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Using NLP in the Education and Development of the Professional Planter presented by Abdul Latif Manan. International Plantation Industry Conference & Exhibition (IPiCEX 2012). 5th November 2012. International Plantation Industry Conference & Exhibition (IPiCEX 2012). 20 mins. 1.
Using NLP in the Education and Development of the Professional Planterpresented byAbdul Latif Manan International Plantation Industry Conference & Exhibition (IPiCEX 2012) 5th November 2012
International Plantation Industry Conference & Exhibition (IPiCEX 2012) 20 mins 1 Basic NLP Principles 2 Managing Emotions 3 Anchoring 4 Communication & Sensory Acuity 5 The Sub-conscious Mind 6 The NLP Communication Model 7 Applications 8 Conclusion
International Plantation Industry Conference & Exhibition (IPiCEX 2012) A Story Akido Master and a cup of tea
International Plantation Industry Conference & Exhibition (IPiCEX 2012) 1 Section Brief History and some basic NLP Principles
International Plantation Industry Conference & Exhibition (IPiCEX 2012) Brief History of NLP NLP began in the 1960s as the result of studies at the University of California, Santa Cruz where Dr Richard Bandler, a Masters level student of information sciences, and Dr John Grinder, Professor of Linguistics, came up with a model of human excellence based on their research into language and behaviour, and the link between mind and body. Their focus was to study people they considered excellent communicators and agents of change.
International Plantation Industry Conference & Exhibition (IPiCEX 2012) Brief History of NLP
International Plantation Industry Conference & Exhibition (IPiCEX 2012) What is NLP Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is an approach to communication (both with other people and with oneself), personal development, and psychotherapy. It is based on learning to communicate with ourselves and others by observing styles of speech and actions, enabling us to adapt successfully to any situation.
International Plantation Industry Conference & Exhibition (IPiCEX 2012) What is NLP It’s about understanding the way in which people think, feel, communicate and act. Being able to ‘read’ people is a very powerful tool in achieving the desired response from those with whom you are interacting and this is a valuable skill in so far as the Professional Planter is concerned.
International Plantation Industry Conference & Exhibition (IPiCEX 2012) Neuro: This refers to the way in which we process information through our senses of seeing, hearing, touching, smelling and tasting. Linguistic: This refers to the way in which we use language to communicate with others and ourselves. Programming: This refers to the way in which we organise information to achieve the desired results.
International Plantation Industry Conference & Exhibition (IPiCEX 2012) Memikirkan Hasil (outcome thinking) Ketajaman Deria (sensory acuity) Pillars of NLP As we shall see, these pillars play a crucial role in the daily life of the Professional Planter. Mewujudkan Jalinan (rapport) Fleksibiliti Kelakuan (behavioral flexibility)
International Plantation Industry Conference & Exhibition (IPiCEX 2012) Presuppositions in NLP The foundation for NLP is a set of presuppositions (beliefs) about ourselves and the world we live in. These presuppositions also serve as principles to guide how we live our lives.
International Plantation Industry Conference & Exhibition (IPiCEX 2012) Presuppositions in NLP a. You cannot not communicate. Communication is verbal and non-verbal. You are always communicating through your tone of voice, actions, body language. b. The map is not the territory. The map that we refer to see where places are located is not the actual place, but a visual representation. c. Respect for the other person’s model of the world. We each have our own interpretation of reality (or model of the world). Our interpretations may be quite similar or different depending on our experiences.
International Plantation Industry Conference & Exhibition (IPiCEX 2012) Presuppositions in NLP d. The system (person) with the most flexibility of behaviour will have the most influence on the system.If we want our lives to be different, doing the same things repeatedly, harder, louder, is not the way. We must choose to do something different. As an analogy, if trying one key in a lock doesn't fit, would you keep trying the same key repeatedly? e. The meaning of communication is the response it produces. What you intend to communicate is not always what is understood by the other person
International Plantation Industry Conference & Exhibition (IPiCEX 2012) Presuppositions in NLP f. There is no failure only feedback. Do you interpret something that doesn’t work out the way you planned as failure? Or maybe, it is simply information that you can use to change what you are doing in order to move closer to the result that you want. g. Every behaviour has a positive intention. No matter how strange, hurtful or inappropriate a person’s behaviour may seem to you; to the person engaging in that behaviour, it makes sense in their model of the world. They see the behaviour as the best or only way of meeting their need or achieving their outcome.
International Plantation Industry Conference & Exhibition (IPiCEX 2012) Presuppositions in NLP h. There are no unresourceful people, only unresourceful states. A bit similar to the previous one. People already have the resources they need to succeed. i. You are in charge of your mind and therefore your results. You are the one who chose the filters (beliefs, values, decisions, …) that determine your maps, your model of the world and how you experience different events. You are also the one who can change these filters to gain a different perspective on the world and potentially significantly different results.
International Plantation Industry Conference & Exhibition (IPiCEX 2012) 2 Section Managing Emotions
Breathing International Plantation Industry Conference & Exhibition (IPiCEX 2012) 1 2 Ways of Managing Emotions State Management 3 NLP Pattern: Circle of Excellence
International Plantation Industry Conference & Exhibition (IPiCEX 2012) NLP Breathing Technique Show Me How To Breathe Let’s Play!
International Plantation Industry Conference & Exhibition (IPiCEX 2012) • RESOURCEFUL EMOTIONS (Berdaya sumber) - Memberi kekuatan kepada anda. • Non-Resourceful Emotions (Tidak Berdaya sumber)- Melemahkan daya potensi anda. WHAT EMOTIONS DOES THE PLANTER BRING TO HIS WORKPLACE?
International Plantation Industry Conference & Exhibition (IPiCEX 2012) Example of Unresourceful Emotions
International Plantation Industry Conference & Exhibition (IPiCEX 2012) REMEMBER ! Every Decision Made is Shaped by Our STATE at that time. 36
International Plantation Industry Conference & Exhibition (IPiCEX 2012) Ever Had One of These Days? 123896
International Plantation Industry Conference & Exhibition (IPiCEX 2012) Would You Like to Learn How to Change to This? 123896
Pengurusan Emosi Kita (State Management)
NLP Techniques and Patterns: Stepping Stones to a New Reality International Plantation Industry Conference & Exhibition (IPiCEX 2012) In NLP, we literally build a bridge in our neurology from where we are, to the place we want to be, or from the person we are to the person we want to be come. In NLP jargon, we say that we move from a Present State to a Desired State. PS DS 26
NLP Tools to move from International Plantation Industry Conference & Exhibition (IPiCEX 2012) PS DS Circle of Excellence Swish Pattern Mending the Broken Heart Well Formed Outcome Phobia Pattern New Behaviour Generator Chocolate Godiva Association & Dissociation and many more . . . . 27
International Plantation Industry Conference & Exhibition (IPiCEX 2012) 3 Section Anchoring in NLP
International Plantation Industry Conference & Exhibition (IPiCEX 2012) Anchoring Have You Ever Experienced These Moments?
International Plantation Industry Conference & Exhibition (IPiCEX 2012) Do you experience powerful emotions & sensations that represent how you feel about family as a whole because these feelings have been linked with these people?
International Plantation Industry Conference & Exhibition (IPiCEX 2012) What is an anchor and why is it of significance? An anchor is a sensory stimuli linked to a specific set of states. Has great power because they can instantly access powerful states.
International Plantation Industry Conference & Exhibition (IPiCEX 2012) Types of Anchor • VISUAL • AUDITORY • KINESTETIK
International Plantation Industry Conference & Exhibition (IPiCEX 2012) What is an Anchor? Stimulus Response Where a particular stimulus will elicit a memory, behavior or a feeling.
International Plantation Industry Conference & Exhibition (IPiCEX 2012) By using anchoring techniques: You will be able to harness the emotions when you need them the most
Anchoring Parameters • For an anchor to work, you must replicate it exactly. • Precise repetition. • Your expectation. If you expect it to work, it will. If you don’t, it might not.
International Plantation Industry Conference & Exhibition (IPiCEX 2012) 4 Section Sensory Acuity and Communication
International Plantation Industry Conference & Exhibition (IPiCEX 2012) 5 Section Our Sub-Conscious
International Plantation Industry Conference & Exhibition (IPiCEX 2012) Sub-Conscious Mind Conscious Mind
International Plantation Industry Conference & Exhibition (IPiCEX 2012) Sub-Conscious Mind Conscious Mind • Works linear • Procedural • Logical • Mathematical • Analytical • Intuition • Holistic • Creative • Attends to bodily functions • Emotions • Stores Information
Caution!!!The Words that you use are FOOD for your Minds. International Plantation Industry Conference & Exhibition (IPiCEX 2012)
International Plantation Industry Conference & Exhibition (IPiCEX 2012) 6 Section NLP Communication Model
International Plantation Industry Conference & Exhibition (IPiCEX 2012) Communication Model
International Plantation Industry Conference & Exhibition (IPiCEX 2012) NLP Communication Model
International Plantation Industry Conference & Exhibition (IPiCEX 2012) 7 Section NLP Applications
International Plantation Industry Conference & Exhibition (IPiCEX 2012) The Concise Encyclopaedia defines the term “education” as follows:- “Learning that takes place in schools or school-like environments (formal education) or in the world at large; the transmission of the values and accumulated knowledge of a society. In developing cultures there is often little formal education; children learn from their environment and activities, and the adults around them act as teachers. In more complex societies, where there is more knowledge to be passed on, a more selective and efficient means of transmission—the school and teacher—becomes necessary. The content of formal education, its duration, and who receives it have varied widely from culture to culture and age to age, as has the philosophy of education. Some philosophers (e.g., John Locke) have seen individuals as blank slates onto which knowledge can be written. Others (e.g., Jean-Jacques Rousseau) have seen the innate human state as desirable in itself and therefore to be tampered with as little as possible, a view often taken in alternative education.”
International Plantation Industry Conference & Exhibition (IPiCEX 2012) The Free Merriam Webster dictionary defines ‘education’ as:- • “The field of study that deals mainly with methods of teaching and learning in schools.”
International Plantation Industry Conference & Exhibition (IPiCEX 2012) The University of Georgia has this to say about ‘developmental education’: “Among the meanings of "develop" are "to evolve the possibilities of...to promote the growth of" (Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, 1981, p. 308.) "Development" is defined as "the act, process, or result of developing" (p. 308). "Remedy," meanwhile, refers to "a medicine, application, or treatment that relieves or cures a disease ... something that corrects or counteracts an evil" (Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, p.970). To remedy is "to provide or serve as a remedy for" (p. 970). Synonyms are cure and correct. The definition of remedial has been expanded to not only include "intended as a remedy," by more specifically, "concerned with the correction of faulty study habits and the raising of a pupil's general competence [reading courses]"
International Plantation Industry Conference & Exhibition (IPiCEX 2012) From the definitions above, we are talking about the methods of teaching and learning as well as the process in promoting the growth of students to their highest potential.
International Plantation Industry Conference & Exhibition (IPiCEX 2012) Applications of NLP in Education Use of the techniques mentioned above would help the teaching faculty in imparting skills and knowledge. Beginning with the teaching state, the lecturer concerned would need to place himself in the appropriate teaching state to maximise learning. One of the most common and widely-used categorizations of the various types of learning styles is Neil Fleming's VARK model (sometimes VAK) which expanded upon earlier NLP models (www.vark-learn.com): 1. visual learners; 2. auditory learners; 3. kinesthetic learners or tactile learners