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Practical Workshop. WP: 4 Author: ENAIP Place and date: 29/03/2012. Workshops will be a multi- level cross-sector learning sessions dedicated to professionals, tour/cultural operators, economic businesses, local governments & users and realised via web and digital tools, in e-learning.
Practical Workshop WP: 4 Author: ENAIP Place and date: 29/03/2012 Project partner:
Workshops will be a multi- level cross-sector learning sessions dedicated to professionals, tour/cultural operators, economic businesses, local governments & users and realised via web and digital tools, in e-learning. • Workshops will be realised by an IT- Platform that will be created by our partner PP5 Centre for Research and Technology Hellas / Informatics and telematics. Project partner:
Practical Workshop titles • PW n.1 Marketing accessibility in the tourist sector– Resp PP: PP2 Leuca • PW n.2 Policies: Including issues relate to accessibility to CVs in local & regional policies– Resp PP: PP10 Reg. Vratsa • PW n.3 Accessibility checklists (How to check if a CV is accessible to All)– Resp PP: PP8 Kranj • PW n. 4 The "For All" concept– Resp PP: PP3 Adep • PW n. 5 Best Practices on the 5 types of accessibility to CVs– Resp PP: PP6 Munvel Project partner:
Workshop Structure We decide to use a standard structure, to be applied in every Practical Workshop. Each PW Leader has to work with his partners-Group to organize 3 Web Learning Sessions Each Learning Session will be composed by a series of documents and infomation about the topic of PW that every group has to find. Project partner:
3 Web Learning Sessions • Each session will last approximately 1:30 h. • These Web Sessions will be realized through IT Platform • Each group must produce its materials and organize the 3 Sessions • These materials will be up loaded on the IT Platform by PP5 CERTH in a second time. Project partner:
Sessionsorganization: Learning session number 1: • Articles and other material about CV that participants have to read • Questions for participants Project partner:
Sessionsorganization: Learning session number 2: • Articles and other material about CV that participants have to read • Questions for participants Project partner:
Sessionsorganization: • Learning session number 3: • Articles and other material about CV that participants have to read FINAL FORUM: there will be an Expert to answer to all questions the participants have sent Project partner:
All 3 Sessions will be realized in one week. • All participants that will participate to the web Sessions, must leave on our IT Platform their personal data before entering the "PW web Pages". • At the end of PW all participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance. Project partner:
Participants Each PW Group must find participants to his PW. We will try to involve the most number of participants; for this activity we can use CLEAR web site and other Communication materials to publicize Workshops. An e-leaflet will be prepared for each PW in order to nicely show PW contents, aims, objectives, subjects tackled, references, participating experts/ professionals. A web page will be realized showing the PWs contents/aims and related leaflets Project partner:
TIMEFRAME 01/2012 – 07/2012 1)realization contents of PW 2)list of possible participants 3)promotion of workshop 4)distribution of material. Please, you have to send to Enaip your PW Materials, calendar and Plan. Project partner:
TIMEFRAME • From 07 to 09/2012: PP5 CERTH up loads PW materials that PP1 ENAIP will send him on the IT Platform. • From 10 to 11/2012: realization of the 5 Practical Workshop (one PW for Week) Project partner:
PRIORITIES • Every Group has to work to find materials to built the structure of each single Session. • You have to decide how to organize the Web Session, the 5 PW Leaders have to manage this part of activities. Project partner:
PRIORITIES • Every Group has to find his Expert that could answer to participants questions in the 3° Session, during the final FORUM. • Your Expert must take an abstract of the PW informations, that will be avalaible for all at the end of the Project. Project partner:
Riccardo AmadeiFondazione EnaipCentro S. Zavatta Viale Valturio 447921 – Rimini r.amadei@enaiprimini.org Project partner: