastructure as a service ( IaaS ) designed to address the major concerns of HEIs data remains in the UK at all times

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UMF Cloud Pilot

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  1. UMF Cloud Pilot

    andy.powell@eduserv.org.uk @andypowe11
  2. What is the UMF Cloud Pilot? compute and storage cloud for HE and FE infrastructure as a service (IaaS) designed to address the major concerns of HEIs data remains in the UK at all times operated for the long-term benefitof the UK academic sector integrated with the JANET network lower the costs associatedwith IT provisioning a ‘community cloud’ for education built on our Community CloudInfrastructure
  3. Delivered by Eduserv not-for-profit IT services company best known in HEIs for OpenAthens and CHEST web hosting and development for government 20 year sustainable track record of growth >3.5m registered users of Eduserv-based services 115 staff - turnover of £16.5m in 2009/10 new datacentre in Swindon specifically foreducation and the public sector charitable mission to encouragetheeffective use of ICT in‘public good’ organisations
  4. Delivered from our Swindon Data Centre capacity and power for >600 racks of infrastructure modular design PUE efficiency design of <1.4 10 Gbit/s JANET backbone connectivity vianewJANET PoP
  5. Hardware Cisco UCS blade infrastructure dual 6-core 3.06GHz processors with 64GB RAM initial deployment will scale to >1,500 cores, 8TB of RAM Isilon storage clustered NAS solution with near-SAN performance initial deployment will scale to 10PB usable connectivity 2-tier Cisco switched network (core anddistribution) fully resilient with no single point offailure (including dual path toJANET PoP) all ports running at 10 Gbit/s
  6. Our offer vCloud Compute OpenStack Compute VM Storage File Storage JANET Connectivity all accessed via a self-service portalintegrated with the UK AccessManagementFederationwith possibilityof long term tape archiving in the future
  7. Typical use-cases vCloud Compute good fit with local vSphere provision burst capacity at times of high demand DR facility OpenStack Compute research computing undergraduate teaching
  8. Timescales now vCloudCompute environment for use by UMF-funded SaaS projects Jan 2012 vCloud Compute general availability April 2012 self-service Web portal full billing infrastructure OpenStack Compute availability File Storage beta
  9. Pricing models 2 pricing models PAYG (pay for what you provision/use) Virtual Datacentre (pay for what you reserve) in mobile phone terms, PAYG vs. Pay Monthly why PAYG? flexibility why Virtual Datacentre? predictability
  10. Billing PAYG billed monthly in arrears against pre-registered credit card Virtual Datacentre billed monthly or annually against pre-registered credit card or by invoice annual tariff billed in advance tariff includes discounts of up to 30% forannualcommitment over-usage billed at PAYG rates
  11. Pricing 3 key principles return on investment by/for the community sustainability competitive prices announced last week all prices quoted ex-VAT we will offer an ‘introductory tier’( but only forinstitutions)
  12. Storage currently single-site, no backups which limits appropriate use-cases somewhat we are currently looking at: multi-site delivery tape ‘backup’ infrastructure partnership to deliver long-term data preservation – multi-site tapewith escrow
  13. Concluding remarks we’d welcome feedback on: the cloud platforms we support storage pricing and billing models anything else… get in touch at umfcloudpilot.eduserv.org.uk(where we are also blogging our progress)
  14. Questions?

  15. vCloud Compute PAYG (Linux)
  16. vCloud Compute PAYG (Linux)
  17. vCloud Compute PAYG (Windows)
  18. OpenStack Compute PAYG
  19. VM and File Storage PAYG 6.7p per GB per month (£828.34/TB/year) VM Storage is billed according to the average provisioned storage over the billing period (one month). File Storage is billed according to the average utilised storage over the billing period (one month).
  20. Connectivity PAYG JANET Data transfer: Free 1st public IP address: Free Additional public IP addresses: 0.5p per IP address per hour
  21. vCloud Compute Virtual Datacentre
  22. Introductory Tier for new institutional customers a small Virtual Datacentre for two months
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