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WEEK 4 English 9 B. Tuesday ( no school Monday 20 MLK Day & Teacher Inservice ). Tuesday January 21.
WEEK 4 English 9 B Tuesday ( no school Monday 20 MLK Day & Teacher Inservice)
Tuesday January 21 • Write personal reflection using notes taken from video. Discuss how well our school, state and country are doing with regard to The American Dream equality and segregation. Up load to Eli Review. • 200-300 words ~ first person
Tuesday January 21 • Correct Vocabulary 16 • Upload any papers to Eli Review not done • Time for Vocabulary Review n Quizlet for Friday Quiz • Finish A Place At the Table • Write a poem I Have a Dream: Any length. What is your dream for humanity? • 1. think about progress with regard to tolerance and equality • 2. What changes would you like to see at our school, our city our state, our country or internationally? • 3. Express those thoughts in a poem: Think Langston Hughes and his poem I, Too (a place at the table)
Wednesday January 23 • Partner Share Poems • Eli Review upload poems & complete first review. • Present examples of student responses and determine what is a quality response for editing review
Thursday January 22 • Begin To Kill A Mockingbird • GLOBAL WARMING WHAT THEORY IS RIGHT? • Do these responses make the grade? • Final Comment • 1. Needs to be longer 2. You need a signal phrase • Great piece of writing. I like how you state how you got your ideas. • Try bringing in a secondary source. have more sentence flow • I liked your article. I agree with what you are saying on this topic. Overall just a few spelling errors but everything else seemed good • I dont think there's a quote so you should add one in! but other than that it was very good! • Good Essay. • our paper on global warming is very informational and well worth reading. The informational facts that Al Gore stated are lies sent to the public. 35 inaccurate facts are located in his movie "An Inconvenient Truth" and 9 of them disproved by a judge. Great final paper on the two movies "An Inconvenient Truth" and "The Great Swindle" I like how you looked on the topic of Glaciers and how Al Gore said the water will raise by 20ft, in the next decade (100yrs)when this in fact is not correct, every 150 years the water goes up by seven inches due to glacier malting and will not go up 20ft even if effected by global warming. When in fact even in the Movie "An Inconvenient Truth" a women from the IPPC even states the water will rise 59cm in the next decade, witch to Gore's 20ft, 59cm is no more then 2ft. Meaning that he had even dis-proved his own theory, within his own movie..... • Great piece of writing. I like how you state how you got your ideas
Friday: January 24 English 9 B • Friday, JAN 24:Attendance quickly then off to Lab B • Please note the day that your English classes will visit Lab B for the survey, which should take most of the hour. • 3rdHour English 9 (Tunney) • 5th Hour English 9 (Gallo or Belmonte or Christiansen) • 6th Hour English 9 (Tunney) • When completed students should return to class and silent read filling in their reading prediction hand out chart. • Vocabulary Quiz 16 Monday