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Presentation Outline. DefinitionOverview of Factors that affect trade finance infrastructure developmentOverview of ITC's Trade Finance Pointers MethodologyDetailed review of Selected Macroeconomic TFP for MongoliaConclusion. Trade Finance Infrastructure: a Definition. ?The institutions, laws, r
1. A Favorable Macroeconomic Environment as the Basisfor Trade Finance Infrastructure Development in Mongolia
2. Presentation Outline Definition
Overview of Factors that affect trade finance infrastructure development
Overview of ITC’s Trade Finance Pointers Methodology
Detailed review of Selected Macroeconomic TFP for Mongolia
3. Trade Finance Infrastructure:a Definition
4. Keys to Trade Finance Infrastructure Development Availability of international finance/banking expertise
both in the public and private sector
Appropriate financial sector regulations
A conducive (favorable) macroeconomic environment
including an effective legal framework
5. Macroeconomic Environment and Trade Finance Infrastructure
6. ITC’s Trade Finance Pointers (TFPs) Methodology What are TFPs for?
To detect where to focus efforts for trade finance infrastructure development
What are TFPs?
A trade finance “blood test” result sheet
based on 52 indicators/factors that affect the trade finance environment
Summarized using easy-to-read graphs and tables
7. ITC’s Trade Finance Pointers (TFPs) Methodology
8. TFP Benchmarking Process For each indicator, a country receives a “score” or “flag” based on its ranking among 129 other developing countries
10. Trade Indicators Trade openness
Net barter terms of trade
Trade cover ratio
Change in total trade
11. Trade Openness in Mongolia [Exports+Imports]/GDP
Increased trade openness is generally favorable
12. Net Barter Terms of Trade (NBTT) [export price index]/[import price index]
Base year is 1995; NBTT=100%
Increasing NBTT is favorable
13. Cover Ratio (Exports/Imports) Low cover ratio increase ST trade finance needs
Higher cover ratio more favorable LT
14. 5-Year Change in Total Trade (TT) [TT2001 - TT1996] / TT1996
More Trade, More Trade Finance...
15. Net [External] Resources Net Flows of Long Term Debt
Net FDI flows
[Net Portfolio flows]
Net Official Development Aid
16. Net Flows of LT Debt [LT2001-LT2000]/GNI
Consistently high LT Debt inflows is not favorable
17. Net FDI flows (as % of GNI) More FDI is likely to have positive LT influence on trade finance sector development
18. Net Official Development Aid Net ODA flows (as % of GNI) may have a positive LT impact on Trade Finance Infrastructure Development
19. External Debt and Liquidity Total external debt stock
Total external debt service
Foreign exchange reserves
Current account balance
Short term debt
20. Total Debt Stock (% of GNI) All public and private ST and LT ext. debt
High debt stocks may not be sustainable
21. Total External Debt Service Calculated as % of exports. Include payments actually made
May reduce availability of credit for trade
22. International Reserves Measured in months of total imports
Reserves help stabilize exchange rate
23. Current Account Balance (CAB) [Savings-Investment]/GNI
A positive CAB would tend to be favorable to trade finance sector development
24. Short Term (ST) Debt / LT Debt Economies should maintain a good mix of ST and LT debts
Less short-term debt is favorable
25. Exchange Rate Policy and Availability Foreign Exchange Rate Arrangement
[Foreign Exchange Availability]
Exchange Rate Volatility
[Real Effective Exchange Rate]
26. Exchange Rate Arrangement
27. Exchange Rate Volatility Variance of exchange rate over 5 year
Volatility increase trade transaction risk
28. Monetary and Financial System Deposits as a percentage of GDP
Financial deepening I:Monetisation of Economy
Financial deepening II:Broad money as narrow money
Market capitalisation as a percentage of GDP
29. Deposits as a Percentage of GDP Lending is possible only if there is money in the banks
Availability of international credit lines?
30. Financial Deepening I:Monetisation of Economy [narrow+quasi money] / GDP
Increased use of monetary instruments is favorable
31. Financial Deepening II: Quasi Money as Narrow Money [Quasi Money] / [Narrow Money]
More quasi money = more developed financial sector
32. Market Capitalisation as a Percentage of GDP Existence of a stock market as an alternative way for company to raise capital is favorable
33. Credit Market Crowding out of private Investment
Sovereign LT Debt Rating
[Forfaiting rates (6 months over libor)]
Export credit risk
34. Crowding out of private Investment [Government Deficit]/GDP
2 ways to finance a deficit: print money OR borrow money
35. Sovereign LT Debt Rating
36. Export Credit Risk Rating
37. Legal Environment Aptitude of the legal system in solving trade dispute
dispute solved < 3 months
Level of legal costs
cost of preparation of loan agreement < 4% of loan value
Effectiveness of bankruptcy law
International auditing standards
38. Macroeconomic Environment: TFP Indices Summary for Mongolia
39. Conclusion The trade finance infrastructure cannot develop without a Macroeconomic environment characterized by:
trade openness
sustainable debt management
availability of a domestic deposit base for private investors
40. Conclusion Mongolia’s macroeconomic environment analysis reveals that policy makers should focus attention on:
increasing the depth of the monetary and financial system
improve the credit market situation
41. Conclusion Aside from improvement of the macroeconomic environment, a lot remains to be done to improve the financial institutions and their capacity more directly… (see “food for thoughts”)
42. Food for Thoughts...
43. Contacts