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To the attention of Jordan Researchers: Employment Contract and Fellowships in the frame of the Industry and Academia Partnership and Pathways (IAPP) PEOPLE DAY, Amman, 15th June 2010. Erol KULAHCI,In Charge of the Relations With the EU, Assisted by Martine POTENCIER
To the attention of Jordan Researchers: Employment Contract and Fellowships in the frame of the Industry and Academia Partnership and Pathways (IAPP)PEOPLE DAY, Amman, 15th June 2010 Erol KULAHCI,In Charge of the Relations With the EU, Assisted by Martine POTENCIER Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie
Objectives : the aim of the Marie Curie Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways Scheme (IAPP) is to foster co-operation between non-commercial research organisations and commercial entities (enterprises, industries) based on joint research projects or programmes. • How to apply? Be aware of the various ITN and corresponding deadlines and see: • 1. Visit Euroaxxess website: http ://ec.europa.eu/euraxess/index_en.cfm • 2. Click on Jobs • 3. Click on Marie Curie Vacancies • 4. Choose/select the relevant offer • 5. Prepare and respond to the offer • 6. If questions, write to martine.potencier@auf.org EU-JordanNet
Call deadline : according to the IAPP responsibles’ decision (Industry and Academia Partnership and Pathways). http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/people/industry-academia_en.html • Eligible Jordans : • Research staff (early-stage or experienced researchers) , technical and managerial staff of all levels of experience are eligible for secondments within IAPP scheme and its cross-sectorial mobility, provided that their institution is partner of the IAPP scheme. • Experienced researchers (4 years minimum) are eligible for new recruitment by the IAPP partners if they can get involved in transfer of knowledge and/or training of researchers activities. EU-JordanNet
Financing methods : the financing covers the following expenses of the researcher : • iving allowance (to which the correction factor for the cost of living is applied) : • Experienced researchers (4<10 years experience). : • EUR 53 400/year for researchers recruited under an employment contract • EUR 27 150/year for researchers recipient of a fellowship • Experienced researchers (10 years experience minimum). : • EUR 81 400/year for researchers recruited under an employment contract • EUR 40 700/year for researchers recipient of a fellowship • Monthly mobility allowance : EUR 500 (without a family) or EUR 800 (with a family) to which the correction factor for the cost of living is applied • Career exploratory allowance (with a stay of at least one year) : EUR 2000 • Travel allowance (from EUR 250 to 2500 depending on the distance to cover) • Monthly contribution to the participation expenses of eligible researchers : between EUR 500 (for non- laboratory based research projects) and EUR 800 (for laboratory based research projects) • Contribution to the transfer of knowledge (IAPP costs) : EUR 1200 per researcher • Management activities : a maximum of 3% of the Community contribution • Contribution to overheads : a maximum of 10 % of the Community contribution EU-JordanNet
Duration for recruitment of experienced Jordan researchers : full-time and a minimum of 12 months long. • How to apply ? Be aware of the various IAPP and their corresponding deadlines, then : • Visit Euroaxess website: http ://ec.europa.eu/euraxess/index_en.cfm • Click on Jobs • Click on Marie Curie Vacancies • Useful links : • Site : http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/mariecurieactions/iapp_en.html • FAQ : http://ec.europa.eu/research/index.cfm?lg=fr&pg=faq&cat=x • More questions ? Write to http://ec.europa.eu/research/index.cfm?pg=enquiries EU-JordanNet