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THE ISLAMIC WORLD. GARDINER 13-2 PP. 350-357. LUXURY ARTS. Furnishings of Islamic mosques and palaces -> sumptuous materials and rich decorative patterns Muslim artisans -> worked w/metal, wood, glass, and ivory Ornate ceramics Bronze and brass objects
LUXURY ARTS • Furnishings of Islamic mosques and palaces -> sumptuous materials and rich decorative patterns • Muslim artisans -> worked w/metal, wood, glass, and ivory • Ornate ceramics • Bronze and brass objects • Silk and wool textiles -> featured both abstract and pictorial motifs • Wood was rare -> little movable furnishings -> instead, rugs and cushions
SILK • Confronting lions and palm tree, fragment of a textile said to be from Zandana, near Bukhara, Uzbekistan, eighth century. Silk compound twill, 2’ 11” x 2’ 9 1/2”. • Silks are one of the glories of Islamic art -> fragile -> few survive • The Silk Road = route from Asia to the Middle East and Europe on which goods were shipped • This rare silk fragment is an early example of Islamic silk textiles -> features animal motifs that were common in secular contexts but shunned for mosques
METALWORK • SULAYMAN, Ewer in the form of a bird, 796. Brass with silver and copper inlay, 1’ 3” high. • Cast brass -> signed and dated by its maker -> utilitarian bird ewer resembles a freestanding statue • Engraved decoration on the body combine incised lines suggesting feathers and abstract motifs and Arabic calligraphy
CALLIGRAPHY • Koran page with beginning of surah 18, al-Kahf (The Cave), ninth or early tenth century. Ink and gold on vellum, 7 1/4” x 10 1/4”. • Calligraphy is the most prized art form -> appears on most Islamic works of art • Faithful wanted to reproduce the Koran’s sacred words in as beautiful a script as humanly possible • The practice of calligraphy was a holy task and required long and arduous training • This Koran page shows the stately rectilinear Kufic script -> five text lines and a palm tree finial -> characteristically does not include depictions of animals or humans
LATER ISLAMIC ART AND ARCHITECTURE • New regional centers of Islamic art and architecture appear in the 2nd millennium • Key centers of later Islamic art and architecture are the Middle East, Turkey, and Spain ISLAMIC SPAIN • In the early 11th century the Umayyad caliphs’ power in Spain falls apart • Berber soldiers rule southern Spain for several generations • The Muslim capital of Cordoba fell to the Christians in 1236 • From 1236 until the final defeat of the Muslims in Spain in 1492 an Arab dynasty called the Nasrids rules what’s left from the their capital at Granada
THE ALHAMBRA • In Granada the Nasrids construct a huge palace-fortress called the Alhambra = “the Red” in Arabic because of the rose colored stone used for its walls and 23 towers • Only two of the palaces are preserved in good shape
Alhambra Palace -> The Court of the Lions, a unique remnant of Islamic animal statues.
The Alhambra • Muqarnas dome, Hall of the Two Sisters, Alhambra palace, Granada, Spain, 1354–1391. • Dome sits on octagonal drum supported by squinches -> pierced by 8 pairs of windows • Ceiling covered with 5,000 muqarnas -> intended to catch and reflect sunlight -> form beautiful abstract patterns -> symbolizes the dome of Heaven • MUQARNA = a honeycomb-like decoration often applied in Islamic buildings to domes, niches, capitals, or vaults -> the surface resembles intricate stalactites
The Alhambra • Under the Nasrids, the Alhambra was transformed into a palatine city w/irrigation system composed of acequias for lush and beautiful gardens of the Generalife located outside the fortress. • Previously, the old Alhambra structure had been dependent upon rainwater collected from a cistern and from what could be brought up from the Albaicín. • The creation of the “Sultan’s Canal” solidified the identity of the Alhambra as a sumptuous palace-city rather than a defensive and ascetic structure.
Water does not play the same essential role in traditional European architecture as it does in Islamic architecture. • The Quran states that ‘Every living thing is made of water’, and the prominence of this thought is visible in Islam’s use of water. • The role played by water in Islamic architecture is as symbolic as it is practical. • Water is not only used in a purely utilitarian manner: after all, it is the source of life and thus carries an important symbol - not only for Islam, but also for many cultures that associate it with life, purification and sustainability.
The Alhambra • Of the outlying buildings in connection with the Alhambra, the foremost in interest is the Palacio de Generalife or Gineralife (the Muslim Jennat al Arif, or "Garden of the Architect"). • This villa probably dates from the end of the 13th century, but has been several times restored. • Its gardens, however, with their clipped hedges, grottos, fountains, and cypress avenues, are said to retain their original Moorish character.
detail of an arabesque from the Alhambra • Most design elements in Islamic world are based on plant motifs -> sometimes intermingled w/abstract geometric shapes and, in secular settings, with animal figures • Natural forms are so stylized that they are lost in the purely decorative tracery of the tendrils, leaves, and stalks • These arabesques, as they are often called because they are so characteristic of Islamic (“Arab”) art, form a pattern that covers an entire surface, whether that of a small utensil or the wall of a building. • Patterns have no function but to decorate. Islamic art features 3 types of patterns: Arabesques Calligraphy tessellation
MAUSOLEUM OF SULTAN HASAN • Madrasa-mosque-mausoleum complex of Sultan Hasan (view from the south with the mausoleum in the foreground), Cairo, Egypt, begun 1356. • In mid-13th century Genghiz Khan and the Mongols conquer much of the Eastern Islamic world • Center of Islamic power moved from Baghdad to Egypt • Egypt was ruled by the Mamluks -> their capital was Cairo -> largest Muslim city in the late Middle Ages • This MADRASA = “place of study” was built by Sultan Hasan -> contains 4 madrasas, a mosque, his tomb, and various other buildings
OTTOMAN EMPIRE • Between 9th-11th centuries the Turkic people convert to Islam • Ottoman dynasty was founded by Osman I -> under his successors the Ottomans expand for 2 ½ centuries into Asia, Europe, and N. Africa • Ottoman emperors were lavish patrons of architecture • Dome covered square is the nucleus of all Ottoman architecture • Ottomans conquer Constantinople in 1453 -> Byzantine church of Hagia Sophia is converted into a mosque w/minarets • Central plan mosque is the basic form of Ottoman building
SINAN THE GREAT AND MOSQUE OF SELIM II • SINAN, Mosque of Selim II, Edirne, Turkey, 1568–1575 • Sinan = the most famous Ottoman architect • Mosque w/massive dome and four pencil thin minarets -> dome is higher than Hagia Sophia • Regarded as the climax of Ottoman architecture, Sinan’s forms are clear and legible, like mathematical equations. Height, width, and masses are related to one another in a simple but effective ratio of 1:2
SINAN THE GREAT • Interior of Mosque of Selim II designed by Sinan the Great • Main hall is an octagon formed by 8 massive dome supports -> four half dome-covered corners of the square