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To select a Block To select 1 young educated people from each Samsad , if possible or 10 people from each GP and build their capacity to do the work along with SIPRD To train all GP members in 4 groups To train Pradhans & Upa-pradhans on programmes , Planning , programme & office management ( Hand on ) at GP To make people aware ( women separately ) about Sustainable Rural Development – Need for a proper Dev. environment --the key areas for sustainable human development –Role of all GovtProgrammes in that purpose --survey of Need and resource – planning through-- a)Wall writing – b) Leaflet / booklet c)Film showing --Drama –puppet show d) Para Baithak campaign by Facilitator tram
To build capacity of PS members and BLOCK officials ( including Agri , Live Stock , Fishery , ICDS , Land , Education , Health etc ) in two groups at BDO office regarding –Sustainable Rural development and its VISION , probable strategy --principles and working guidelines of related programmes --convergence of all programmes / depts. : the holistic approach & plan , budgeting --programme & office management --evaluation : output and outcome measurements / survey . • To guide the PS members and officials to analyse data of the Block , find out the areas of low achievement and reasons thereof , set goals for the rest of their tenure ( i.e – two and half years ) and thus prepare a vision document to guide the perspective & annual plan Samsad / Gp wise and for the Block itself . • To arrange Mahila Samsad to make them specially aware about their specific needs and programmes of the Govt. for them , to empower them and to get their specific need-list prepared by them for placement in the Samsad .
To activate and build capacity of the GUS for preparing plan , taking the suggestions of the MahilaSamsdad and common people into consideration • To guide the GP to arrange Gram Samsad timely and finalise the need-list or plan and to inform all necessary information to the people for that . • To Guide to form a technical team with working , retired or unemployed young technical/semi technical persons and verify the viability of the need list based probable schemes and speculate the scheme amount by them at GP level • To guide to make a Upa-samiti wise GP plan using PLAN PLUS software - scheme formation –establishing co relation between available funds and schemes --budgeting
To guide to hold Block Samsad and placement of needs or schemes which could not be incorporated in GP plan and making list of those schemes Sthayee Samiti wise • To guide PS to Prepare the perspective and annual plan of PS , SS wise ---using PLAN PLUS ---budgeting • At this juncture the first phase of the Role of Capacity building of the PRI Members & officials comes to an end .
The second phase relates to execution and evaluation. This is to be done by the GP & PS ; but according to principle of PR system people has a role to play here both as a partner of the execution process and as a watchdog . This involvement of the people would empower them in real term and make them true citizen ; this would also ensure better implementation of the programmes with less leakage of resources . Hence at this juncture SIPRD would be on the people’s side , would continuously make them aware for being involved in the process and if needed to raise questions to the implementers. SIPRD would also watch if there is any gap in comparison to the ideal situation / guideline in the execution process and find out the reasons for such gap
To make people aware continuously and activate them to ask for feedback of the plan they made from the Member who in turn would ask for it in GP General meeting / PS General meeting and thus indirectly influence the GP & PS to hold General meeting properly and regularly to disseminate information through general members to the people . • If seen it is due to lack of skill / capacity of the PRI functionaries or officials that things are moving slowly and improperly , to build capacity /skill of them on that specific problems / issues again through refresher course ; to suggest official system improvement ( both GP and Block ) if needed . • To work as a facilitator of the people so that they can pressurize the GP for speedy , fair , skillful implementation of plan . • To guide GP & PS to form social audit team and train them and get the social audit done of some important Programme like NREGS , IAY , etc ; to guide to make the idea of involving people in the execution process a reality; using MAY samsad as a social audit platform being both on the GP side by guiding them to prepare simple , realistic and objective reports on the service delivery performance and on the peoples’ side to facilitate to ask question
To identify best practices ----follow them up continuously -- video graphing the work from prior- to –scheme- condition till its completion & end result and then measuring the output and outcome , both by data , people’s verbal opinion and video graph . • To identify the Gaps / problems which are chronic in nature ; to find out the reasons of such problems -- which may be inherent in the work principle /guideline of the programme or inherent in the socio-political system or in the work procedure or in the lack of capacity of PRI members / Govt. officials ; study it thoroughly keeping both visual & written records of that study and try to find out a realistic optimum solution to it .
In the whole process to act as a passive observer and capacity builder / guide / facilitator basically on behalf of the people to improve their standard of life and to see how far the ideal of Local self govt , decentralization , people’s participation and planned sustainable rural development visualized in the PR Act / principle and preached by SIPRD is translatable into reality if done in a proper attitude and having necessary knowledge & skill . To see whether PR system can function better , deliver the services better , uplift the condition of economy and social justice to a greater height if provided with necessary knowledge and skill support continuously for a long time . • Also to go on recording everything in the process ---all the IEC s, trainings , people’s voices , survey & planning methods , decision making meetings , office & work procedure , social audit , success stories , problems -- every thing which later on would be the best possible training materials to be used in-house .
ON SOCIAL SECURITY What are the basic needs of the family 1) 2) 3) 4) What the family could have done to increase income , the options are ----- 1) 2)