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“Reel” Success Group Fourth Grade Results Report 2012-13

“Reel” Success Group Fourth Grade Results Report 2012-13. Sope Creek Elementary School Claire Murphy Professional School Counselor. Rationale for Group To improve study skills, increase student sense of self-efficacy, and improve academic achievement of at-risk fourth grade students.

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“Reel” Success Group Fourth Grade Results Report 2012-13

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  1. “Reel” Success GroupFourth GradeResults Report 2012-13 Sope Creek Elementary School Claire Murphy Professional School Counselor

  2. Rationale for Group To improve study skills, increase student sense of self-efficacy, and improve academic achievement of at-risk fourth grade students. ASCA Standards Academic Development A

  3. ASCA Competencies • Students will: • Improve academic self-concept • Acquire skills for improving learning • Achieve school success ASCA Indicators A:A1.2, A:A1.5, A:A2.1, A:B1.4, A:B1.5

  4. Reel Success Group Procedures • Participants were 4 at-risk fourth grade students recommended for participation by teachers • Participants met with the school counselor once per week for thirty minutes during 11sessions • Participants worked to earn weekly points toward a fishing trip with the counselor • Pre and Post survey was given • Academic achievement and achievement related data was collected during the first and second nine week grading period

  5. What do fourth grade students believe? Question: I believe that setting learning goals is important to my academic success. Pre TestPost Test 100% Agreed 100% Agreed

  6. Question: I believe that getting organized helps me be successful in school Pre TestPost Test 100% Agreed 100% Agreed

  7. What do fourth grade students know?Question: Could students indentify a good work habit? Pre Test Post Test 100% Agreed 100% Agreed

  8. Question: Can fourth grade students identify correct test taking skills? Pre TestPost Test 75% 100%

  9. Question: Can fourth grade students identify correct pre test habits? Pre TestPost Test 75% 100%

  10. What skill did fourth grade students acquire? Question: Can fourth grade students employ homework completion skills? Pre Test Post Test 25% Agreed 33 % Agreed

  11. What skill did fourth grade students acquire? Question: Can fourth grade students put vocabulary words in ABC order? Pre Test Post Test 75% Could 100 % Could

  12. Comparison of Academic Achievement 1st and 2nd Nine Weeks

  13. Comparison of average Absences and Tardies First and Second Nine Weeks

  14. Comparison of Weekly Points Earned for Appropriate Academic Behaviors(30 points Possible)

  15. Conclusions • While group member report card grades improved, student progress began to drop off when daily check-in stopped • Will resume daily contact with group members at teacher request • Fishing trip was major commitment • Will offer something less glamorous next time

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