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Experience the joy and fulfillment of utilizing your spiritual gifts to enrich your life and the lives of others. Explore various charisms and learn how to recognize and develop your unique talents.

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  2. Prayer to the Holy Spirit Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit  and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth. O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit  we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations, Through Christ Our Lord, Amen.

  3. Table Activity Turn to one person at your table (or two if it is an odd number) and share with them about one of the last times you had joyful news.

  4. Experiencing Joy Goodness always tends to spread. Every authentic experience of truth and goodness seeks by its very nature to grow within us…as it expands, goodness takes root and develops.

  5. Joy is Better than Happiness • Joy is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit • Happiness is based on circumstances • Joy is so much deeper and lasting • Joy is based on hope in God

  6. Diocesan Pastoral Letter Beginning the Year of Faith “As members of the Church we are obliged to witness to our faith. Each one of us is sent into the world to joyfully witness to God’s love and our relationship with Jesus Christ.” Bishop Lennon, Year of Faith-Pastoral Letter

  7. The Great Commission “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20

  8. Best Gift EVER “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.” John 3:16 “I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly.” John 10:10 "I am the light of the world.  Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12

  9. Live Out Joy We are called to live out our joy in the world. It is only then that we will attract others to the faith! “An evangelizer must never look like someone who has just come back from a funeral!” Pope Francis Joy of the Gospel, 10

  10. Joyfully Gifted Vision “The Holy Spirit also enriches the entire evangelizing church with different charisms. These gifts are meant to renew and build up the church.” Pope Francis, Joy of the Gospel, 130

  11. What is a Charism? • A charism is a spiritual gift, given by God to each at Baptism and strengthened by the Sacraments. • Each person has at least one, some have more. • Charisms are used to serve God and are used for others • Charisms have supernatural characteristics, for the giver and the receiver.

  12. Spiritual Gifts “There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone. To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit.” 1 Corinthians 12:4-7

  13. Recognizing Charisms • Yearning: I am naturally drawn to... • Rapid Learning: I pick up these kinds of activities quickly • "Flow": I "get" these kinds of activities almost automatically • Glimpses of Excellence: I sometimes wonder, "How did I do that?" when I... • Satisfaction: In some activities I never seem to tire, and am anxious to do them again • Losing Time: When I am doing this, I lose all sense of time because I’m so into what I’m doing… not bored or distracted

  14. YOU were made for Greatness! Pope Benedict XVI

  15. JOYFULLY GIFTED Talent Resume Activity

  16. TALENT RESUME Directions • Add your first and last name at the top. • Do your best to complete the sentences. • Answer the questions that come most easily first, then move onto the others. • PLEASE stay at your tables and complete ON YOUR OWN.

  17. JOYFULLY GIFTED Spiritual Gifts Inventory Tool

  18. Directions • Read each question and respond quickly with your “first” reaction. Do not over think the question. • Circle the number next to each question that corresponds to your answer. • When all questions are answered; put the number of the score next to the number of the question on the score sheet. • Add across the numbers to “Total” column • Record your top five highest-scored gifts on the 2 enclosed cards. (1 card for you and 1 for Youth Group Team)

  19. JOYFULLY GIFTED Types of Charisms

  20. Types of Charisms Communications Lifestyle Understanding Pastoral Organizational Healing Creative

  21. Pastoral Charisms • Encouragement • Helps • Hospitality • Mercy • Pastor/Shepherd Nurture individuals and community

  22. Charism: Encouragement (p.13) The gift to work with the Holy Spirit to affirm, uplift, and restore confidence to others in a way that is personally helpful and promotes growth. Possible roles:

  23. Charism: Helps (p.16) The gift to work with the Holy Spirit to provide practical, behind-the-scenes help, allowing others to accomplish more than they might otherwise be capable of achieving in their ministry, service, or vocation. Possible Roles:

  24. Charism: Hospitality (p.16) The gift to work with the Holy Spirit to cheerfully welcome and provide friendship, food or shelter to others at home, school, work, or church. Possible Roles:

  25. Charism: Mercy (P18) The gift to work with the Holy Spirit to minister with kindness and compassion to those who are hurting, helping them experience God’s love by meeting their needs. Possible Roles:

  26. Charism: Pastoring (P19) The gift to work with the Holy Spirit to inspire, support, and take responsibility for the spiritual well-being of a group of people by sharing God’s Word and Truth, over a long period of time. Possible Roles:

  27. Pastoral Charisms Nurture individuals and community

  28. Organizational Charisms Focus on structuring and organization of things and people • Administrative • Giving • Leadership • Service

  29. Charism: Administration (p.12) The gift to work with the Holy Spirit to plan, organize tasks, and follow through on a large project or several smaller projects all at the same time to effectively meet the needs of the leader’s vision. Possible Roles:

  30. Charism: Giving (p.15) The gift to work with the Holy Spirit to contribute cheerfully, generously, and, regularly of our time, talent, and treasure to build up the Kingdom of God. Possible Roles:

  31. Charism: Leadership (p.18) The gift to work with the Holy Spirit to share a vision, motivate, and guide people to work together effectively to achieve worthwhile goals. Possible Roles:

  32. Charism: Service (p.20) The gift to work with the Holy Spirit to focus on the gaps or undone tasks in a plan and take personal action to solve the problems they have recognized. Possible roles:

  33. Organizational Charisms Focus on structuring and organization of things and people

  34. Healing Charisms • Healing • Intercession Channeling God’s healing and restoration

  35. Charism: Healing (p.15) The gift to work with the Holy Spirit and heal others, physically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, or relationally, through prayer. Possible Roles:

  36. Charism: Intercession (p.17) The gift to work with the Holy Spirit to pray regularly and faithfully for extended periods for the needs of others, knowing that prayer is answered. Possible Roles:

  37. Healing Charisms Channeling God’s healing and restoration

  38. Creative Charisms • Craftsmanship • Music • Writing • And more… Creative activity that orders and beautifies – used for others.

  39. Charism: Creative Ability (p.12) The gift to work with the Holy Spirit to spiritually impact others by way of music, writing, art, drama, or craftsmanship, bringing God’s beauty into the world. Possible Roles:

  40. Creative Charisms Creative activity that orders and beautifies – used for others.

  41. Communications Charisms Sharing the message of the Gospel clearly. • Evangelism • Prophecy • Teaching

  42. Charism: Evangelism (p.14) The gift to work with the Holy Spirit to effectively communicate one’s faith or spiritual experience to share the Good News with others and actually bring them closer to Christ. Possible Roles:

  43. Charism: Prophecy (p.20) The gift to work with the Holy Spirit to know a message from God clearly and be compelled to speak that truth to an individual or in a group situation. Possible Roles:

  44. Charism: Teaching (p.21) The gift to work with the Holy Spirit to effectively communicate information, ideas, and skills, so others learn, grow, and mature as disciples of Christ. Possible Roles:

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