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The Islamic Faith. Creation and Basic Beliefs. Founder: Muhammad Location: Mecca Date: ~613 Deity: Allah Holy Book: Qur'an. The Basics: Islamic Faith. 625-630 CE: Through conquest, Muhammad begins to build an empire, returning to Mecca in 630 Muhammad (Hajj).
The Islamic Faith Creation and Basic Beliefs
Founder: Muhammad • Location: Mecca • Date: ~613 • Deity: Allah • Holy Book: Qur'an The Basics: Islamic Faith
625-630 CE: Through conquest, Muhammad begins to build an empire, returning to Mecca in 630 Muhammad (Hajj) 595-609 CE: Muhammad married Khadija, a wealthy Meccanwidow. They had two sons (who died) and four daughters 613 CE: Muhammad takes the message of Allah public 570 CE: Muhammad is born 622 CE: Muhammad & the Muslims fleeto Medina (Hijrah) 632 CE: Muhammad pilgrimaged to Mecca one last time. Thousands of followers went with him. He died in June of 632. 580-594 CE: During his teens, Muhammad worked as a shepherd and traveled with merchant Abu Talib 610 CE: Muhammad receives his first revelation from Allah. Muhammad: Seal of the Prophets
“They would accept a creed on absolute authority and recite it daily: Allahu Akbar, La Ila ha alla ‘allahu. Muhammad rasula ‘llah. “God is great. I testify that there is no God but Allah. I testify that Muhammad is the apostle of God.” They would [complete] the Five Duties: Recital of the creed, [daily] recital of the set prayers, the fast of Ramadan, almsgiving, and the pilgrimage (or Hajj) to Mecca. They would fight courageously for the victorious faith and die for it, like brave soldiers, the world over. They would avoid certain sins and submit to certain limitations on conduct, such as the avoidance of alcoholic drink or the flesh of the pig.” – excerpt, Religions of the World Made Simple, p. 86 Read the quote. Identify and describe The Five Pillars of Islam in your own words.
Islamic Holy Law • Offers guidance on proper behavior in almost every aspect of life • QUESTION: Although they are not part of the Five Pillars, what other expectations of faithful Muslims are listed in the Religions of the World Made Simple excerpt? Sharia
Muhammad died without a male heir • Caliph – the named successor to Muhammad who is the spiritual and secular leader • QUESTION:What type of government is this? Government under Islam
Sunni Muslims Shi’ite Muslims A Muslim group that accepts only the descendants of Muhammad’s son-in-law Ali as the true rulers of Islam. • A Muslim group that accepts only the descendants of the Umayyads as the true rulers of Islam. The Split in Islam
Question: What do you notice about the split in Islam looking at this modern map?
Shia vs Sunni Catholic vs. Orthodox How is the Split between Muslims like the 1st Christian Schism