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GOME-2 Polarisation measurements. Gijsbert Tilstra (KS/AK) Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI). CK/AK Science Meeting, KNMI, De Bilt, 09-03-2010. Outline Introduction: polarisation and Stokes parameters Polarisation measurements by GOME-2
GOME-2 Polarisation measurements Gijsbert Tilstra (KS/AK) Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) CK/AK Science Meeting, KNMI, De Bilt, 09-03-2010
Outline • Introduction: polarisation and Stokes parameters • Polarisation measurements by GOME-2 • Polarisation validation: special geometries method • Quality of GOME-2 polarisation • First results of GOME-2 AOT retrieval using polarisation data CK/AK Science Meeting, KNMI, De Bilt, 09-03-2010
1 / Polarisation (picture: fully polarised light) Sunlight: unpolarised Atmospheric light: partly polarised; Stokes vector {I, Q, U, V} Q and U together describe the linear part of the polarisation, V describes circular polarisation (V≈0 for atmospheric light) Q = I0°– I90° U = I45°– I135° Q = P I cos 2 U = PIsin 2 P = degree of linear polarisation = (angular) direction of linear polarisation CK/AK Science Meeting, KNMI, De Bilt, 09-03-2010
2 / Polarisation measurements by GOME-2 The parallel (I0°) and perpendicular (I90°) components of the incoming light are measured using two Polarisation Measurement Devices: PMD-p and PMD-s End product: Stokes fraction Q/I (note: Q/I = P cos 2) GOME-1: • 3 PMD bands (broad) • only parallel component measured, main science channel information needed • footprint size = footprint size of main science channels = 320 х 40 km2 • number of observations per PMD band per orbit: ~1400 GOME-2: • 15 PMD bands (programmable) • parallel and perpendicular component both measured (PMD-p / PMD-s) • footprint size = footprint size of PMDs = 10 х 40 km2 • number of observations per PMD band per orbit: ~150.000 CK/AK Science Meeting, KNMI, De Bilt, 09-03-2010
2 detector arrays on board: PMD-p and PMD-s, each containing 1024 detector pixels • First 748 pixels : not used • Next 20 pixels : swuv, currently not used • Last 256 pixels : 300–1200 nm (res. 2.8–40 nm) The PMD-p and PMD-s detector arrays are read out in 15 programmable bands: The first 7 PMD bands are positioned between 300 and 400 nm to help improve the polarisation correction of the radiance spectra in this part of the UV. GOME-1: one PMD (broadband, 295–397 nm). CK/AK Science Meeting, KNMI, De Bilt, 09-03-2010
Example of Stokes fraction Q/I measured by GOME-2: PMD λ (nm) 01 312 03 325 05 338 07 382 09 460 11 554 13 639 1 11 9 7 5 3 13 Typical for polarisation: strong dependence on scattering geometry CK/AK Science Meeting, KNMI, De Bilt, 09-03-2010
3 / Validation: special geometries method Below 300 nm: single scattering in ozone layer analytical P = Pss and = ss Above 300 nm: multiple scattering, surface reflection, … Direction of polarisation: ≈ss for the majority of scenes POLDER data: Also supported by RT simulations So, above 300 nm we still have ≈ss Schutgens et al., JGR 109, 2004 CK/AK Science Meeting, KNMI, De Bilt, 09-03-2010
ss = 45° or 135° : Q/I = P cos 2 ≈ P cos 2ss = 0 (irrespective of P!) Special geometries along the GOME-2 orbit for which this holds (blue points): (Q/I)ss Q/I PMD 1 Backscatter geometries: P ≈ 0 Q/I ≈ 0 (red points) CK/AK Science Meeting, KNMI, De Bilt, 09-03-2010
4 / Quality of GOME-2 polarisation Current level-1b version: v4.4, high quality Stokes fractions Processor versions up to 3.3: many (software) bugs, low-quality Stokes fractions affecting the quality of the polarisation correction and the Earthshine spectra Steps forward in data processor: Verification/validation using special geometry approach, starting from v3.4, improvements, effects of instrument degradation, et cetera CK/AK Science Meeting, KNMI, De Bilt, 09-03-2010
Processor version 3.4 / PMD band definition v1.0 14 June 2007, one orbit blue points : |cos(2ss)| ≤ 0.01 red points : 177° ≤ Θ ≤ 180° green points : (Q/I)ss • Wavelength dependent offset • Scan-angle dependence • Two branches exist Branches: Northern and Southern part of the orbit, separated by the principal plane (where the backscattering points are located). CK/AK Science Meeting, KNMI, De Bilt, 09-03-2010
Check: sunlight is unpolarised By studying the ratio of the calibrated full spectrum solar irradiance measured by PMD-p and PMD-s, and by shifting PMD-s w.r.t. PMD-p by 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 detector pixels, we found a misalignment of ~2 detector pixels in the UV below 400 nm. The spectral misalignment between PMD-p and PMD-s is not the cause of the absolute calibration error (key data issue). PMD band definition 1.0: no misalignment between PMD-p and PMD-s foreseen. EUMETSAT uploaded a new PMD band definition, v2.0, to the GOME-2 instrument, using a shift of 4 detector pixels in the UV. CK/AK Science Meeting, KNMI, De Bilt, 09-03-2010
Processor version 3.6 / PMD band definition v2.0 9 October 2007, one orbit blue points : |cos(2ss)| ≤ 0.01 red points : 177° ≤ Θ ≤ 180° green points : (Q/I)ss Clearly a strong overcorrection. The wavelength calibration of the two PMDs turned out to be incorrect, leading to an overestimation of the spectral misalignment of PMD-p w.r.t. PMD-s in PMD band definition v2.0. EUMETSAT completely renewed the algorithm dealing with the wavelength calibration of the PMDs, resulting in a new PMD band definition, v3.1. CK/AK Science Meeting, KNMI, De Bilt, 09-03-2010
Processor version 3.8 / PMD band definition v3.1 5 February 2008, one orbit blue points : |cos(2ss)| ≤ 0.01 red points : 177° ≤ Θ ≤ 180° green points : (Q/I)ss • Offsets ≈ 0 (for exact nadir) • Scan-angle dependence • Branches have joined together Idea: scan-angle dependence of polarisation key data incorrect. EUMETSAT: new polarisation key data obtain from PMD raw mode, using special geometries method. CK/AK Science Meeting, KNMI, De Bilt, 09-03-2010
Processor version 3.9 / PMD band definition v3.1 / New polarisation key data 26 March 2008, one orbit blue points : |cos(2ss)| ≤ 0.01 red points : 177° ≤ Θ ≤ 180° green points : (Q/I)ss Scan-angle dependence better, but can still be improved. There are still systematic offsets, but only for the longer wavelengths (so, not caused by spectral misalignment PMDs). Processor version 4.0: sign of U/I. Effect on Q/I small, large effect on radiance main science channels. CK/AK Science Meeting, KNMI, De Bilt, 09-03-2010
Instrument degradation PMD-p / PMD-s: PMD band definition used:green : v1.0blue : v3.1 Accuracy of the method: 0.001–0.005 Trend due to degradation Relative changes in PMD-p and PMD-s throughput were not anticipated. This needs to be corrected some way. CK/AK Science Meeting, KNMI, De Bilt, 09-03-2010
Processor version 4.4 / PMD band definition v3.1 / New polarisation key data + ‘‘an additional time dependent correction to the key data meant to solve key data issues, the effects of instrument degradation, and other unknown issues’’ 30 October 2009, one orbit blue points : |cos(2ss)| ≤ 0.01 red points : 177° ≤ Θ ≤ 180° green points : (Q/I)ss Looks pretty much ok. CK/AK Science Meeting, KNMI, De Bilt, 09-03-2010
5 / First results from GOME-2 AOT retrieval • Algorithm uses PMD 6–15 (Stokes fraction Q/I and reflectance R) • Spatial resolution: PMD footprint size (10 х 40 km2) • 29 aerosol models, with different aerosol types and layer heights • Currently in validation phase Sensitive to effects of instrument degradation Retrieval over land is still problematic An accurate PMD cloud filter is essential, this needs to be improved CK/AK Science Meeting, KNMI, De Bilt, 09-03-2010
AOT versus AAI: Does not look too bad High values in sunglint areas: ? (AOT: light grey = clouded, no result) (AAI: light grey = sunglint geometry) (sunglint filtered out) CK/AK Science Meeting, KNMI, De Bilt, 09-03-2010
6 / Summary, conclusions • Polarisation retrieval of GOME-2 was fixed using a combination of in-flight calibration and “special geometries” validation method • GOME-2 AOT algorithm in validation phase CK/AK Science Meeting, KNMI, De Bilt, 09-03-2010
Extra slides (R) CK/AK Science Meeting, KNMI, De Bilt, 09-03-2010
0 / Validation techniques • Verification: comparison with single scattering 0 < Q/I < (Q/I)ss for most measurements • Satellite intercomparison: usually not possible • Limiting atmospheres • Special (validation) geometries CK/AK Science Meeting, KNMI, De Bilt, 09-03-2010