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Building a Sexual Violence Primary Prevention Program

Building a Sexual Violence Primary Prevention Program. Patrick Lemmon. Ashley Maier. Brad Victor. Primary Prevention.

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Building a Sexual Violence Primary Prevention Program

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  1. Building a Sexual Violence Primary Prevention Program

  2. Patrick Lemmon Ashley Maier Brad Victor

  3. Primary Prevention "Approaches that take place before sexual violence has occurred to prevent initial perpetration or victimization." http://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/pdf/SVPrevention-a.pdf"Primary prevention refers to approaches that seek to eliminate the root causes of sexual violence and to stop sexual violence from ever occurring."http://oregonsatf.org/prevention/docs/svpplow.pdf

  4. Levels of Prevention UPFRONT In the Aftermath BEFORE In the Thick

  5. Essential Basic Elements of Prevention Program Development Planning Assessment Evaluation Training

  6. Training

  7. http://www.preventconnect.org/ http://www.nsvrc.org/projects/prevention-resources oregonsatf.org ashleymaier@oregonsatf.org

  8. (Needs/Strengths) Assessments

  9. Planning

  10. Evaluation

  11. How will we engage people? What do we want to change? How will we get there? How will we know we got there??

  12. A Proposed Model

  13. Continuous Quality Improvement

  14. Assessment - Data • CDC Data • http://www.cdc.gov/ViolencePrevention/sexualviolence/datasources.html • One in Six - Rape in Oregon • http://oregonsatf.org/?page_id=22 • Recommendations to Prevent Sexual Violence in Oregon: A Plan of Action • http://www.healthoregon.org/ipe • Oregon Youth Sexual Health Plan Appendices • http://www.oregon.gov/DHS/ph/ah/sexuality/sexuality.shtml • Oregon Healthy Teens Survey • http://www.dhs.state.or.us/dhs/ph/chs/youthsurvey/index.shtml Local Data?

  15. Assessment - Community Strengths/Needs

  16. - Logic Model • Planning Using Logic Models for Planning Primary Prevention Programs http://www.preventconnect.org/display/displayTextItems.cfm?itemID=242&sectionID=254

  17. - Plan • Planning Goals Objectives Activities Timeline Outputs Outcomes

  18. - Plan • Planning • Goals • Broad - what you would like to accomplish. • Objectives • Specific steps towards achieving goal, followed by more specific activities. • Activities • Outputs • The “products.” • Outcomes • Measurable changes that occur in your target community. How you want the world to be. Specific. Measurable. Attuned to mission. Realistic. Time-phased. What is going to be done? When it is going to be done? Who is going to do it? RETENTION

  19. A (big) note on recruitment…

  20. There is a reason we pilot test our strategies/projects/programs… • Testing

  21. Indicators • Measures • Data Collection • Data Analysis 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • Evaluation • Evaluation Plan

  22. Revision • Implement

  23. 30% adolescent boys in community state belief in gender equity Outcome s= Increase above percent to 50%. At least 50% participants report desire to further engage. School institutionalizes program. Output = 100 boys trained. Strategy = school- based Men of Strength program. Continuous Quality Improvement Annual community assessment Pre-post tests Teacher reports/ stakeholder interviews

  24. 30% adolescent boys in community state belief in gender equity Outcome s= Increase above percent to 50%. At least 75% club participants report beliefs consistent with campaign. 50% students report noticeable climate change. Output = posters in 25 locations. Strategy = Social media campaign Continuous Quality Improvement Annual community assessment Pre-post tests Teacher reports/ stakeholder interviews School climate survey

  25. Common Barriers/Pitfalls

  26. Most Common: • Evaluation as an afterthought • Inside-out approach • Lack of synergy • No theory of change • Missing outcomes

  27. From the Very Start • Consider evaluation • Seek community/audience input • Ensure synergy • Articulate theory of change • Identify outcomes How To Involve Schools

  28. And You?

  29. Patrick Lemmon patricklemmon@gmail.com Ashley Maier ashleymaier@oregonsatf.org Brad Victor brad.victor@state.or.us

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