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Inclusive Education Services Project in Montenegro

An EU-funded project implemented by S.I.C.I. Dominus Consortium to promote inclusive education and services for people with disabilities in Montenegro.

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Inclusive Education Services Project in Montenegro

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  1. Goodpractices in communicationcampaigns EU Montenegro Inclusive Education Services Project (EU - MIESP) Ignacio Velo Head of Unit International Programs and Projects ONCE FOUNDATION ivelo@fundaciononce.es An European Union funded project managed by the EU Delegation to Montenegro and implemented by S.I.C.I. Dominus Consortium

  2. Summary EU Montenegro Inclusive Education Services Project (EU - MIESP) • ONCE and Its FOUNDATION • Facts and figures • Universal Accessibility • Training and employment: FUNDOSA GRUPO • Operational Program Fight Against Discrimination (ESF) • Good practices in Communication for PWD • Lottery with a social goal • The prizes • The coupon social duty • Institutional Campaigns Wewillmakethreeworkshops An European Union funded project managed by the EU Delegation to Montenegro and implemented by S.I.C.I. Dominus Consortium

  3. ONCE & its FOUNDATION Organización Nacional de Ciegos Españoles • Publiclawcorporation • Since 1938 ( nextyear 75 anniversary • Mainincomefromthelottery (cupón) • Allkind of servicestospanishblindpeople • prevention, • Education, vocational training, • employment, • Accessibility ( ICT, URBAN, ETC..) • In ONCE works more than 123,000 people (70% withdisability) EU Montenegro Inclusive Education Services Project (EU - MIESP) An European Union funded project managed by the EU Delegation to Montenegro and implemented by S.I.C.I. Dominus Consortium

  4. Thanks to the lottery we can do a lot of things for PwD and their families EU Montenegro Inclusive Education Services Project (EU - MIESP) An European Union funded project managed by the EU Delegation to Montenegro and implemented by S.I.C.I. Dominus Consortium

  5. Since 1988 ( nextyear 25 anniversary) • It isONCE’sact of solidaritywithotherdisabilitiesinstit. • Income 3% fromthelottery sales (yearly) • Great numbers: • +30.000 projects • +1,800 M€ • Board= Mainnationaldisabilityorganisations + publicadministration • 2 mainaxes of activities • UNIVERSAL ACCESIBILITY ( 40%) • TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT (60%) ONCE FOUNDATION EU Montenegro Inclusive Education Services Project (EU - MIESP) An European Union funded project managed by the EU Delegation to Montenegro and implemented by S.I.C.I. Dominus Consortium

  6. Board of trustees In additiontothe ONCE itself, as foundingentity, the principal organizationsfordisabledpeople are present in the ONCE Foundation, throughitsmaximumgoverningbody, theBoard of Trustees. Some of theseorganizations are : • COCEMFE (NationalCoordinationConfederationforPhysicallyDisabledPeople in Spain). • FEAPS ( SpanishConfederation of Organizations in Favor of PeoplewithIntellectualDisability). • CNSE (NationalConfederation of DeafPeople). • FIAPAS (SpanishConfederation of Parents and Friends of DeafPeople). • FEAFES (Spanishconfederation of families and peoplewith mental illness) • ASPACE (SpanishConfederation and Associations of peoplewith cerebral paralysis) • Alsothe Nacional CommiteeforPeoplewithDisabilitiesCERMI and Ministry of Health , social affairs. EU Montenegro Inclusive Education Services Project (EU - MIESP) An European Union funded project managed by the EU Delegation to Montenegro and implemented by S.I.C.I. Dominus Consortium

  7. Facts and figures EU Montenegro Inclusive Education Services Project (EU - MIESP) An European Union funded project managed by the EU Delegation to Montenegro and implemented by S.I.C.I. Dominus Consortium

  8. Facts and figures EU Montenegro Inclusive Education Services Project (EU - MIESP) An European Union funded project managed by the EU Delegation to Montenegro and implemented by S.I.C.I. Dominus Consortium

  9. Facts and figures EU Montenegro Inclusive Education Services Project (EU - MIESP) An European Union funded project managed by the EU Delegation to Montenegro and implemented by S.I.C.I. Dominus Consortium

  10. Facts and figures EU Montenegro Inclusive Education Services Project (EU - MIESP) An European Union funded project managed by the EU Delegation to Montenegro and implemented by S.I.C.I. Dominus Consortium

  11. Accessibility • Advice on matters of design for all and universal accessibility • Promotion of research, development and innovation in design for all, universal accessibility and support products for people with disabilities • Training in design for all and universal accessibility • Promotion of the actions and representative projects • Publications which systemize knowledge. • Creation of networks and alliances EU Montenegro Inclusive Education Services Project (EU - MIESP) An European Union funded project managed by the EU Delegation to Montenegro and implemented by S.I.C.I. Dominus Consortium

  12. Universal Accessibility A concept that spans the possibility of learning about, enjoying and using venues, products and services, as well as “design for all” (40% F.ONCE annual budget). EU Montenegro Inclusive Education Services Project (EU - MIESP) An European Union funded project managed by the EU Delegation to Montenegro and implemented by S.I.C.I. Dominus Consortium

  13. Training and employment EU Montenegro Inclusive Education Services Project (EU - MIESP) • The ONCE FOUNDATION is strongly committed to creating an inclusive job market that, from the paradigm of equal opportunities and non-discrimination, tackles the employment of people with disabilities as an opportunity for everyone. An European Union funded project managed by the EU Delegation to Montenegro and implemented by S.I.C.I. Dominus Consortium

  14. Training and employment • The ONCE Foundation’s essential axes are: • To provide people with disabilities of a working age with a professional qualification and the necessary labour skills • To promote the creation of employment for people with disabilities, using the different channels and formula which exist in Spanish legislation; • To support the creation of occupational placements in collaboration with the entities of the interest groups of pwd and their families. EU Montenegro Inclusive Education Services Project (EU - MIESP) An European Union funded project managed by the EU Delegation to Montenegro and implemented by S.I.C.I. Dominus Consortium

  15. ESF OperationalProgramFightAgainstDiscrimination Some figures (alltogether…) 2000-2011 EU Montenegro Inclusive Education Services Project (EU - MIESP) • Beneficiaries: 572.357 - (54% women) • Trained persons: 158.244 - (55% women) • Achieved employment: 219.086 - (54% women) An European Union funded project managed by the EU Delegation to Montenegro and implemented by S.I.C.I. Dominus Consortium

  16. Total employees payroll in affiliated companies and those where Fundosa Group holds a stake: 14.280  • Percentage of employees with disabilities: 64 % • Fundosa Group turnover, in 2010: 300 million € • EU Montenegro Inclusive Education Services Project (EU – MIESP) FUNDOSA GROUP An European Union funded project managed by the EU Delegation to Montenegro and implemented by S.I.C.I. Dominus Consortium

  17. Fundosa Group corporate effectiveness has encouraged established companies to hire people with disabilities. • Accessibility services • Commercialization services • Business services • Industrial sector • Free time services • Health & social services • EU Montenegro Inclusive Education Services Project (EU – MIESP) An European Union funded project managed by the EU Delegation to Montenegro and implemented by S.I.C.I. Dominus Consortium

  18. We base our model on the abilities of people • There is not a position for a person • But a person trained may occupy a job, according to their abilities. • EU Montenegro Inclusive Education Services Project (EU – MIESP) Our inclusión model An European Union funded project managed by the EU Delegation to Montenegro and implemented by S.I.C.I. Dominus Consortium

  19. Inclusion Campaigns and their Influence on Disabled Persons. EU Montenegro Inclusive Education Services Project (EU - MIESP) Goals: • Improving self-esteem: first step towards inclusion • Self-motivation for lottery coupon sale. • Positive stimuli creation in the near environ • Role of social mediators • Fighting prejudice An European Union funded project managed by the EU Delegation to Montenegro and implemented by S.I.C.I. Dominus Consortium

  20. Disabled persons and Labour Markets EU Montenegro Inclusive Education Services Project (EU - MIESP) • Employment and its referential role • Employment indicators (official and real) • Entrepreneurs as strategic players • Economic consequences of labour inclusion: • savings + productivity An European Union funded project managed by the EU Delegation to Montenegro and implemented by S.I.C.I. Dominus Consortium

  21. Lottery coupon specific campaigns: formal & rhetoric varieties EU Montenegro Inclusive Education Services Project (EU - MIESP) • CUPON EXTRAORDINARIO 1984 • CUPONAZO (“QUEUE” 1987) An European Union funded project managed by the EU Delegation to Montenegro and implemented by S.I.C.I. Dominus Consortium

  22. Lottery coupon specific campaigns: formal & rhetoric varieties EU Montenegro Inclusive Education Services Project (EU - MIESP) • Dramatization of the Prize • Dramatization of the Gambling Fantasy • Dramatization of the Joy of Winning • Dramatization of the Ultimate Profit (enjoying the prize) An European Union funded project managed by the EU Delegation to Montenegro and implemented by S.I.C.I. Dominus Consortium

  23. Lottery coupon specific campaigns: formal & rhetoric varieties EU Montenegro Inclusive Education Services Project (EU - MIESP) • Dramatization of the Prize • CUPONAZO DOUBLES CAMPAIGN (LOS DOBLES DEL CUPONAZO) An European Union funded project managed by the EU Delegation to Montenegro and implemented by S.I.C.I. Dominus Consortium

  24. Lottery coupon specific campaigns: formal & rhetoric varieties EU Montenegro Inclusive Education Services Project (EU - MIESP) • Dramatization of the Gambling Fantasy • SUMMER SONG CAMPAIGN (CANCIÓN DEL VERANO) - 2003 • CALL IT FANTASY CAMPAIGN (LLÁMALO ILUSIÓN) - 2006 An European Union funded project managed by the EU Delegation to Montenegro and implemented by S.I.C.I. Dominus Consortium

  25. Lottery coupon specific campaigns: formal & rhetoric varieties EU Montenegro Inclusive Education Services Project (EU - MIESP) • Dramatization of the Joy of Winning LIFE’ S JUST THE BLINK OF AN EYE CAMPAIGN (SI LA VIDA SON DOS DÍAS) An European Union funded project managed by the EU Delegation to Montenegro and implemented by S.I.C.I. Dominus Consortium

  26. Lottery coupon specific campaigns: formal & rhetoric varieties EU Montenegro Inclusive Education Services Project (EU - MIESP) • Dramatization of the Ultimate Profit (enjoying the prize) • SPRING EXTRA COUPON CAMPAIGN (CUPON EXTRAORDINARIO PRIMAVERA) - 2004 An European Union funded project managed by the EU Delegation to Montenegro and implemented by S.I.C.I. Dominus Consortium

  27. Using Testimonial Format to activate inclusion. Rational and emotive stimuli. EU Montenegro Inclusive Education Services Project (EU - MIESP) • Make the presence of disabled people in mass media become normal. Their sole presence fights dominant stereotypes, showing disabled persons free of accustomed topics. • ONCE’ S COUPON SOCIAL DUTY An European Union funded project managed by the EU Delegation to Montenegro and implemented by S.I.C.I. Dominus Consortium

  28. WE WILL DEVELOP OUR OWN FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGN or try EU Montenegro Inclusive Education Services Project (EU - MIESP) • Every 4/5 make a script for fundraising campaign • 1 blank paper 1 2 20 minutes !!!!!!!!! 3 4 An European Union funded project managed by the EU Delegation to Montenegro and implemented by S.I.C.I. Dominus Consortium

  29. Using Testimonial Format to activate inclusion. Rational and emotive stimuli. EU Montenegro Inclusive Education Services Project (EU - MIESP) • In a second stage, audience becomes familiar with the everyday presence of disabled individuals in their own context — though this occurs in an interposed way, through mass media — and begins recognizing them as not as group — as had been until then — but as individuals. • O.N.C.E. INSTITUTIONAL CAMPAIGN 1999 An European Union funded project managed by the EU Delegation to Montenegro and implemented by S.I.C.I. Dominus Consortium

  30. Using Testimonial Format to activate inclusion. Rational and emotive stimuli. EU Montenegro Inclusive Education Services Project (EU - MIESP) • This enables them to progressively broaden their knowledge about disabled persons and the way they think and live. • O.N.C.E. INSTITUCIONAL CAMPAIGN 1985 An European Union funded project managed by the EU Delegation to Montenegro and implemented by S.I.C.I. Dominus Consortium

  31. Using Testimonial Format to activate inclusion. Rational and emotive stimuli. EU Montenegro Inclusive Education Services Project (EU - MIESP) • After years of successive campaigns, the audience eventually links up with, and creates common elements between, themselves and disabled persons shown in the testimonials, becoming identified with them and their problems • INSTITUTIONAL CAMPAIGN 2000 • INSTITUTIONAL CAMPAIGN 2004 An European Union funded project managed by the EU Delegation to Montenegro and implemented by S.I.C.I. Dominus Consortium

  32. Christmas - specificcampaigns EU Montenegro Inclusive Education Services Project (EU - MIESP) • Through the use of evoking content, the coupon seller appears as a «dream achiever» • CHRISTMAS CAMPAIGN 1996 • CHRISTMAS CAMPAIGN 2003 An European Union funded project managed by the EU Delegation to Montenegro and implemented by S.I.C.I. Dominus Consortium

  33. Inclusion Campaigns: from the Paralympic Hero to the disabled individual next door EU Montenegro Inclusive Education Services Project (EU - MIESP) • Olympic values as social referent changers (‘four-step’ analysis) • Building a new archetype of disabled person. Techniques, elements & processes • Archetype culmination: 1992 Olympics An European Union funded project managed by the EU Delegation to Montenegro and implemented by S.I.C.I. Dominus Consortium

  34. InclusionCampaigns: fromtheParalympic Hero tothedisabled individual nextdoor EU Montenegro Inclusive Education Services Project (EU - MIESP) • 1st PARALYMPICS CAMPAIGN 1990 • 2nd PARALYMPICS CAMPAIGN 1992 • PARAOLYMPICS CAMPAIGN 2000 An European Union funded project managed by the EU Delegation to Montenegro and implemented by S.I.C.I. Dominus Consortium

  35. Physical Barrier Fight Sensibilization EU Montenegro Inclusive Education Services Project (EU - MIESP) • In quantitative terms, low budget and scarce presence in the mediahave been traditionally commonplace in barrier elimination campaigns. Thus, most of them have resorted symbolic dramatization to transmit their message. • The «Walls» commercial magnifies the barrier that a curb border representsfor a person on a wheelchair • BARRIER ELIMINATION CAMPAIGN An European Union funded project managed by the EU Delegation to Montenegro and implemented by S.I.C.I. Dominus Consortium

  36. Sensibilization for Equality in Opportunities for Employment EU Montenegro Inclusive Education Services Project (EU - MIESP) • Commercials compared the worlds of workers with and without disabilities, explaining why the former could be even more productive than the latter. • 1994 FONCE INSTITUTIONAL CAMPAIGN 1994 An European Union funded project managed by the EU Delegation to Montenegro and implemented by S.I.C.I. Dominus Consortium

  37. Sensibilization for Equality in Opportunities for Employment EU Montenegro Inclusive Education Services Project (EU - MIESP) • One of Fundación ONCE’s most memorable testimonials was the «Ready, Steady, Go!» campaign (October - November 1996) and its follow-up campaign «There is still a lot to do» (May - June 1997). • READY STEADY GO 1996 • THERE IS STILL A LOT TO DO 1997 An European Union funded project managed by the EU Delegation to Montenegro and implemented by S.I.C.I. Dominus Consortium

  38. Sensibilization for Equality in Opportunities for Employment EU Montenegro Inclusive Education Services Project (EU - MIESP) • After the first campaign Ready steady go from 1996 Once realize that we went to far from the ideal situation from de commercial , even institutional , the reality were. • READY STEADY GO 1996 • For this reason the 1997 campaign we turned a little bit and said who was disable but there were a lot to do. • THERE IS STILL A LOT TO DO 1997 An European Union funded project managed by the EU Delegation to Montenegro and implemented by S.I.C.I. Dominus Consortium

  39. Sensibilization for Equality in Opportunities for Employment EU Montenegro Inclusive Education Services Project (EU - MIESP) • The 1998 Campaign insisted in a long-used double-view approach: • 1) The overqualifiedjob seeking person with disabilities («If a trained person is what you need, here you have two», that is, a good professional and a fighter) • 2) One step further in making more explicit the «Ready, Steady, Go!» campaign, turning rhetorically around a job ad («When do we start?»). • FUNDACIÓN ONCE 1998 INSTITUTIONAL “WHEN DO WE START” CAMPAIGN (“CUANDO EMPEZAMOS”) An European Union funded project managed by the EU Delegation to Montenegro and implemented by S.I.C.I. Dominus Consortium

  40. The evolution of Once’s language EU Montenegro Inclusive Education Services Project (EU - MIESP) • Similarities of people with disabilities life's and people with no disabilities in order to promote employment • Target fighting prejudices at work • 1994 INSTITUCIONAL An European Union funded project managed by the EU Delegation to Montenegro and implemented by S.I.C.I. Dominus Consortium

  41. The evolution of Once’s language EU Montenegro Inclusive Education Services Project (EU - MIESP) • Along these years Once has change the language in order to appropriate with the reality and with the society: • BABY CAMPAING ( 1989) :From although he/she is blind • To…….- He is DISABLED so what… An European Union funded project managed by the EU Delegation to Montenegro and implemented by S.I.C.I. Dominus Consortium

  42. The evolution of Once’s language EU Montenegro Inclusive Education Services Project (EU - MIESP) • Along these years Once has change the language in the beginning the ONCE was in the first place and thanks to it people with visual impairments or with other disabilities could reach different levels of education, jobs etc… • O.N.C.E. INSTITUCIONAL CAMPAIGN 1985 • To put the person in the first place, and ONCE and a collaborator more…. • FUNDACION ONCE INSTITUTIONAL 2005 An European Union funded project managed by the EU Delegation to Montenegro and implemented by S.I.C.I. Dominus Consortium

  43. WE WILL DEVELOP OUR LOGO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EU Montenegro Inclusive Education Services Project (EU - MIESP) • Every 4/5 design a logo and a message • 1 blank paper mesagge logo 20 minutes !!!!!!!!! message An European Union funded project managed by the EU Delegation to Montenegro and implemented by S.I.C.I. Dominus Consortium

  44. Values of the society EU Montenegro Inclusive Education Services Project (EU - MIESP) • The main target of the campaigns should be change values with in the society, and it is not possible to do it in 2 or 4 campaigns. • It is only possible to make it after years of work, sensibilisation and of course with the people with disabilities ready to be integrated in the society. (Trained, independent and capable to develop several jobs) • Also is necessary to break a lo of barriers, prejudices from the same society we want to integrated with. An European Union funded project managed by the EU Delegation to Montenegro and implemented by S.I.C.I. Dominus Consortium

  45. Values of the society • Changing mentality in entrepreneurs and still fighting against prejudices • 1999 INSTITUTIONAL • 2011 INSTITUTIONAL EU Montenegro Inclusive Education Services Project (EU - MIESP) An European Union funded project managed by the EU Delegation to Montenegro and implemented by S.I.C.I. Dominus Consortium

  46. Other Institutional Campaigns for the Visually Impaired EU Montenegro Inclusive Education Services Project (EU - MIESP) • ONCE INSTITUTIONAL CAMPAIGN 1990 • ONCE INSTITUCIONAL 1992 • ONCE INSTITUCIONAL CAMPAIGN 2002 – “STILL A LOT TO DO” (“QUEDA MUCHO POR HACER” An European Union funded project managed by the EU Delegation to Montenegro and implemented by S.I.C.I. Dominus Consortium

  47. Other Christmas Institutional Campaigns EU Montenegro Inclusive Education Services Project (EU - MIESP) Xmas 1990 Xmas 1992 • Xmas 1994 An European Union funded project managed by the EU Delegation to Montenegro and implemented by S.I.C.I. Dominus Consortium

  48. OTHER INSTITUTIONAL CAMPAIGNS FUNDACIÓN ONCE EU Montenegro Inclusive Education Services Project (EU - MIESP) 1987 PICTOGRAM 1991 INSTITUCIONAL 1994 INSTITUCIONAL An European Union funded project managed by the EU Delegation to Montenegro and implemented by S.I.C.I. Dominus Consortium

  49. OTHER INSTITUTIONAL CAMPAIGNS FUNDACIÓN ONCE 1999 INSTITUTIONAL 2001 INSTITUCIONAL 2003 INSTITUTIONAL EU Montenegro Inclusive Education Services Project (EU - MIESP) An European Union funded project managed by the EU Delegation to Montenegro and implemented by S.I.C.I. Dominus Consortium

  50. OTHER INSTITUTIONAL CAMPAIGNS FUNDACIÓN ONCE 2008 INSTITUTIONAL 2009 INSTITUCIONAL 2010 INSTITUTIONAL EU Montenegro Inclusive Education Services Project (EU - MIESP) An European Union funded project managed by the EU Delegation to Montenegro and implemented by S.I.C.I. Dominus Consortium

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