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Low-Cost Biomechanical Solutions for Work Stress in Bokaro Steel Plant

Explore the impact of biomechanics on work stress in Bokaro Steel Plant through case studies, solutions, and the role of biomechanical principles in combating physical strains. Discover ways to enhance worker well-being and productivity.

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Low-Cost Biomechanical Solutions for Work Stress in Bokaro Steel Plant

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  1. Space for photograph

  2. Low-cost Bio-mechanical Considerations in Combating Physical Work Stress in Bokaro Steel Plant Dr. Trinath Pachal AGM ( M&HS) Work Physiology & Ergonomics Unit OHS Centre, BSL, SAIL dr_tpachal@yahoo.com

  3. Occupational Lung Diseases x • Noise Induced Hearing Loss x • Chemical Poisoning x • Occupational Skin Diseases x • Compressed Air illness x • Barotraumas x • Musculo-Skeletal Disorders (MSDs) √

  4. Few information !!! • Out of 130 million, 70 million cases reported annually for MSDs….. US , Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2013 • The economic burden of MSDs, as measured by compensation costs, lost wages, and lost productivity, are between $45 and $54 billion annually….. US, Institute of Medicine . • MSDs has increased by more than five percentage in USA between 1998 to 2013, from 28.0% to 33.2%.....OSHA • 68.8% of Occupational diseases was MSDs in Korea …..KOSHA, 2008 • Prevalence of MSDs in Delhi is 7.08%, in Dibrugarh it is 11.52%and 9.53% in Jodhpur….ICMR, 2012

  5. “…the biggest single reason for global economic losses…will be the Musculo-skeletal Disorders (MSDs) due to ignorance and/or neglect of biomechanical principles both in organized and unorganized industrial sectors….. …..New strategies and solutions need to be developed and applied both for well-known hazards and risk.” …..ILO, 2003

  6. Bio-mechanical Research in India Applied Biomechanics is devoted to the safe body movements at work and to the improvement of the person’s performances on the job through application of Physical and Mathematical tools. It can reduce human errors, accidents, MSD, absenteeism as well as for increasing efficiency, well being and overall productivity. • BIS • DRDO • ISRO • IITs & Engg. Institutes • Medical Research Institutes • Agricultural research • Home science , etc

  7. The Polarity ? Academic Biomechanics Applied Biomechanics

  8. The Barrier ! ? …may be the cost of both Equipments as well as human resources in the field of biomechanics. ? …application of biomechanical principles is a costly affair in industry. ………..

  9. Low-cost Bio-mechanical Considerations in Combating Physical Work Stress in Bokaro Steel Plant Few Case Studies

  10. MSDs Amongst Welders in Structural Shop MSD amongst Welders ( N = 48 ) 42.64% - Cr. Back Pain 52.63% - Other forms of MSD • Prolonged Isometric welding operations were causing MSD • Age (mean 48.38±0.13) was a contributing factor for such strain • BMI <19 and >25 was other contributing factor for MSD Is Biomechanics technically capable enough for changing the scenario ?

  11. BIOMECHANICAL SOLUTION • Ergonomics Training for • correct welding postures • Performing back- extension • exercise after job • Regular medical check-up for • aged workers • Low height and flexible sitting • arrangements for welders Yes. Biomechanics can change the scenario ?

  12. Repetitive Stress Injury in M/c Shop An operator taking pain killer tablets / injectables regularly before starting his job for his chronic neck & back pain and become habitual absentee. Repeated upward extension of trunk and jerk on spine were causing RSI (repeated stress injuries) on Vertebral column which led to severe spinal strain followed by physical abnormalities for the short stature operator. Can Biomechanics help the worker to bring him in normal life ?

  13. Crane operation and Spine stress at Slabbing Mill A multi professional study has been conducted which includes Safety & Environment professionals, IED & QC personnel, other departmental Engineers and Ergonomist Production was reduced due to deteriorating work scenario in soaking pit Amongst 45 Soaker Crane operators : 48.9% - Cr. Back / Neck Pain 42.2% - Eye Strain 31.1% - Mental Exhaustion 15.6% - Physical Fatigue.

  14. Problem Identified Adverse head postures Excessive head rotations Frequent neck movements Acute vibration exposure Improper Illumination High demand on job attention Inappropriate seat design Dirt & Scratches on Glass Panes Wrong & Unsafe Work Practices Poor Communication

  15. Flexible Crane Chair is essential Use of Protective goggles is to be mandatory Change of existing Crane Rail Track is desirable Advance Communication System can be provided Regular Cleaning / Heat Resistant Wiper System for all glass Pane Redesign of Soaker crane & Pit Operators’ Cabin Use of Reflecting Mirrors / Video Camera Recommendation… Multi-professional evaluation committee and the report presentation to higher management

  16. Lumbo-sacral sprain in Foundry Sand shovellers of Foundry experiencing more lumbo-sacral sprain , affecting daily production Is Biomechanics capable enough to tackle the situation ?

  17. Sand Pouring in Foundry – ΣM = 17.722 KgM and R = 16.81 KgCoke Sorting in Coke Oven – ΣM = 09.106 KgM and R = 10.177 Kg (Where ΣM is Net moment and R is Net reaction force) Sand shoveling is more strenuous than coke sorting

  18. Three noticeable facts • Both the moment and reaction force at L5-S1 joint is more amongst sand shovellers. • Nature of material to be shoveled is the main contributing factor for spine stress. • Postural adjustment is necessary during sand shoveling as maximum reaction force is experienced at the front foot. • Redesign of Shovel to be handled

  19. Computerisation and Biomechanics Introduction of computers in Pharmacy counters resulting in increased biomechanical stress leading to several discomforts, fatigue and job dissatisfaction to the users The problem severely affected pharmacy services at Bokaro General Hospital

  20. Problem & its solution • Neck pain - 30.76% • Eye strain - 23.00% • Hand strain- 15.38% • The height of the key board _ not acceptable to 38.46% • Height of VDT was highto84.61% • 69.23% felt discomfort due to reflection of light at VDT • Excessive neck movements • No foot rest and document stands

  21. Every biomechanical solution is not costly. Simple change of work pattern or simple modification of work place can improve the whole scenario. Several musculo-skeletal disorders can be cured / alleviated only through biomechanical modification/adjustment. Biomechanics can be utilized in industry for improving its Quality, Safety, Occupational Health and Well being of its employees and its overall productivity. Practicing applied biomechanics in Indian Steel Industries is not difficult, but it must be molded according to the industries demand. Conclusions……

  22. Thank You

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