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CO Lottery – Tracking Study – Additional analysis . Results overview The interest in Raffle is certainly driven by the four key segments of Yes Men, Funzies, Dreamer$ and Jackpot Hounds. The $5 ticket with the $250K top prize was the overwhelming favorite among all segments .
CO Lottery – Tracking Study – Additional analysis Results overview • The interest in Raffle is certainly driven by the four key segments of Yes Men, Funzies, Dreamer$ and Jackpot Hounds. • The $5 ticket with the $250K top prize was the overwhelming favorite among all segments. • All segments prefer a Raffle loaded with smaller prizes and additional drawings to a Raffle with only large prizes, although perhaps surprisingly the Jackpot Hounds were the most interested in the raffles loaded with smaller prizes and a few large prizes. • Issuesat retail were driven more by Hispanic players than Non-Hispanics. • However, more issues were also reported by Heavier Spenders for Scratch Games. • Dreamer$, Yes Men and Funzies are the segments most likely to experience an issue at point of sale. • Funzies and Dreamer$ are the most likely to feel that the size of the Powerball jackpot amount does not affect their play. • 35% of Jackpot Hounds wait until the $100m before playing Mega Millions, almost twice the level of their Powerball play.
Awareness of Raffle Games • Yes Men are the segment most likely to be aware of Raffle games offered by the Colorado Lottery (38%). • The other four main playing segments are all around the 20% awareness level, with the light/non playing Prongs at 5%. C C C C CDefg BdeF b B (n = 24^ ) B (n = 42) C (n = 99) D (n = 68) E (n =92) F (n = 105) G ^ Warning: Small Base Size Base=Respondents who have played CO Lottery games in the past year Q18CW5. Are you aware of the Raffle games the Colorado Lottery has offered in the past ?
Interest in New Raffle Ticket Games • Yes Men , Funzies and Dreamer$ are the segments with the most interest in playing a new Raffle game. Mean: 4.3 CDEg 3.1 3.3 3.6 CD 4.0 CDE 3.9 CDE T2B: 79% CD 38% 42% 65% CD 72% CD 70% CD CDE CDE CDEFG BCD D d b BEFG f beFG bFG G (n = 24^ ) B (n = 42) C (n = 99) D (n = 68) E (n =92) F (n = 105) G Note: ^ Warning: Small Base Size Capital Letters indicate a significant difference across player groups at the 95% confidence level Lowercase Letters indicate a significant difference across player groups at the 90% confidence level 5-point scale where ‘5’ means Definitely Purchase and ‘1’ means Definitely Not Purchase Q18DW5. How interested would you be in a new Raffle game from the Colorado Lottery?
New Raffle Ticket Game Purchase Intent • Yes Men , Funzies and Dreamer$ are also the segments most likely to purchase a new Raffle game. Mean: 4.1 CDEfG 3.0 3.1 3.3 c 3.7 CDE 3.6 CDE T2B: 75% CDEG 31% 30% 38% 58% CDE 50% CD CDE CDE CDEfG D B B b f BDEFG bFG G G (n = 24^ ) B (n = 42) C (n = 99) D (n = 68) E (n =92) F (n = 105) G Note: ^ Warning: Small Base Size Capital Letters indicate a significant difference across player groups at the 95% confidence level Lowercase Letters indicate a significant difference across player groups at the 90% confidence level 5-point scale where ‘5’ means Definitely Purchase and ‘1’ means Definitely Not Purchase Q18EW5. How likely would you be to purchase tickets for a new Raffle game from the Colorado Lottery?
New Raffle Ticket Game Preference • The $5 ticket with the $250K top prize was the overwhelming favorite among each segment. The highest preference for the $10 Raffle game was among Yes Men and Dreamer$. • Funzies were the only segment with double digit interest in the $20 ticket. b BeFG CDeF cD cg (n = 23^ ) B (n = 32) C (n = 83) D (n = 62) E (n =89) F (n = 100) G Note: Base = Respondents who have neutral to positive interest in/purchase intent for Raffle Tickets ^ Warning: Small Base Size Capital Letters indicate a significant difference across player groups at the 95% confidence level Lowercase Letters indicate a significant difference across player groups at the 90% confidence level Q18FW5. Which of the following Raffle games is most appealing to you?
Raffle Ticket Game Additional Features • All segments prefer a Raffle loaded with smaller prizes and additional drawings to a Raffle with only large prizes. • The Jackpot Hounds were the most interested in the raffles loaded with smaller prizes and a few large prizes. DREAMER$ (n = 105) G YES MEN (n = 24^) B PRONGS (n = 42) C TOSS (n = 99) D JACKPOT HOUNDS (n = 68) E FUNZIES (n =92) F C C D BCD Fg E E bEFG EFG Note: Base=Respondents who have played CO Lottery games in the past year ^ Warning: Small Base Size Capital Letters indicate a significant difference across player groups at the 95% confidence level Lowercase Letters indicate a significant difference across player groups at the 90% confidence level Base=Respondents who have played CO lottery games in the past year Q18GW5. Which additional features would you like to see offered with a Raffle?
Issues Faced at Lottery Retail Stores by Ethnicity/Spend • Hispanic players were significantly more likely to experience an issue at point of sale than Non-Hispanics. • Heavy and Moderate Spenders for Scratch Games were more likely to experience an issue than Light Spenders. b ETHNICITY SCRATCH SPEND HISPANIC (n = 99) B NON-HISPANIC (n = 331) C HEAVY (n = 61) D MODERATE (n = 108) E LIGHT (n =123) F F F c F f C C B HI Note: Solid arrows indicate Wave 4 significantly higher/lower than Wave 3 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 4 significantly higher/lower than Wave 3 at 90% confidence level Base=Respondents who have played CO lottery games in the past year Q19. Which, if any, of the following issues have you faced at Lottery Retail stores over the past year?
Issues Faced at Lottery Retail Stores by General Segment • Dreamer$, Yes Men and Funzies are the segments most likely to experience an issue at point of sale. DREAMER$ (n = 105) G YES MEN (n = 24) B PRONGS (n = 42) C TOSS (n = 99) D JACKPOT HOUNDS (n = 68) E FUNZIES (n =92) F C CDE De d BEf b B B CD E E E E E e EfG d D G bFG fG Note: Solid arrows indicate Wave 4 significantly higher/lower than Wave 3 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 4 significantly higher/lower than Wave 3 at 90% confidence level Base=Respondents who have played CO lottery games in the past year Q19. Which, if any, of the following issues have you faced at Lottery Retail stores over the past year?
Issues Faced at Lottery Retail Stores by Scratch Segment • Overall, no Scratch Segment was significantly more likely than any other to experience issues at point of sale. • However, RIBS and FACTS were significantly more likely than BLAHS to experience an issue relating to their desired Scratch game being unavailable. RIBS (n = 78) B BLAZERS (n = 19^) C BLAHS (n = 111) D FACTS (n = 84) E D d B b Note: Solid arrows indicate Wave 4 significantly higher/lower than Wave 3 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 4 significantly higher/lower than Wave 3 at 90% confidence level Base=Respondents who have played CO lottery games in the past year Q19. Which, if any, of the following issues have you faced at Lottery Retail stores over the past year?
Jackpot Amount to Begin Playing POWERBALL • Funzies and Dreamer$ are the most likely to feel that the size of the POWERBALL jackpot amount does not affect their play. Mean: $82M $91M $110M $97M $93M $78M g c CDE d g g fG (n = 12)^ B (n = 28)^ C (n = 70) D (n = 42) E (n = 70) F (n = 78) G ^ Warning: Small Base Size *Base=Respondents who have played POWERBALL in the past year Q37 At what jackpot amount do you begin playing POWERBALL?
Jackpot Amount to Begin Playing MEGA MILLIONS • Prongs are the segment most likely to be impacted by jackpot amounts, and they have the same mean ‘starting point’ for both jackpot games. • 35% of Jackpot Hounds wait until the $100m before playing Mega Millions, almost twice the level of their Powerball play. Mean: $50M $91M G $58M $60M $66M $51M bdEG g g g e f (n = 11)^ B (n = 18)^ C (n = 54) D (n = 35) E (n = 50) F (n = 65) G ^ Warning: Small Base Size Base=Respondents who have played MEGA MILLIONS in the past year Q48a At what jackpot level do you begin playing MEGA MILLIONS?