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Update on preparations for the Phase 2 TP. TP editing group Editor JH, contact persons: Consolidation of existing: Cristina DT, Armando CSC, Gabriella RPC Simulation: Anna Colaleo , Alexei Safonov New detectors: Archana , Marcello Abbrescia Electronics: Paul Aspell
Update on preparations for the Phase 2 TP • TP editing group • Editor JH, contact persons: • Consolidation of existing: Cristina DT, Armando CSC, Gabriella RPC • Simulation: Anna Colaleo, Alexei Safonov • New detectors: Archana, Marcello Abbrescia • Electronics: Paul Aspell • Integration into CMS and infrastructure, costing: TBD • Technical • Twiki page https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/CMS/HLLHCmuonPhase2 • Outline of TP created (next slide)
Muon TP section outline –version 1.1 1. Introduction ~2 pp 1.1. Physics goals 1.2. General considerations for existing and new detectors Backgrounds Trigger 1.3. Considerations for new detectors Mechanical constraints Infrastructure like power and cooling 1.4. Components of the upgrade 2. Existing muon detector longevity ~10 pp 2.1 .DT (radiation, electronics), including R&D needed 2.2. CSC (chamber rates and radiation), including R&D needed 2.3. RPC (chamber rates and radiation, gas), including R&D needed 3. Performance estimates and simulation plans ~2 pp 3.1. Muon reconstruction efficiency 3.2. Trigger performance 3.3. Capability to handle high background rates 3.4. Performance for representative physics processes 4. The GEM detectors for GE1/1 and GE2/1 ~4 pp 4.1. System overview 4.2. GEM detectors, including rate and radiation tolerance 4.3. On-chamber electronics, electronics layout 4.4. R&D needed 5. The advanced RPC detectors for RE3/1, RE4/1 ~4 pp 5.1. System overview 5.2. Advanced RPC detectors, including rate and radiation tolerance 5.3. On-chamber electronics, electronics layout 5.4. R&D needed 6. The high eta (>2.4) extension ~3 pp 6.1. Scenario with endcap calorimeter replacement 6.2. High granularity detectors, including rate and radiation tolerance 6.3. On-chamber electronics (if different from GE1/1), electronics layout 6.4. R&D needed 7. Infrastructure requirements ~2 pp 7.1. Mechanical and installation constraints 7.2. Gas, cooling, LV, HV, cabling 8. Project planning (or does this belong in a later section of the TP overall?) ~2 pp 8.1. Organization 8.2. Major remaining questions 8.3. Timescale for R&D and production 8.4. Plans towards TDR 9. Cost estimate ~2 pp
From Management Board 13-Jan-2014 • See Didier Contardo’s talk at https://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=290108
Upgrade organization for Phase 2 in 2014- approved at CB93 Upgrades Project Management D. Contardo Deputies: L. Silvestris, J. Mans Resource Manager Technical Coordination 5) Physics Coordination Tracker D. Abbaneo Trigger Perf & Strat.3) O. Buchmueller, W. Smith Offline Coordination ECAL F. Cavallari, C. Jessop PPD Coordination Track Trigger Int. A. Ryd, E. Perez Computing Coordination BRIL A. Dabrowski, D. Stickland Trigger Coordination Run Coordination Endcapcalorimetry4) TBA, TBA DAQ A. Racz Electronics./Online Coor. M. Hansen, C. Schwick EE Shashlik R&D TBA Muon TP coordination 1) J. Hauser • Notes • Will evolve after TP • Will form after TP • Mandate will end with delivery of TP chapter • Mandate will end with TDR choice • Each Coordination will describe upgrade positions HCAL R&D P. de Barbaro L1-Trigger – TSG 2) TBA EE/HE CFCAL R&D TBA EE/HE PFCAL R&D TBA
Main goals for Upgrade Project Management in 2014 • Phase 1 upgrade projects: • Technical Coordination oversees execution, Upgrades Management contributes to review process • Phase 2 upgrades are responsibility of the Upgrade Management: • This year, prepare Technical Proposal describing scope and detector conceptual designs, and including supporting performance studies • Report on R&D program at LHCC Mar. 4 • First draft of TP at Upgrade Week in Karslruhe Mar. 31 - decision point for scope and how to present - depending on study progress • Review cost estimates from Mar. to Jun. • Present status of endcapcalorimetry options and of TP preparation at LHCC Jun. 3 • New draft with full content at CMS week Jun. 23 • July, readers panel prepare for CWR in Aug. • Upgrade week Sep. 1 - update with final studies - approve & submit to LHCC for Sep. 23 meeting
A Few Notes • 1st draft of TP muon section due by Mar. 31 • Procedure for editing (LaTex) TP defined • Internal costing review(s) • Jeff Spalding will convene an internal panel to assess our cost estimates – more details in ~1 week
Recap: the Phase 2 muon plans Three main aspects: • Aging studies, replacement • GIF++ tests for CSC and RPC chamber aging, DT components • Freon replacement for RPC gas after LS3 • DT minicrate replacement • Forward muon trigger and redundancy • GE1/1 and GE2/1 based on improved L1 trigger, redundancy in the most intense region • RE3/1 and R4/1: timing for background rejection and PU mitigation • Forward muon tagging extension (ME0) • Large eta coverage (~2.1-4.0) for big acceptance, S/N boosts in modes with muon • Hermeticity for modes excluding muons
High Rapidity Muon (HRM) layout • Proposed at ECFA workshop