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Developing Positive Self Image (S) Among African American Males. Henry J. Bracey M.ED, GCDF. Purpose: . The problems confronting the African American male
Developing Positive Self Image(S) Among African American Males Henry J. Bracey M.ED, GCDF
Purpose: • The problems confronting the African American male population locally (Columbia Metropolitan area), State- wide ( South Carolina ), and nationally (USA)are increasing at an alarming rate. Almost without exception every socio-economic indicator forecasts an obscure and pessimistic future for many of them. The purpose of this workshop is to review the problem, and examine strategies that must be under-taken to create positive self –image (s) in order for African American males to develop, affirm and sustain the characteristics needed to navigate opportunities for the future. Henry J. Bracey
Some Data: • Over all achievement scores for African American males are below that of other groups in basic subject areas • African American males are much more likely to be placed in classes for the educable mentally retarded and for students with learning disabilities, rather then in classes for the gifted and talented. • African American males are more likely to be placed in general education and vocational high school curriculum tracks than in an academic track. • African American males are suspended from school more frequently and for longer periods of time than other groups. Reed (1988) –Eric Digest “Such data are compounded by the fact that African American males are frequently the victims of negative attitudes and lowered expectations from teachers, counselors, and administrators. As a result educators may expect to encounter academic and social problems from African American males, which often leads to a self-fulfilling prophecy” (Washington and Lee, 1982)
Descriptive vs. Prescriptive • Descriptive behavior- is characterize by individuals who habitually classify the quality, or condition of a person, place or thing. • Prescriptive behavior – is characterize by individuals who can effectively provide direction, advise and incite about a person, place or thing.
Discrimination- the act of making a distinction in treatment or policy
Racism- the act of discriminationating on the basis of race or culture. • Death At An Early Age Johnathan Kozol (1967)
The Reality • Decisions create circumstances that influence behavior which determines destiny • Dumb= miseducated • Devious= institutionalize and medicated • Dangerous= incarcerated
Self Image • One’s conception of self as it relates to systematic and internalize coding of identity, purpose and direction
Identity • The condition of being certain of one’s feelings about oneself with regards to character, goals and origin Who am I ? Am I really who I am? Am I All I Can Be?
Purpose • The condition of having a specific end, goal, or mission in view of an objective or existence. Gangster/Thug vs. African Conscious Brother
Direction • The act of managing behavior in order to achieve a certain goal or objective Positive self Image permits one to take right action regardless of your emotional state
"As A Man Thinks In is Heart So He Is " • Your thoughts determine your actions, Your Actions determines character, Your character determines your destiny.
Positive Self Image • Creating positive self image is a critical self management skill which can make the difference between being productive or non -productive
How Parents Can Help: • Understand your parental responsibilities 1. Instruction (Direct or communicate knowledge in order to teach, train and guide) 2. Provision (To make arrangements or take measures in advance to meet basic survival needs.) 3. Protection ( To shield, guard, or defend from injury or loss 4. Personal Conduct (To model and exhibit with consistency respectable and responsible behavior Be success oriented Be self discipline Be self confident Be balance and consistent Remember money can’t buy love Love your children unconditionally Don’t regret being a parent
How Teachers Can Help : • Expect the best from everyone • Don’t be judgmental • know your students • Be a compassionate • Be a motivator ( inspire greatness) • Know your legacy • Help students • Be a role- model • Teach social responsibility • Be the best
How The Community Can Help: • Be examples of right behavior • Monitor destructive behavior in youth • Don’ t engage in destructive behavior • Collaborate , communicate and cooperate with other conscious members of the community • Know your legacy • Live ( NGUZO SABA) • Take risks for the betterment of self, family and community • Re-enforce right values • Be serious
How Young African American Males Can Help: • Respect Adults and Engage them in relevant discussions • Be competent and confident • Know your legacy • Accept responsibility for bad judgment • Forgive yourself as needed • Be selective of your friends • Identify positive role models • Know who you are • Love yourself unconditionally • Teach others how to treat you
Suggested readings : Developing Positive Self Image and Discipline In Black Children Jawanza Kunjufu Bringing The Black Boy To Manhood Nathan and Julia Hare Tough Notes: Healing Call for Exceptional Black Haki Madhubuti It’s Not Over Until You Win Les Brown Think and Grow Rich: A Black Choice Dennis Kimbro The Black Male Handbook Kevin Powell
Contact Information: • Henry J. Bracey Kuumba Circle Inc. PO. Office Box 5263 Columbia, South Carolina 29250 E-mail- resolvei@aol.com Phone: (803) 730-1282
Believe : • Believe in the Strength of your Spirit….. the Power of your Purpose…. the Dignity of your Dreams….