Andrew Erik Nate Joana Charlie Tyler Transition West Students Student Presentation Facilitator Speaker Speaker Speaker Speaker Video eFolio Project Agenda Instruction approach - Student Reflections - Sample Student Pages - Q & A
Demonstrate Explain Guide Instructional Approach Enable
Student Reflections What did I learn doing this project? What did I learn about myself? How will this project help me with my future? What technology did you use in this project? One thing I would change about the project?
Page IEP Goals CARES Future Goals Career & Tech Career Options Sample eFolio Who Andrew Erik Nate Joana Tyler
Granters Qwest & Minnesota Business Partnership Recipient Northeast Metro 916 Intermediate School District - Transition Program Grant Title Electronic Portfolios (eFolios) - Transitioning into the Real World Participants 18-21 transition students with a variety a disabilities Goal Students will create an eFolio that highlights transition into adult life. 2009 Teacher & Technology Grant Award