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Leadership / Management for QI Change (LFC) Among Chief Nurses in the USAPI. Emi Chutaro , Executive Director PIHOA Kris Qureshi, PIHOA TA; Assoc. Prof of Nursing, UHM. LFC Program sponsor: International Council of Nursing (ICN). Key aims:
Leadership / Management for QI Change (LFC) Among Chief Nurses in the USAPI Emi Chutaro, Executive Director PIHOA Kris Qureshi, PIHOA TA; Assoc. Prof of Nursing, UHM
LFC Program sponsor: International Council of Nursing (ICN) Key aims: • Better equip chief nurses (and other middle managers) with the requisite leadership and management skills for effective management of health services • Increase capacity for assessment, planning & implementation of improvements in quality care / services across all sectors of the health system
Background • 04/13 request from PIHOA to form a working group of Chief Nurses (CN) to enhance PIHOA – CN engagement for the purpose of improving health services • 06/13 APNLC meeting in Yap, FSM the bylaws were revised- formed the Chief Nurses Committee
Chief Nurse Committee - purpose and mission Purpose: “Work together to identify and address issues that impact capacity to efficiently and effectively deliver quality care to patients and populations in the hospital and public/community health settings across the US Affiliated Pacific Islands.” Mission: “Develop a system that supports quality nursing care that is cost effective and consistent with the health delivery system in their respective jurisdictions”
Identified two key priorities for action • Leadership and management skill development among the CN • Capacity to analyze nursing operations for the purpose of increasing efficiency, cost effectiveness and quality
Action taken • Contacted the ICN, explored possibility of LFC program for chief nurses • Arranged funding: variety of sources: PIHOA, UHM Nursing, reduced rate from ICN • Program session #1 (of 3) scheduled for June 23-27, 2014, in Honolulu right after APNLC meeting
About the ICN LFC program The General objective of the program is to strengthen the capacity for nursing leadership and managementso that: • CN are better equipped to improve the quality of services and meet other critical challenges facing the health sector • CN will help train others in a “second generation” program, thus enhancing the capacity for impact across the health care system.
LFC Program Methods • Workshops: Corecontent - organization and management, resource utilization, nursing leadership and project planning, implementation and evaluation. • Learning Activities: Many different learning activities are employed both during workshops and between workshops to develop the leadership and management skills • Mentor: Each participant is required to identify a personal Mentor who will challenge and support their personal leadership and management development. • Individual Development Plan: Each participant must develop and maintain an Individual Development Plan which is used to guide their personal leadership and management development. • Team Projects: All participants will be in membership of Project Teams and will deliver a QI project by the end of the LFC program. The aim of the Team Projects is to a) change or improve some aspect of the health or nursing service
Logistics • LFC program is delivered via 3 face to face sessions over the course of 9 months, with assigned work in home country between sessions • Location: UH Manoa; housing EW Center • PIHOA can fund one CN from each jurisdiction; for those that want to participate, the Minister / Director of Health will identify that participant • The Minister/ Director may opt to send up to 2-3 additional participants, but will be required to support their travel and housing (marginal cost) for the additional participants • The Minister/ Director will assign a senior level manager to serve as the on site mentor, and UH Manoa Nursing faculty will serve as distance based advisors in between sessions
Specific activities and deliverables • Sessions in Honolulu, HI (n=3 one wk. sessions) • In between sessions at home jurisdiction: • On site mentor provides support, empowerment and encouragement • CN forms/ leads an interdisciplinary team for a change for improvement project • CN initiates on site training for others • End of the program- concludes with train the trainer, CN expected to serve as a key trainer within the organization and mentor others going forward
Conclusion • Nursing is the largest segment of the healthcare workforce and is a natural reservoir for program managers • Basic nursing education in the most of the USAPI is technical in nature, and does not include leadership / or management • Your CN pool has extensive institutional and local knowledge- cultivation of CN leadership and management potential coupled with empowerment will add significant capacity for moving health services forward across the region
Questions? • Mahalo to PIHOA and the Ministers and Directors of Health for your ongoing efforts for the endeavor.