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Reconstruction. Lincoln Assassination. John Wilkes Booth Ford Theatre April 14, 1865 1 st President killed in office. 2 Plans. Abraham Lincoln – The 10% Plan Offered to pardon any Confederate who took an oath to the Union
Lincoln Assassination • John Wilkes Booth • Ford Theatre • April 14, 1865 • 1st President killed in office
2 Plans • Abraham Lincoln – The 10% Plan • Offered to pardon any Confederate who took an oath to the Union • Denied pardons to Confederate military personnel and government officials • Permitted states to form state governments after 10% of the voters swore an allegiance to the Union • States could then hold elections and participate fully in the Union
Andrew Johnson – Presidential Reconstruction (After Lincoln) • Pardoned southerners who swore an allegiance to the Union • Permitted states to hold a constitutional convention (without Lincoln’s 10%) • States were required to void secession, abolish slavery and ratify the 13th Amendment (to end slavery) • States could then hold elections and participate fully in the Union
New Life for Blacks • Freedoms • Movement • Land ownership • Worship • Learning • Freedman’s Bureau • Gave food, clothing and medicine to freed slaves • Set up schools for freed slaves • Established hospitals for freed slaves
Black Codes • Established by white state governments • Curfews • Vagrancy laws • Labor contracts • Land restrictions
Congressional Reconstruction • Radical Republicans • Harsh on South • Wanted to punish South… treat as conquered territory • Congress passed the Reconstruction Act • Placed South under military rule • Ordered the South to hold elections for Constitutional Conventions and allow blacks to vote • Temporarily barred Southerners who supported Confederacy from voting • South had to guarantee equal rights to all citizens • Southern states had to ratify the 14th Amendment • Any state not in Union by 1869 had to also ratify the 15th Amendment • It passed because Republicans held a majority in the Congress
President vs. Congress • Johnson fired Secretary of War, Edwin Stanton • Stanton was a friend of the Republicans • Stanton was to preside over military rule of the South • Congress impeached Johnson • Congress said firing “unconstitutional” – broke the Tenure of Office Act • Johnson escaped by ONE vote!
Aftermath • Ulysses S. Grant • Won support of Republicans • Became President in 1868 • Rutherford B. Hayes • Became President amid much confusion • Removed federal troops from the South • Blanche K. Bruce became first black man in the Senate
“Undesirables” in the South • Carpetbaggers – Northern Republicans who moved to the South. The South saw them as trying to make a fast buck • Scalawags – White, Southern Republicans seen as traitors • The South blamed Reconstruction for Carpetbaggers, Scalawags and Freedmen