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Denmark and Papua New Guinea Comparison

Denmark and Papua New Guinea Comparison . By Stewart Saunders. Section 2a. Show location on world map and written description of location for each country. Papua New Guinea is located in the Asia-pacific region , just north of Australia. Australia is in the Southern Hemisphere. N.

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Denmark and Papua New Guinea Comparison

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  1. Denmark and Papua New Guinea Comparison By Stewart Saunders

  2. Section 2a Show location on world map and written description of location for each country

  3. Papua New Guinea is located in the Asia-pacific region , just north of Australia. Australia is in the Southern Hemisphere. N Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea Source: Taiwan Documents Project, http://www.taiwandocuments.org/map09.htm

  4. Denmark is located in Europe, north of Germany. Europe is in the Northern Hemisphere West of Russia. Europe and Middle east Denmark N Denmark Source: Geology.com http://geology.com/world/europe-satellite-image.shtml

  5. Section 2b Climate for each capital city with brief description.

  6. Look at the two graphs of your capital city • Firstly compare the rainfall • Secondly compare temperatures • Then decide if these two pieces of data would make a difference to whether that country is poor or wealthy. Questions to go with Climate Graph

  7. This Climate Graph shows that Copenhagen has max 78mm of rain a month which is plenty to sustain a developed country and has a reasonably comfortable temperature, but to be perfect it’s minimum would need to be above 0 degrees. But because the temperature does go into negatives this means that citizenswould have heating which is a good indicator of a developed country. Climate Graph for Copenhagen, Denmark

  8. This graph shows that at sometimes of the year (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr) Port Moresby gets over 130mm while at others (Jul, Aug, Sept, Oct) it get less than 20mm. Which would make it hard to sustain crops because of the extreme amounts of water. It also shows that average max and min temperatures stay fairly constant and are not too cold, but are probably a little too hot which could indicate that some family's may have cooling systems which would indicate a country that is beginning to develop. Climate Graph for Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea

  9. Denmark’s rainfall is relatively the same through out the year with their most (68mm) falling in July and their least falling in February (30mm). Because Denmark’s rain is between 68mm and 30mm they have enough fresh water to sustain their population. Where as Papua New Guinea receives their most rain in January (192mm) and their least in August (12mm). Because their rainfall varies so much, I would think that 192mm would be more of a hindrance then a help. For 5 months of the year they get less than 25mm of rain per month. Then excessive amounts of rain fall which would cause flash flooding and lands slides which would destroy farmland, houses and industry. Excessive and minimal are both extreme which would make it hard to keep plants alive through out the year. Rainfall

  10. Denmark’s temperature ranges from -2 in December, January, February (the winter months) to 20 in the summer months (Jun, July, August). This shows that Denmark’s temperature varies a lot making an interesting climate. • Papua New Guineas weather is fairly standard it ranges from 21 in July August to 32 in February. From this I would say that Papua New Guineas winter months would be in Jun, July, August and summer in December, January February. Papua New Guineas climate is probably a little too hot and at sometimes of the year humid (because of the high rain fall) to be a comfortable enviroment Temperature

  11. I think that because of Denmark’s steady amount of rainfall and not too hot temperature they would have the best chance at being a wealthy nation although the negative temperatures would not help but they are not serious to cause problems. • Because of Papua New Guineas extreme amounts rainfall at certain parts of the year and very little at other times of the year which would cause problems when growing food because crops would get washed out and then not have enough water to get started again because of the cycle of the rain. I think that they climate would make it harder to be wealthy but more likely poor. Poor or Wealthy

  12. Section 2c GNI or GNP compound column graph for both country's

  13. GNI Per Capita Compound Column Graph

  14. 1. Describe the pattern for your high GNI country from 1990?- Denmark’s GNI increases by $8,000 between 1990 and 2000 but then it grows majorly from 32,000 to $48,500 between 2000 and 2005. Between 2005 and 2010 however there is less growth, from $48,000 to $59,000 which is less than the previous 5 years but is still considerable growth. • 2. Describe the pattern for your low GNI country from 1990?-Papua New Guinea starts at $1000 but then falls by 2000 to only $500 per capita and stays at $500 until 2010 when it gets back to $1000 per capita which gives them a negative variation of $500. Questions for compound column graph

  15. 3. Describe the Differences between the two graphs -Denmark is quite obviously a developed and country and Papua New Guinea is quite obviously is an undeveloped country. Denmark is quite rich per person and Papua New Guinea is really poor per person because they never get pass $1000 per capita. Denmark’s wealth grows more in some years than others but Papua New Guineas wealth falls between 2000 and 2005 until 2010 when it gets back to what it was in 1990 which shows that there has been some turmoil in the country.

  16. 4. Using the Internet find out the History behind your Low GNI country- One reason why Papua New Guinea has a low GNI is that they received independence from Australia in 1975 and slowly the government has lost its influence. The Government has also had successive votes of ‘no confidence’ in there Prime Minister also members of party's have been constantly shifting between party's which also shows how weak and gives a feel of weakness within there Government is.

  17. Section 2d

  18. Source; www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/

  19. 1. describe the changes in literacy between the two countries. –Denmark has an almost 100% literacy rate meaning that almost all Denmark’s population over the age of 15 can read and write. Compared to Papua New Guinea where only 57% of the population over 15 can read and write • 2. why do you think this difference in literacy occurs between the two countries?-I think the difference occurs because of Government spending. I would think that the Danish Government spends a lot of money on education but Papa New Guinea would not spend as much because there economy is not as wealthy. Literacy bar graphs

  20. Section 2e Draw Pie graph to show life expectancy for both countries.

  21. Denmark-78.78 • Males-76.39,26% • Females-81.31,28% • Papua New Guinea-66.46 • Males-64.23,22% • Females-68.79,24% Life expectancy

  22. 1. What do you notice about life expectancy for your two countries -For either developed or non developed countries the females live longer. In developed countries the life expectancy is long than in non developed countries which means the citizens in developed country's must have access to medical services. • 2. Give 4 reasons why life expectancy is different in your two countries -Citizens of Denmark would have easier access to medicine - Citizens of Denmark are more educated so they know about hygiene and how to keep our selves healthy - Citizens of Denmark have better hygiene and sewage systems so theredrinking water does not get contaminated - Citizens of Denmark live in a country where many people are immunized, where as citizens of Papua New Guinea don’t have easy access to immunisations • 3. Does any particular sex live longer than the other -yes, females live long. • 4. Why do you think this is so - I think females live longer because they go to the doctor more often, they talk to each other more freely about personal problems and possibly have more morel support when it comes to health decisions and conversations.

  23. Section 2f Draw table for infant mortality rate for both countrysfot the years; 1990, 2000 and 2010

  24. Infant Mortality Rate Table Source; www.indexmundi.com, www.unicef.org

  25. 1. Describe your developing country’s trend for infant mortality rate.-Papua New Guineas infant mortality rate has been shrinking by more and more each year. Between 1990 and 2000 it shrank by 7 deaths. Between 2000 and 2010 the rate shrank by 15 deaths. • 2. Describe your developed country’s trend for infant mortality rate.-Denmark’s trend has, like Papua New Guineas infant mortality rate been decreasing. In 1990 Denmark’s rate was 8 deaths per 1000 births, in 2000 it was 5 and in 2010 it was 4 deaths. Obviously once a country gets down to such low numbers the amount the infant mortality rate decreases by each less gets harder to reduce by dramatic figures. • 3. What do you think are the courses, the reasons for the difference between the two countries?- I would presume that most births take place in Hospitals in Denmark. This means that if there were complications there are doctors and nurse who are specially trained to deal with the complications. In Papua New Guinea though there might be hospitals I would think that there would be more births done outside of a hospital. But also that there are not as many specially trained doctors and nurse plus the Hospitals would not have as modern or up-to-date equipment as Denmark’s Hospitals because of Papua New Guineas economy. Questions

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