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WI Natural Resources Board June 27, 2018

Snapshot Wisconsin is a statewide trail camera project aimed at increasing public engagement in natural resources and providing efficient data for wildlife decision support.

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WI Natural Resources Board June 27, 2018

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  1. WI Natural Resources BoardJune 27, 2018 AGENDA ITEM # 4.B.1., Jennifer Stenglein, Research Scientist

  2. Snapshot Wisconsin Statewide trail camera project to monitor wildlife. Goals: • Increase public engagement in natural resources through hands-on learning. • Provide efficient data for wildlife decision support. WEAU News AGENDA ITEM # 4.B.1., Jennifer Stenglein, Research Scientist

  3. Deer Trustee Report motivates Snapshot Wisconsin • Increase citizen involvement in wildlife monitoring • Improve relationships between WDNR and citizens • Assess statewide distribution of carnivores • Develop new methods to monitor deer populations AGENDA ITEM # 4.B.1., Jennifer Stenglein, Research Scientist

  4. DTR: Increase citizen involvement in wildlife monitoring • 998 camera monitoring volunteers, 5776 photo classifiers • Elk monitoring with volunteers in Black River Falls (55), Clam Lake (23), and Flambeau River State Forest (23) • 272 educators, +6000 students in Kindergarten – HS AGENDA ITEM # 4.B.1., Jennifer Stenglein, Research Scientist

  5. DTR: Improve relationships between WDNR and citizens In 2017, • Snapshot Wisconsin reached 49,366 people • Volunteer Help Desk took 520 calls and 2600 emails • 80+ Snapshot Wisconsin news stories, all positive Snapshot is a statewide goodwill ambassador for the DNR “[This program] makes me feel as I’m a contributor to wildlife management in this state.” “The collection of photos are a useful resource for educators & conservation decisions.” “You guys ROCK. I just love this program. I am so proud to be included.” AGENDA ITEM # 4.B.1., Jennifer Stenglein, Research Scientist

  6. DTR: Assess carnivore distribution and develop new methods to monitor deer Analysis from Snapshot Wisconsin trail cameras contribute: • Statewide predicted occurrence of predators • Relative abundance of predators by management unit • Weekly changes in deer and elk rutting behavior • Index to deer population size, independent of SAK • Fawn-to-doe ratios that align with expectations AGENDA ITEM # 4.B.1., Jennifer Stenglein, Research Scientist

  7. Phase 2 Snapshot Wisconsin Goals: • 72 counties • Public land • Data visualization tool • Wildlife decision support AGENDA ITEM # 4.B.1., Jennifer Stenglein, Research Scientist

  8. Wildlife decision support Snapshot Wisconsin will provide the following decision support: • Efficiencies for existing surveys • Fawn-to-doe ratios and independent index to population size • Calf-to-cow ratios and population estimates • Game bird brood surveys • Wolf survey supplementation • Furbearer and bear population indices • Camera-based surveys for new applications • Southwest Wisconsin CWD, Deer and Predator Study • Greater Prairie Chicken and Sharp Tail Grouse lek surveys AGENDA ITEM # 4.B.1., Jennifer Stenglein, Research Scientist

  9. Outreach and education • Gauge volunteer satisfaction and perceptions of the data • Use survey results to improve program • Expand outreach efforts to reach more diverse audiences • Boost educator and tribal enrollment in Snapshot Wisconsin “I look forward to the Snapshot Wisconsin email every month, but I thought this month was especially good” AGENDA ITEM # 4.B.1., Jennifer Stenglein, Research Scientist

  10. Snapshot Wisconsin Learn more: dnr.wi.gov, keyword “Snapshot Wisconsin” Sign up: SnapshotWIsignup.org Classify photos: SnapshotWisconsin.org AGENDA ITEM # 4.B.1., Jennifer Stenglein, Research Scientist

  11. WI Natural Resources Board AGENDA ITEM # 4.B.1., Jennifer Stenglein, Research Scientist

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