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This report provides information on groundwater classifications, current and potential uses, and point of compliance and exposure for sustainable yield. It includes a DOTD well survey and a receptor survey within a 1-mile radius over 12 months. The report also outlines groundwater classification criteria based on yield and total dissolved solids levels.

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  2. Groundwater • Current Use: • DOTD Well Survey (1 mi radius/12 mo) • 500 foot walking receptor survey • Potential Use: • sustainable yield • total dissolved solids

  3. Groundwater Classifications Groundwater Classification 1: public water supply • Yield > 4,800 g/d • TDS < 1,000 mg/l Class 1A: current public water supply Class 1B: potential public water supply

  4. Groundwater Classifications Groundwater Classification 2: domestic water supply • Yield > 800 g/d but < 4,800 g/d • TDS < 10,000 mg/l Class 2A: current domestic water supply Class 2B: potential domestic water supply (TDS < 1,000) Class 2C: potential domestic water supply (TDS >1000 but < 10,000)

  5. Groundwater Classifications Groundwater Classification 3: Not a potential public or domestic water supply Class 3A: yield < 800g/d Class 3B: TDS > 10,000 mg/l

  6. Groundwater: POC and POE Point of Compliance • point where RECAP standard must be met Point of Exposure • point of actual or potential contact between a receptor and a COC

  7. Groundwater 1: POC and POE • Point of Exposure: • throughout the aquifer to be protected or restored • Point of Compliance: • sampling location placed as near to the source as feasible without causing an adverse impact

  8. Groundwater2: POC and POE Point of Exposure: • on-site exposure point, or • property boundary, or • nearest downgradient point off-site Point of Compliance: • sampling location placed as near to the source as feasible without causing an adverse impact

  9. Groundwater 3: POC and POE Point of Exposure: • point of discharge to a surface water body within the aquifer Point of Compliance: • sampling location placed as near to the source as feasible without causing an adverse impact

  10. Point of Compliance (POC) and Point of Exposure (POE) GW-1 Site Boundaries POC POE THROUGOUT AQUIFER Flow Direction GW-2 Road POC POC POE POE Flow Direction GW-3 POC POE Water Body Flow Direction

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