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Unit 6 Sunshine for all Reading (I)

Unit 6 Sunshine for all Reading (I). 张利琴. 中学正高级教师 江苏省英语特级教师. Enjoy a clip of video. Volunteering for the Special Olympics World Games. Prediction from the title. Who. Why. What. Volunteering for the Special Olympics World Games. How. Where. When.

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Unit 6 Sunshine for all Reading (I)

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  1. Unit 6 Sunshine for allReading (I)

  2. 张利琴 中学正高级教师 江苏省英语特级教师

  3. Enjoy a clip of video Volunteering for the Special Olympics World Games

  4. Prediction from the title Who Why What Volunteering for the Special Olympics World Games How Where When

  5. Who volunteered for the Special Olympics World Games ? Why did he/she volunteer for the Special Olympics World Games? What did the volunteer (he/she) do for the Special Olympics World Games? What are the Special Olympics World Games for? When and where did the Special Olympics World Games take place? / Which Special Olympics World Games did he/she volunteer for? How did the volunteer feel after volunteering for the Special Olympics World Games? What you expect (want) to find out

  6. Prediction from pictures and caption When and where did the Special Olympics World Games take place? What did he/she do for the Special Olympics World Games? Where did you get it? What led you to make such a guessing?

  7. Fast reading 1. Who volunteered for the Special Olympics World Games ? Liu Ming. 2. Which Special Olympics World Games did he volunteer for? The Shanghai 2007 Special Olympics World Games. Where did you get the answers? The 1st Paragraph. Reading Tip: Sometimes, the title, the first and last paras, the pictures and caption offer easy and quick access to the main idea of a passage.

  8. Skimming Which part of the text answers your remaining prediction questions? Any new words you don’t understand? ※Why did Liu Ming volunteer for the Special Olympics World Games? ※ What did the volunteer(s) do for the Special Olympics World Games? ※ What are Special Olympics World Games for? ※ How did Liu Ming feel after volunteering for the Special Olympics World Games? Para 5 Paras 3 & 4 Para 2 Paras 1 & 5

  9. Scanning Para 2 What are Special Olympics World Games for? They give children and adults with intellectual disabilities a chance to show their skills to the world. What does “intellectual disabilities” mean? What does “they” in the second sentence refer to? The Special Olympics World Games. What does “those” in the second sentence refer to? The events.

  10. Matching Olympic Games Athletes the Paralympics (残奥会) aged from 14 to 18 the Summer Olympics Winter Olympics the intellectually disabled people with sound body and mind 身心健全的人 the Youth Olympics the Special Olympics the physically disabled

  11. What’s special about the Special Olympics World Games? Thinking special athletes intellectual disabilities events similar to those in the Olympics The athletes are born with intellectual disabilities. The special athletes are expected to do the same things as those healthy athletes. Can they make the event a success alone?

  12. Scanning Para 3 How can they make the event a success? They need the volunteers’ support. Where has the volunteers’ spare time gone? spare time receive training provide support help make the event a great success What does “they” in this para refer to? The volunteers.

  13. Para 2 is about the _________ to the Special Olympics world Games. introduction A. history B. events C. introduction Para 3 is about what the did for the 2007 Special Olympics World Games. volunteers In Para , we know Liu Ming volunteered for the 2007 Special Olympics World Games. We met him a second time in Para . 1 4

  14. Scanning What did Liu Ming do for the 2007 Special Olympics World Games? Para 4 Para 3 The volunteers provided support for the athletes. Para 4

  15. Thinking What does Liu Ming think of Li Hai? brave join the competition It is of Li Hai to . It is of Li Hai not to just aim for . wise a gold or silver It is for Li Hai in the competition. important to take part Para 4 talks about ... Liu Ming's volunteering experience. What paras alsotell us something about Liu Ming? Paras 1 & 5 ?

  16. Scanning Thinking ? Paras 1 & 5 talk about Liu Ming’s feelings about the events. Why did Liu Ming volunteer for the 2007 Special Olympics World Games? At the beginning, Liu Ming was not sure about it. Later he came to understand he could help the athletes achieve their dreams. What does Liu Ming think of beinga volunteer? It is fantastic to work as a volunteer. Para 1 It was the most amazing experience of his life. Para 1 It’s great for them to work closely with these special athletes. Para 5

  17. Thinking What are Special Olympics World Games for? 1. They give children and adults with intellectual disabilities a chance to show their skills to the world. 2. Para 2 They also bring people together. Para 5 What does "people" in Para 5 refer to? “People” refers to athletes and volunteers from different backgrounds.. What does "us" in Para 5 refer to? “Us” refers to volunteers like Liu Ming. . What does "them" in Para 5 refer to? “Them” refers to special athletes like Li Hai.

  18. Third reading What do you think of Liu Ming? It's fantastic for Liu Ming to be a volunteer. It's meaningful for Liu Ming to be a volunteer. It’s patient of Liu Ming to be the swimming coach for Li Hai. Justify your answers. It was the most amazing experience of his life. Liu Ming helped Li Hai achieve his dreams and gain confidence. Li Hai was born with intellectual disabilities. It was not easy for Liu Ming to train Li Hai’s swimming skills.

  19. Fill in the blanks Post reading intellectual disabilities chance similar gave up receive training athletes closely achieve their dreams born confident take part

  20. Post reading Read and share what you’ve learned the Special Olympics World Games aim give …a chance to … { bring …together events similar to 2007 Shanghai athletes { brave Li Hai finished fourth not to win a gold, but to take part more confident over 40,000 volunteers gave up support/help { receive training { Liu Ming coach fantastic/great amazing experience

  21. Post reading Thinking Can we change the title into “Liu Ming volunteered for the 2007 Special Olympics Games”? Why or Why not? It’s wordy. Some words have to be left out to save space. It leaves more room for imagination. ... Which Para is the most important in the text? The first paragraph.

  22. Liu Ming did not know what to expect when he volunteered for the Special Olympics World Summer Gamesin Shanghai, back in October 2007. Now he thinks it was the most amazing experience of his life. “It’s fantastic to work as a volunteer!” he says. The first paragraph is the core of the text. Para 2 Para 3 Para 4 Para 5 Why is it fantastic? The rest of the text centers around it.

  23. Thinking How are the ideas in the text organized? Para 2 Introduction Para 3 Volunteers’ deeds Para 1 Main idea of the passage Para 4 Liu Ming’s volunteering experience Para 5 Liu Ming’s feelings about the event A time order? A Place order? General to specific? Specific to general?

  24. Homework 1. Surf the Internet to learn more about the Special Olympics World Games. 2. Read the report and underline what puzzles you. 3. Think about the question: How are the ideas in the text organized?

  25. Thank you!

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