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唐冠軍教室 珠璣集

唐冠軍教室 珠璣集. 104. With knowledge and skills, you can stand up to any recession. 104. 只要有真才實學,就不怕不景氣 導向成功的金玉良言 --- 成功秘碼 48 條 如何致富?且聽聽看富爸爸富媽媽是怎麼說的。. Click for next page.

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唐冠軍教室 珠璣集

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  1. 唐冠軍教室 珠璣集 104. With knowledge and skills, you can stand up to any recession. 104. 只要有真才實學,就不怕不景氣 導向成功的金玉良言 --- 成功秘碼 48條 如何致富?且聽聽看富爸爸富媽媽是怎麼說的。 Click for next page

  2. Having competition is never a problem. The only problem is when you’re not competitive enough. As long as you work harder than others, and are more capable, you won’t have any fear for competitions. 「沒有競爭的問題,只有你比不過別人的問題。只要你比別人努力、比別人強,你就不會害怕競爭。」 It’s never really about the economy; it’s just a matter of who is more competitive. 「沒有景氣的問題,只有競爭的問題。」

  3. Success is earned by your own hard work, not as a hand-out from others. 「成功是靠自己的努力得來,成功不是依靠別人的施捨。」 Only those willing to work hard can stay on their feet in this economy, and only those who are eager to learn and willing to put in their sweat equity will always have a job. 「只有努力的人才能站立的住,只有肯學習、肯打拼的人,才能長期擁有工作。」 Company cutbacks are not the source of the problem, it’s how hard you work that matters. 「沒有失業 / 被裁員的問題,只有工作努不努力的問題。」

  4. Losing your job is not the source of the problem, it’s how much you know that matters. 「沒有失業的問題,只有自己知識不夠的問題。」 If it so happens that you’re laid off, don’t blame your manager. Consider the possibility that it is the lack of progress on your part that has doomed your career. 「如果你不幸被解僱,不要怪罪主管,要怪就怪你自己是否不長進?」 Unemployment is not the source of the problem; it’s your performance that matters. 「沒有失業的問題,只有自己表現好不好的問題。」

  5. Taxes are not the source of the problem; the problem is your income being too low. As long as you have a job with a steady income, there will be no insurmountable problem. All you need is the resolve to deal with it. 「沒有繳稅的問題,只有自己收入不夠的問題。只要有工作、有收入,一切問題都可以解決,最重要的是你要有解決問題的誠意。」 Crashing stock market is not the source of the problem; it’s people’s greed that inflates the market. 「沒有股價暴跌的問題,只有貪婪與炒股的問題。」 It’s nothing rare to be profitable when times are good. A real testament to greatness is when you can turn a profit under harsh circumstances. 「在順境中能賺到錢有什麼了不起,只有在逆境中能賺到錢的人才是偉大。」

  6. Be cautious around fund managers—they are not really smarter than you; they’re just very good at using your greed to suck away your money. 「你要謹慎小心,大多數的基金經理人並不比你聰明,他們只是利用人性的貪婪在騙你的錢。」 The fact that fund managers are still in business when countless investors have gone bankrupt under their management goes to prove they’re nothing but liars and frauds. 「基金經理人把投資人的錢都給輸光了,還在繼續做經理人,這就是他們還在騙人的證據。」

  7. The stock market doesn’t care if you’re up or down; the only thing that matters is how much confidence you have. 「股市沒有賺賠的問題,股市只有信心的問題。」 What drives you to buy stocks? The answer is your confidence that the market will rise. Would you buy stocks if you don’t believe that the stock market will rise? Hence, it’s not about making money or losing money, it’s about how much confidence you have. 「 為什麼要買股票?因為你對股價上漲有信心,如果你對股價上漲沒有信心的話,你會買股票嗎?所以說:沒有賺賠的問題,只有信心的問題。」

  8. The economic recession prompts us to live a humble, simple life, to keep learning and working, to start saving money, and to sharpen our skills so that when an opportunity comes our way, we can give it the best our best. 「面對經濟不景氣,我們要簡單生活,謙卑以對,並且努力學習,勤奮工作,節約蓄儲,準備好自己的實力,當發財的機會降臨時,就可奮力一擊。」 A bad environment is not the source of the problem; it’s how well you adapt that matters. 「沒有環境不利的問題,只有適應環境的問題。」

  9. Nothing is ever perfect. When you hit a rough patch in your life, learn to adapt and be patient; learn to breakthrough and innovate; learn to be brave and admit it when you’re wrong; and learn to become a successful investor. 「天下沒有十全十美的事,碰到不利的環境,你要學習適應,學習忍耐,學習突破,學習創新,學習勇敢,學習認錯,學習投資。」 Being outdated is not the source of the problem; it’s your ability to innovate that matters. 「沒有老舊的問題,只有創新的問題。」

  10. Knowledge doesn’t guarantee you success, but without it, you’re guaranteed to fail. 「有知識雖不保證你一定成功,但是如果沒知識,我保證你一定失敗。」 It is because of ignorance and greed that people pretend to be richer than they really are, spending beyond their means, buying houses with low or zero down payment plans. In the end, their cash flow becomes a problem, and the house gets taken by the bank. All in all, these people, and their families with them, fall victim to their own foolishness. 「因為當初的貪婪與無知,人們才會打腫臉充胖子,過度消費,用低頭款或零頭款去買房子。最後因為財物周轉不靈,房子被銀行收回,倒頭來受害的還是自己與自己的家人。」

  11. Do not blame your low income on bad economy. Think hard on why you make so little while the next man struck it rich. Ask what mistakes have you made and how much effort have you put in to get what you want. 「僅埋怨 景氣不好,收入減少是於事無補的,你總要檢討自己,為什別人可以賺到錢,而你賺不到錢?你的錯誤在哪裡?你的努力在哪裡?」 Other’s complaints are not the source of the problem; it’s admitting your mistakes that matters. 「沒有抱怨的問題,只有認錯的問題。」

  12. Money is not the source of the problem; it’s making wise investments that matters. 「沒有錢途的問題,只有投資的問題。」 You can only earn so much working on your own, for both your time and the amount of work you can do are limited. When you hire people, you are effectively using their time and energy to create wealth with only minor investments on your part—such is the advantage of being investors and business owners. 「不能僅靠自己的雙手賺錢,不能僅靠自己的時間賺錢,因為你的雙手與時間都是有限的。想賺更多的錢,你就要借用他人的雙手與時間,花些小代價,雇用他人為你創造財富,這就是投資與創業。」

  13. Leveraging other people’s time, energy, and contributions is the key to becoming rich. 「借用他人的雙手與時間,依靠他人貢獻賺錢,這就是賺大錢的唯一方法。」 Being poor is not the source of the problem; it’s the lack of financial skills that matters. 「沒有貧窮的問題,只有不會理財的問題。」 No healthy man should allow themselves to become impoverished. The poor are often victims of their own laziness and unwise financial planning. 「四肢健全的人,沒有資格做窮人。只有不會理財又偷懶的人,才會天天叫窮。」

  14. Job, money, wealth, social status, education, reputation, lawfulness, health, family, love, friendship, kinship, religion, and spirituality are all important facets of life. They all deserve to be given an equal amount of attention and thought. 「工作、金錢、財富、地位、學問、名譽、守法、健康、家庭、愛情、友情、親情、信仰、心靈都是重要的人生大事,但你不可以重這個,輕那個,總要做到平衡,面面俱到。」 Life is more valuable than money. A fulfilled person will not be easily troubled by material gains and losses. Only an empty soul craves wealth at all cost. 「生命比金錢更重要。心靈豐富的人,對於得失、金錢、財富,會看得很淡薄,只有心靈貧乏的人,才會盲目的追求金錢。」

  15. The one who forsakes his heart for the pursuit of money is in fact the poorest person in the world, owning nothing but money. 「只追求金錢而忽略心靈的人,他是世界上最窮的人,窮得只剩下錢。」 Work hard and stem out your greed. The only way to obtain a peaceful life is to stay true to your conscience, follow the law, and stick to your moral code. 「努力工作、戒除貪婪。做事憑良心,守法、守紀、守道德,這樣才可以有生活上的平安。」

  16. Stay positive and have faith in what the future holds, and your life will change for the better. Inner peace leads to a peaceful life. 「對未來要永遠抱著信心與希望,這樣你的人生就會愈來愈好。只要能心安,生活就有平安。」 Finding peace in your life is not the problem; it’s finding peace in your heart that matters. 「沒有平安的問題,只有心安的問題。」 Having troubles is not the source of the problem; it’s your inability to let go of things troubling you that matters. 「沒有煩惱的問題,只有自尋煩惱的問題。」

  17. Stay positive and have faith in what the future holds, and your life will change for the better. Inner peace leads to a peaceful life. 「對未來要永遠抱著信心與希望,這樣你的人生就會愈來愈好。只要能心安,生活就有平安。」 Finding peace in your life is not the problem; it’s finding peace in your heart that matters. 「沒有平安的問題,只有心安的問題。」 Having troubles is not the source of the problem; it’s your inability to let go of things troubling you that matters. 「沒有煩惱的問題,只有自尋煩惱的問題。」

  18. Worries and frustrations stem from a troubled mind, and losses are often the result of excessive greed. 「一切的煩惱皆由心生,一切的損失皆來自於自己過度的貪婪。」 Optimism and positivity creates momentum while pessimism and negativity kills the will to fight. 「樂觀、積極可以產生動力。悲觀、消極可以抹殺鬥志。」 Hard work and perseverance are the best ways to defy the economic recession. 「努力與忍耐是抵抗經濟不景氣最好的方法。」

  19. Having competition is never a problem. The only problem is when you’re not competitive enough. As long as you work harder than others, and are more capable, you won’t have any fear for competitions. 「沒有競爭的問題,只有自己比不過別人的問題。只要你比別人努力、比別人強,你就不會害怕競爭。」 Knowledge and skills can carry you through any economic crisis. 「只要真才實學,就沒有景氣的問題。」 A capable man with solid skills would never have to worry about unemployment. 「只要有真本領、真功夫,就不怕找不到工作。」

  20. As long as you’re willing to put in the hard work, there’s always a job for you. Be flexible and adaptive, and you will always stay employed. 「只要肯吃苦,就永遠有事可以做。只要身段柔軟,就不怕沒事做。」 To a man with valuable skills and talents, no bad economy will pose a problem. 「只要有真本領、真功夫,就不怕不景氣。」 Bad economy entails great opportunities. When everyone else is struggling in despair, your big break is coming your way. 「愈是不景氣,愈是好機會。當人們都處在絕望之中,你的機會就來了。」

  21. Don’t be afraid of downturn and unemployment, as long as you have real skills, unemployment is an opportunity to create / open business. As long as you have enough knowledge and savings, you have a qualification of own your business. 「不要怕不景氣,不要怕會失業,只要你有真本領,失業就是創業良機。只要你擁有足夠的知識與儲蓄,你就擁有創業的資格。」 Opportunities are born in the midst of despair. The strong and resilient always come out victors. 「許多機會都是從絕望中生出來的。堅強有毅力的人,終將是勝利者。」 Esc For Exit

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