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ARCTAS BrO Measurements from the OMI and GOME-2 Satellite Instruments

ARCTAS BrO Measurements from the OMI and GOME-2 Satellite Instruments. ARC-IONS Data Workshop 7-8 January 2009 University of Toronto. Kelly Chance, Thomas Kurosu, Trevor Beck, Andreas Richter, Michel van Roozendael, William Simpson, Ross Salawitch, Tim Canty, Yuhang Wang. Introduction

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ARCTAS BrO Measurements from the OMI and GOME-2 Satellite Instruments

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  1. ARCTAS BrO Measurements from the OMI and GOME-2 Satellite Instruments ARC-IONS Data Workshop 7-8 January 2009 University of Toronto Kelly Chance, Thomas Kurosu, Trevor Beck, Andreas Richter, Michel van Roozendael, William Simpson, Ross Salawitch, Tim Canty, Yuhang Wang

  2. Introduction BrO has been measured robustly and globally from space since the first GOME measurements in 1998 (Chance, GRL 1998), +, + • Enhanced tropospheric BrO has long been observed over the Arctic and Antarctic ice pack in the polar spring.

  3. OMI BrOTropospheric Shelf Ice 11 March 2005 • BrO is a strong source of O3 destruction in the stratosphere and troposphere. • BrO is measured globally now by SCIAMACHY, GOME-2, and OMI

  4. OMI BrOTropospheric Salt Lakes1st Observation from Satellite

  5. OMI BrOVolcanoes …1st Observation from Satellite Ambrym: First satellite-based BrO observation in volcanic plumes!


  7. Best Fitting

  8. Fitting satellite BrO • Requires precise (dynamic) wavelength and slit function calibration, Ring effect correction, undersampling correction, and proper choices of reference spectra (HITRAN!) • Best trace gas column fitting results come from directfitting of satellite radiances

  9. GOME BrO fitting for the FIRS-2 overflight on April 30, 1997. The integration time is 1.5s. The fitting precision is 4.2% and the RMS is 2.710-4 in optical depth. Fitting and inversion give a vertical BrO column of 9.31013 cm-2.

  10. Differences among satellites and algorithms are a 30% or less issue (NB GOME-1). • Over high albedos, tropospheric and stratospheric AMFs differ by about a factor of two.

  11. Salawitch et al., AGU Fall 2008: ARCTAS & ARCPAC Inorganic Bromine Measurements  April 2008 deployment from Fairbanks, Alaska  Scientific Focus: quantification of the relationship between OMI BrO and the nearly complete removal of ozone in Arctic boundary layer “Ozone Depletion Events”  OMI BrO: New “off line” retrieval that fits 320.5 356.5 nm region for BrO, O3, HCHO, SO2, OClO Publicly available retrieval: fits 340.5  358.5 nmregion for BrO, O3, HCHO, SO2, OClO, and O2-O2 New retrieval: low residuals, much higher signal to noise, but slight correlation with surface albedo OMI retrievals by Thomas Kurosu GOME-2 retrievals by Trevor Beck

  12. SAO NRT algorithm

  13. SAO new and improved algorithm

  14. NOAA/SAO collaboration

  15. The End!

  16. ESA Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment • Nadir-viewing UV/vis/NIR • 240-400 nm @ 0.2 nm • 400-790 nm @ 0.4 nm • Launched April 1995 • Footprint 320 x 40 km2 • 10:30 am cross-equator time, • descending node • Global coverage in 3 days

  17. SCIAMACHY • German/Dutch/Belgian Atmospheric Spectrometer • 2002 launch on ESA Envisat • Adds (to GOME) continuous coverage to 1700 nm, plus IR bands at 2.0 m (CO2) and 2.4 m (CO, N2O) • Higher spatial resolution footprint than GOME (as good as 30  60 km2) • Adds limb scattering and limited solar occultation measurements • Nadir-limb subtraction improves tropospheric measurements • Data and validation are still in a preliminary stage

  18.  2%

  19. High resolution solar reference spectrum

  20. GOME BrO fitting: Relative contributions absorption by atmospheric BrO (top) and the Ring effect - the inelastic, mostly rotational Raman, part of the Rayleigh scattering – (bottom).

  21. BrO Tropospheric Volcanoes … 1st Observation from Satellite Ambrym Eruption: 4th February 2005, OMI Granule 02968 BrO SO2 courtesy of Simon Carn, UMBC

  22. BrO: The Future • Polar spring BrO/tropospheric O3 • Higher spatial resolution • Better correlation; chemistry (high latitude Hg deposition) • Volcanoes! • Salt lakes!

  23. OMI Overpass × Thule Thule Flight 4: 080404 (Fairbanks to Thule) T. Kurosu, K. Chance, T. Beck, G. Huey, A. Weinheimer ↑ DC8 O3 DC8 Alt → OMI Column (1013 mol/cm2) OMI Overpass × DC8 Br2

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