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Brand Loyalty: Psychology & Customer Relationships

Understand the psychology of brand loyalty and its impact on customer relationships. Explore key strategies to build brand loyalty, utilizing customer service, personal identity, and unique experiences.

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Brand Loyalty: Psychology & Customer Relationships

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  1. Brand Loyalty By:Dylan Orlando

  2. What is brand loyalty? The tendency of consumers to continue buying the same brand of goods rather than competing brands.

  3. 5 key ways that psychology plays a role in brand loyalty 1. Stand out by being different 2. Know your target market, and cater to those people. 3. Incorporate a series of positive, branded experiences 4. Allow your customers to interact with one other. 5. Make your brand a component of personal identity

  4. Customer service and Relationships Good Customer service and good relationships with its customers are very important things for a company to have to keep its customers loyal to a brand.

  5. Wunderman study about how customers feel about customer service “The study found that 88% of U.S. consumers want to engage with brands that are setting new standards in meeting their expectations. Seventy-four percent said brands can do so by providing a higher level of customer service. In addition, 56% said they feel more loyal to brands who “get me” and show a deep understanding of their priorities and preferences. Additionally, 89% are loyal to brands that share their values.”

  6. Things that can help people identify a brand and create associations in their brain. 1.Logos 2.Colors 3.Mascots 4.Slogans

  7. Buy-ology A surprising thing that can help create brand loyalty is a warning label on a cigarette package.

  8. Apple one of the best brands at brand loyalty 1.Iphone 2.Apple watch 3.Ipad 4. Mac laptops

  9. Works cited http://www.cmo.com/features/articles/2017/1/23/wunderman-tlp-wantedness-study.html#gs.QUriA8A https://www.google.com/search?q=what+is+brand+loyalty&oq=what+is+brand+loyalty&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.12654j1j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/297889 Lindstrom, Martin. Buy-Ology: Truth and Lies about Why We Buy. New York, Crown Business, 2010. Google images

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