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BUILD UP Skills Slovenia

Enhancing skills of craftsmen for high energy performance retrofitting & zero-energy buildings. Setting up a national qualification platform to address industry needs by 2020.

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BUILD UP Skills Slovenia

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  1. BUILD UP SkillsSlovenia IEE Skills4SB.SI- Building Skills for Sustainable Building in Slovenia Contract N°: IEE/11/BWI/519/SI2.604361, project duration: 18 months (from Nov. 8, 2011 – toMay 7, 2013)

  2. Project summary Contract N°: IEE/11/BWI/519/SI2.604361, IEE Skills4SB.SIproject duration: 18 months (from Nov. 8, 2011 – toMay 7, 2013) BUILD UP SkillsSlovenia Definitionofthenational framework andtheroadmapforintensive upgrade of existing skills of craftsmen and other on-site construction workers and systems installersworking on high energy performance retrofitting of existing buildings and nearly zero-energy buildings. Partners ZRMK – Building and Civil Engineering Institute ZRMK(Co-ordinator) CCS – Construction Cluster of Slovenia OZS –Chamber for Crafts and Small Business of Slovenia IZS – Slovenian Chamber of Engineers SCNM – School centre Novo mesto CPI - Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Vocational Education and Training

  3. Background Contract N°: IEE/11/BWI/519/SI2.604361, IEE Skills4SB.SIproject duration: 18 months (from Nov. 8, 2011 – toMay 7, 2013) BUILD UP SkillsSlovenia The EU and national EE/RES targets 2020 foresee large contribution from building sector. High energy performance retrofitting of existing buildings and nearly zero-energy buildings demand intensive upgrade of existing skills of craftsmen and other on-site construction workers and systems installers within continuing education/training; but also an upgrade and/or new qualification schemes in the initial education. 20-20-20 by 2020 targets in Slovenia: RES: 25% shareof RES, CO2 reduction: fornon ETS sector CO2 targets are defined in the»Effort Sharing Decision«,for2013-2020 period (i.e. emissions limit in 2020 compared to 2005 for Slovenia is +4%), EE nationaltragets in draft NEP 2030: EE improvedby50% of new and renovated public buildings of NZEB standard by 2015 (2018 for residential) and 100% share by 2018 (by 2020 for residential)

  4. Objectives and main steps Contract N°: IEE/11/BWI/519/SI2.604361, IEE Skills4SB.SIproject duration: 18 months (from Nov. 8, 2011 – toMay 7, 2013) BUILD UP SkillsSlovenia The primary objective of Skills4SB.Si is to define the national frameworkfor upgrading the existing skills, by: Establishment of the national qualification platform Analysis of the status quo to frame and quantify the need for qualified workers in the building sector in Slovenia by 2020 Roadmap onhow to overcome barriers and identified skills gaps The roadmap endorsement Dissemination– nationaland EU exchangeofexperiences

  5. Achievedresults Contract N°: IEE/11/BWI/519/SI2.604361, IEE Skills4SB.SIproject duration: 18 months (from Nov. 8, 2011 – toMay 7, 2013) • “Analysis of the national status quo" • describesin detail the current situationandactsas the common basis for informed discussions with the stakeholders about current gaps, future needs and necessary priorities. • The following professions, technologies and systems wereanalysed: • each of the main conventional building trades / crafts / skills (concrete workers, steel workers, bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, electrician, roofer, plasterer, glazier, etc), • each of the specialists who select / size / check / inspect the installations (gas boiler, oil boiler, solid fuel burner, under floor heating system, radiators, air handling units and filters, cooling /air conditioning plant, PV, solar thermal, geothermal, heat pump, etc), • each of the main features of an energy efficient building (groundwork, walls, roof, windows, doors, chimneys, heating /cooling systems, air handling, lighting, other services, etc), • each of the main RES systems (small-scale biomass boilers and stoves, solar photovoltaicand solar thermal systems, shallow geothermal systems and heat pumps).

  6. Achievedresults Contract N°: IEE/11/BWI/519/SI2.604361, IEE Skills4SB.SIproject duration: 18 months (from Nov. 8, 2011 – toMay 7, 2013) • “Establishmentofthenationalqualificationplatform withover 600 members" • Identification of all relevant stakeholders (public and private organizations, experts, individuals) and mapping their drivers for participating in the platform. • Organisation of the communication, work and decision-making process. • Assuring the continuity of their work and involvement in the roadmap implementation and upgrading.

  7. Achievedresults Contract N°: IEE/11/BWI/519/SI2.604361, IEE Skills4SB.SIproject duration: 18 months (from Nov. 8, 2011 – toMay 7, 2013) • “NationalRoadmap" • Qualification needs and gaps in the building sector (i.e. quantification of the numbers of workers to be trained in eachfield); • Quantification of the needs in terms of structures for carrying out the trainings; • Identification of priority measures • Actionplan and monitoring process

  8. FromtheRoadmap Structureofnon-formal VET – plannedby 2020

  9. BUILD UP SkillsSlovenia Estimation of training needs • Young workerswith IVET needtraining 1000/year (+25% by 2020) • Workerscomingfrom abroad (ex YU, BiH) to work in buildingsector 3000/year; newcomersneedingtraining 1500/year • Existingworkersneedingtraining: 1950/year (now) • 2650/year (laterby 2020, +12%) ŠCNM

  10. BUILD UP SkillsSlovenia Estimationoffuturetrainings • BUS Roadmap FOCUS ON: • Accreditedtrainingcourses as thebasisforfuture CVET • Improved IVET • curricula • Informaltrainings – on-going CVET ŠCNM

  11. Achievedresults Contract N°: IEE/11/BWI/519/SI2.604361, IEE Skills4SB.SIproject duration: 18 months (from Nov. 8, 2011 – toMay 7, 2013) • “EndorsementoftheRoadmap” • The roadmap endorsement wasplanned and implemented as a multi stage process with the aim to assure endorsements by relevant public and private authorities, institutions and stakeholders in construction sector and education/training field – including their commitment to carry out and implement proposed strategy and action plan.

  12. Endorsement

  13. Partners & Contact ŠCNM Contract N°: IEE/11/BWI/519/SI2.604361, IEE Skills4SB.SIproject duration: 18 months (from Nov. 8, 2011 – toMay 7, 2013) BUILD UP SkillsSlovenia Partners ZRMK – Building and Civil Engineering Institute ZRMK(Co-ordinator: Marjana Sijanec Zavrl; e-mail: marjana.sijanec@gi-zrmk.si) CCS – Construction Cluster of Slovenia OZS –Chamber for Crafts and Small Business of Slovenia IZS – Slovenian Chamber of Engineers SCNM – School centre Novo mesto CPI - Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Vocational Education and Training Web site: www.buildupskills.eu

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