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English IV

English IV. Unit 1 Day 10- Topics for argument paper and tone. Do-Now: Have vocab HW out and…. Revise the following sentence or write “correct”: Each of the students, even James and Jose, was so excited to start their research paper. Write any dependent clauses in the following sentences.

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English IV

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  1. English IV Unit 1 Day 10- Topics for argument paper and tone

  2. Do-Now: Have vocab HW out and… Revise the following sentence or write “correct”: • Each of the students, even James and Jose, was so excited to start their research paper. Write any dependent clauses in the following sentences. • Because the dog howled so loudly, I couldn’t sleep. • The dog howled although he was well fed. Common subordinating conjunctions: After, although, as, because, before, if, since, while, until, when, though…

  3. Prayer: Michelle • Friday: Alfred, Next Monday: Scott

  4. SWBAT: • Create a thesis statement • 6.11.1 Create a concise thesis for research that introduces a complex topic and multiple claims

  5. Check Vocab: • banal- lacking originality • malice- desire to cause pain, injury, or distress • emulate- to imitate (usually in hopes of bettering oneself) • atrophy- decrease in size or waste away • belabor- to explain excessively (too much) • acquisitive- desiring to acquire (money/possessions) • insatiable- unable to be satisfied (not enough) • coherent- logically ordered (order makes sense) • eschew- to avoid because of moral reasons • substantiate- to verify by proof or evidence

  6. Vocab Charades: • Remember: quiet • banal • malice • emulate • atrophy • belabor • acquisitive • insatiable • coherent • eschew • substantiate

  7. Persuasion: If I was a prospective Cristo Rey student, what would you say to convince me to come to our school? First, take about one minute to discuss with a partner, then share with me.

  8. PERSUASIVE APPEALS: • Pathos • Sym(path)y– appeal • Logos • Logic • Ethos • Ethical (credibility/ethics of the author)


  10. Thesis Statements: • Central argument of a paper • 1-2 sentences at the end of the 1st paragraph • Three main components: • topic • argument • 2-4 main points or reasoning behind the argument • Extra note: Try not to include “judgmental” statements • e.g. “Abortion is a horrible choice to make..” • Instead: “Abortion should be banned because…”

  11. HW: • Create at least TWO potential thesis statements you can use for your paper • Read chapter 5 in Tattoos

  12. Exit: • Hand in your answer to the “logical progression of chapters” question from your HW last night • What are the three components of a thesis statement?

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