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Please enter the room quietly and make note of the daily objective, class work and homework in your agendas. You will NOT need journals today. . Writing Prompt Procedures: 1) Write name and class period on Writing Prompt Rubric.
Please enter the room quietly and make note of the daily objective, class work and homework in your agendas. You will NOT need journals today.
Writing Prompt Procedures: 1) Write name and class period on Writing Prompt Rubric. 2) Type your name and period on your Writing Prompt Essay. 3) Staple Writing Prompt Rubric on top of Writing Prompt Essay. 4) All Writing Prompts must be typed. You will lose points on your overall score if these procedures are not followed.
MEDIEVAL EUROPE WRITING PROMPT Directions: Use your knowledge from 7.6, the civilizations of Medieval Europe, to address the following prompt in paragraph form. Prompt: During the Middle Ages Europe was eventually united by Christianity. There were many key figures that led to its spread and the creation of Christendom. These leaders range from the various popes that led the Catholic Church to the monarchs that welcomed Christianity. Many Christians even fought valiantly for their religion during the crusades against the Muslims. All were very important in the spread of Christianity Task: Choose two influential leaders that helped the spread of Christianity and write a paragraph comparing and contrasting their impact on the creation of Christendom.
Write this on the back of your rubric. Introduction Sentences:In medieval Europe....(what religion was powerful?) During the middle ages in Europe....(what institution was powerful)? Second Section: Two of the most influential leaders of the Catholic church were...(Identify both of them). Third: Both of them...(how were they similar? What things made them the same?) Fourth Section: However/Even though they both...(expand on how they were different). Final Section: Of these two leaders the one that had the greatest impact on medieval Europe was....(who and why).
EXAMPLE This example uses teachers from Mendez. During the course of the year at Mendez there have been many teachers that have influenced the lives and education of their students. Two of these teachers are Mr. Mark Ryan and Ms. Lizette Cabrera. Both of them teach seventh grade students and are excellent teachers. However, Mr. Ryan teaches history and Ms. Cabrera teaches science. Of the two teachers (Mr. Ryan or Ms. Cabrera) has had a bigger influences on the students because...
Example (Breakdown): Intro:During the course of the year at Mendez there have been many teachers that have influenced the lives and education of their students. Second Section:Two of these teachers are Mr. Mark Ryan and Ms. Lizette Cabrera. (Identify who they are.) Third Section: Both of them teach seventh grade students and are excellent teachers. (Compare - how were they similar). Fourth Section: However, Mr. Ryan teaches history and Ms. Cabrera teaches science. (Contrast - how were they different). Final Section: Of the two teachers (Mr. Ryan or Ms. Cabrera) has had a bigger influences on the students because...
Look up these people and write pages numbers next to their names: Pope Gregory I King Ferdinand Benedict of Nursia St. Patrick St. Bonafice Charlemagne Pope Leo III Queen Isabella Pope Gregory VII Pope Gregory IX Joan of Arc Pope Urban II
Secular Leaders (non-church) Henry IV King John Charles "The Hammer" Martel King William
DUE DATES: ALL PERIODS (1 - 8):Your Writing Prompt is Due Wednesday 03/07/2012 MAKES SURE: 1) Your name and period are written on your rubric form. 2) Your name and period are on your writing prompt. 3) You've stapled your rubric to your writing prompt. 4) Your essay is typed. GO TO MY BLOG: Radfordstimemachine.edublogs.org. Go to my blog if you want to see this lecture again.