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Apprenticeship Training in Austria (measures for drop-outs and early school leavers)

www.bmwfj.gv.at. Apprenticeship Training in Austria (measures for drop-outs and early school leavers). Outline. www.bmwfj.gv.at. Main characteristics of apprenticeship training Integrative Initial Vocational Training Training guarantee for young people

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Apprenticeship Training in Austria (measures for drop-outs and early school leavers)

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  1. www.bmwfj.gv.at Apprenticeship Training in Austria(measures for drop-outs and early school leavers)

  2. Outline www.bmwfj.gv.at • Main characteristics of apprenticeship training • Integrative Initial Vocational Training • Training guarantee for young people • Coaching and counseling for trainees and training providers • Subsidies for apprenticeship

  3. Apprenticeship Training in Austria www.bmwfj.gv.at • „dual system“ training in two places and trainingenterprise part-time vocationalschool • Duration: 2 to 4 years (mostly 3) • Precondition: 9 years compulsury school

  4. Training takesplace in … www.bmwfj.gv.at • Enterprises • 80 % of the training period • apprenticeship contract between enterprise and apprentice • learning in practice for practice, learning through productive work using state-of-the-art technologies • training regulation with training profile (Ministry of Economy) curriculum for the enterprise-based training and competence profile (for learning outcomes) • Part-time vocationalschools • 20 % oftheperiod (1 or 2 days a weekorperiodical) • theoreticalsubject-relatedtraining, generaleducation, supplementarypracticaltraining • curriculum (Ministryof Education)

  5. Facts andFigures www.bmwfj.gv.at • 204 apprenticeships (2012) • 35.084 apprenticeship training companies (31.12.2011)

  6. Facts andFigures www.bmwfj.gv.at • 125.763apprentices (31.10.2012) – about 40 % of the peer group 117.230 8.533 training companies supra-company (AMS)

  7. Possibilitiesfordropouts www.bmwfj.gv.at • IBA (Integrative Initial Vocational Training) if not completed or no positive compulsury school • Training guarantee (pledged by federal government) • Coaching and counseling for trainees and training providers

  8. Possibilitiesfordropouts www.bmwfj.gv.at Integrative Initial Vocational Training

  9. Integrative Initial Vocational Training www.bmwfj.gv.at Tailored vocational training for people disadvantaged on the labour market Target groups: • Leavers of special needs schools • Youth who did not successfully acquire qualification at lower secondary level • People with disabilities • People who are not suitable to be placed into a regular apprenticeship relation for “reasons related to the person himself/herself”

  10. Integrative Initial Vocational Training www.bmwfj.gv.at Training since 2003 (due to § 8b BAG) • Training within a prolonged apprenticeship scheme (§ 8b Abs. 1 BAG) full apprenticeship with longer training period (prolongation of the programm 1 to max. 2 years) • Acquisition of partial qualifications (§ 8b Abs. 2 BAG) duration: 1 to 3 years

  11. Integrative Initial Vocational Training www.bmwfj.gv.at 5.473 IIVT Training Places (per 31.10.1012) • Training companies 2931 (prolongued) 616 (partial) • Training institutions 1025 (prolongued) 901 (partial)

  12. Possibilitiesfordropouts www.bmwfj.gv.at Training guarantee for young people

  13. Training guarantee www.bmwfj.gv.at • Training guarantee for young people who cannot be placed into regular apprenticeships • Instrument of the Active Labour Market Policy: establishing of training institutions by the Public Employment Service Austria (AMS) • Possibility to complete the entire training duration until the apprenticeship-leave exam • Financed by the federal budget as well as provincial fundings

  14. Training guarantee www.bmwfj.gv.at • Priority of company-based IVET by targeted efforts for a take over of the young person from the training institution into a company-based apprenticeship • about 8.500 apprentices in training institutions (per 31.10.2012 = about 7,2% of the total number of apprentices)

  15. Possibilitiesfordropouts www.bmwfj.gv.at Coaching and counseling for trainees and training providers Subsidies for apprenticeship

  16. Coaching and counseling for trainees and training providers www.bmwfj.gv.at • support pilot project since October 2012 (in Upper Austria, Styria, Tyrol and Vienna) • personal, professional and independent coaches • request to the Apprenticeship Office (located at the Economic Chambers) – www.lehre-foerden.at

  17. Coaching and counseling for trainees and training providers www.bmwfj.gv.at Who is eligible for the new program to use? • apprentices difficulties in operation, in the private sphere or in achieving educational goals (max. 41 counseling sessions) • trainers in companies to support them in handling apprentices (max. 41 counseling sessions) Financed from funds for operational apprenticeship funding

  18. SubsidiesforApprenticeship www.bmwfj.gv.at basic support for companies: • 1st year: 3 apprentice wages • 2nd year: 2 apprentice wages • 3rd and 4th year: 1 apprentice wages quality related: • Attendance in Training Alliances for additional qualifications • preparation for the final apprenticeship examination • measures for apprentices with learning difficulties • training of trainers • excellent and good final exams • measures to encourage young women in non-traditional occupations • preparation for the university entrance exam

  19. www.bmwfj.gv.at Many thanks for your attention! Mag. Birgit Wenninger-Jost Federal Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth birgit.wenninger-jost@bmwfj.gv.at

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