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Daily announcements

Daily announcements. CS 101 Fall 2006 Aaron Bloomfield. Monday, 28 August 2006. Today’s music: Doobie Brothers Textbook update It’ll be here soon! See the webpage also Lab scheduling issues New lab section at 2 p.m. on Thursday Course schedule number 602X4

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Daily announcements

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  1. Daily announcements CS 101 Fall 2006 Aaron Bloomfield

  2. Monday, 28 August 2006 • Today’s music: Doobie Brothers • Textbook update • It’ll be here soon! • See the webpage also • Lab scheduling issues • New lab section at 2 p.m. on Thursday • Course schedule number 602X4 • Those who can’t fit that time will be course actioned into a section that works • This will happen on Wednesday • You’ll get an e-mail about it • Fill out the scheduling survey if you are having lab scheduling problems! • All the office hours are on the website • Lab 2 is this Thursday (we’ll be going over it Wed) • HW J1 will be out a week from Wed

  3. Wednesday, 30 August 2006 • Today’s music: Alice in Chains • Textbook update (and clickers) • It’ll be here soon! • See the webpage also • Lab scheduling issues • New lab section at 2 p.m. on Thursday • Course schedule number 602X4 • Those who can’t fit that time will be course actioned into a section that works • This will happen later today or tomorrow • You’ll get an e-mail about it • All the office hours are on the website • I won’t have mine tomorrow • Lab 2 is this Thursday (we’ll be going over it today) • HW J1 will be out a week from today

  4. Monday, 4 September 2006 • Today’s music: U2 • Textbook update (and clickers) • Both of them will be here soon! • A PDF version of the textbook is available on the website • Lab scheduling issues • Everybody should be in a lab that fits their schedule now • If not, please see me • All the office hours are on the website • Lab 3 is this Thursday (we’ll be going over it on Wed) • HW J1 will be out this Wednesday

  5. Wednesday, 6 September 2006 • Today’s music: The Who • Textbook update (and clickers) • Clickers are in the bookstore • Textbooks should be there this week • A PDF version of the textbook is available on the website • How many were able to download it? • Lab scheduling issues • Everybody should be in a lab that fits their schedule now • If not, please see me • All the office hours are on the website • Mine will begin at 2:30 this Thursday (instead of 2) • Lab 3 is this Thursday (we’ll be going over it today) • HW J1 will be out later today • We’ll go over it today as well

  6. Monday, 11 September 2006 • Today’s music: Sarah McLachlan • Textbook update (and clickers) • Clickers are in the bookstore • Textbooks should be there this week • Sound familiar? • A PDF version of the textbook is available on the website • Let me know if you can’t download it • My office hours will begin at 2:30 this Thursday (instead of 2) • Lab 4 is this Thursday (we’ll be going over it Wednesday) • Homeworks • HW J1 is due on Friday at 10 a.m. • HW J2 will be out on Wednesday • We’ll go over it then • HW C1 will be out shortly • Will demo it today • 101 students should use access code: VIRGIN-4241-2241 • First midterm is 2 weeks from this Wednesday • And the lab quiz is that Thursday or Friday in lab

  7. Wednesday, 13 September 2006 • Today’s music: Queen • Textbooks are here! • Really! • And you don’t have to return yours, if you purchased it already • Prices: • Book is $104 (with clicker license) • Clicker is $20 • CodeLab license is free • Can also get clicker license separately for $8 • My office hours will begin at 2:30 this Thursday (instead of 2) • Assignments • HW J1 is due on Friday at 10 a.m. • HW J2 will be out today or tomorrow • We’ll go over it today • HW C1 is out, due Monday, 25 Sep at 10 a.m. • 101 students should use access code: VIRGIN-4241-2241 • Lab 4 is this Thursday (we’ll be going over it today) • First midterm is 2 weeks from this today • And the lab quiz is that Thursday or Friday in lab

  8. Monday, 18 September 2006 • Today’s music: Metallica • Textbooks are here! • You don’t have to return yours, if you purchased it already • Prices: • Book is $104 (with clicker license) • Clicker is $20 • CodeLab license is free • Can also get clicker license separately for $8 • More clicker info will follow on Wednesday • Assignments • HW J2 is due on Friday at 10 a.m. • No J3 HW this week • Because of the midterm next week • HW C1 is out, due Monday, 25 Sep at 10 a.m. • 101 students should use access code: VIRGIN-4241-2241 • Lab 5 is this Thursday (we’ll be going over it Wednesday) • First midterm is 1 week from this Wednesday • And the lab quiz is that Thursday or Friday in lab

  9. Monday, 18 September 2006

  10. Wednesday, 20 September 2006 • Today’s music: Enya • Textbooks are here! • You don’t have to return yours, if you purchased it already • Prices: • Book is $104 (with clicker license) • Clicker is $20 • CodeLab license is free • Can also get clicker license separately for $8 • More clicker info will follow on Wednesday • Assignments • HW J2 is due on Friday at 10 a.m. • No J3 HW this week • Because of the midterm next week • It’ll be out next Monday • HW C1 is out, due Monday, 25 Sep at 10 a.m. • 101 students should use access code: VIRGIN-4241-2241 • Lab 5 is this Thursday (we’ll be going over it today) • First midterm is 1 week from today • And the lab quiz is that Thursday or Friday in lab • The test is NOT open textbook, but the lab quiz is

  11. Today’s music: The Coors Textbooks are here Clicker info will follow right after the exam (i.e. next Monday) Assignments Reflections on HW J2 HW J3 will be out later this week, due next Friday Will go over it today, but a bit later in the lecture HW C1 is out, due tomorrow at 10 a.m. Will go over the questions about it today No lab this week, as there is a lab quiz during that time All TA office hours cancelled this week after the exam They will resume at 7 p.m. on Sunday Course project Battleship vs. image manipulation program? Exams this week First midterm is this Wednesday in lecture It is NOT open book Exam taking procedure Lab quiz is during your normal lab section It IS open book (not open notes, not open neighbor, not open past assignments) Both are on chapters 1, 2, 3, and 5 The focus will be on chapters 2 and 3 The exams page on the website has past exams to look over Grading: will try to have the grades back by next Monday Review session is tomorrow (Tuesday) from 7-9 Bring questions to ask! Room is Olsson 009 Monday, 25 September 2006

  12. HW C1 question 20583 • Assume there is a class AirConditioner that supports the following behaviors: turning the air conditioner on and off. The following methods provide these behaviors: turnOn and turnOff. Both methods accept no arguments and return no value. • Assume there is a reference variable officeAC of type AirConditioner. Create a new object of type AirConditioner and save the reference in officeAC . After that, turn the air conditioner on using the reference to the new object. • Instructor's notes: First, assign to the requested air conditioner a new default-constructed air conditioner. Then, signal that air conditioner to perform the turnOn behavior

  13. HW C1 question 20583 • There has already been a officeAC reference created: • AirConditioner officeAC; • Note that it has not been initialized – it doesn’t point to an object! • Your job is to make that reference point to an object • officeAC = new AirConditioner(); • And then call the turnOn() method • officeAC.turnOn();

  14. Homework survey graph

  15. Wednesday, 27 September 2006 • Music today: Queensryche • Test today! • Is is NOT open textbook • When you are finished, please bring it up and put it in the correct pile by sections • If you are writing when I say “pens down”, you will get a zero • Lab quiz tomorrow and Friday during lab section • You can not ask the TAs for help, unless it is a computer issue (i.e. they can’t debug Java for you) • It IS open textbook • HW J3 will be out by this Friday morning

  16. Monday, 2 October 2006 • Music today: Led Zeppelin • Tests • Average was 79.8 (101 was 79.4, 101-E was 81.9) • Scores are on the website • Will be returned in lab section this week • If you are considering dropping the course, you may pick it up during my office hours • Lab quiz will be back in a few days • Next midterm is 3 weeks from this upcoming Wednesday (25 Oct) • We’ll go over the exam briefly today • Upcoming assignments • HW C2 will be out “soon” • HW J3 is out, due this Friday • HW J4 will be out Friday, will be going over it Wednesday • Lab 6 is this Thursday/Friday, and is on while loops • Student response system (clickers) • Use class key: H24043A592 • Full instructions will be on the website shortly • And I’ll go over it on Wednesday

  17. Wednesday, 4 October 2006 • Music today: Led Zeppelin • Tests • Midterm average was 79.8 (101 was 79.4, 101-E was 81.9) • Scores are on the website • Will be returned in lab section this week • Lab quiz will be back in a day or two • Next midterm is 3 weeks from today (25 Oct) • We’ll go over the exam briefly on Monday (as people will have the exam back then) • Upcoming assignments • HW C2 will be out “soon” • HW J3 is out, due this Friday • HW J4 will be out Friday, will be going over it today • Lab 6 is this Thursday/Friday, and is on while loops – will go over it today • Student response system (clickers) • Use class key: H24043A592 • Don’t use your SSN for the StudentID field! • Full instructions are on the website – will go over it today • Everybody needs to get one!

  18. Upcoming assignments HW C2 will be out “soon” HW J4 is out, due this Friday HW J5 will be out Friday, will (hopefully) be going over it today Lab 7 is this Thursday/Friday, and is on for loops Student response system (clickers) Use class key: H24043A592 Don’t use your SSN for the StudentID field! Full instructions are on the website Everybody needs to get one! Will start using them on Monday Music today: ABBA Regrade issues HW J3 – we took off for bad variable names Please submit an online regrade Exam 1 – we took off for the ‘String s = ‘s’;’ question (4b) Sorry! Our bad Please fill out a regrade form (in lab or lecture) See next bullet for more details Other exam 1 regrades Grading guidelines are on the exams page of the website Fill out the regrade form (on the exams page of the website) Attach them together! Then turn them into me or a TA We will (hopefully) go over the exam briefly today I have uncollected exams with me (get them after lecture) Wednesday, 11 October 2006

  19. HW J3 survey results graph

  20. Monday, 16 October 2006 • Music today: Styx • Tests • Midterm 2 is one week from this Wednesday • Is cumulative • Will focus on chapters 5 (decisions), 6 (iteration), and some of chapter 4 (classes) • And a lab quiz that Thurs/Fri in lab • Assignments • HW J4 reflection • HW J5 is out, due this Friday • Lab 8 is this Thursday/Friday, on creating classes • HW J6 will not be out this week (as there is a test next week) • HW C2 will be out “soon”, due shortly before the test • Student response system (clickers) • Use class key: H24043A592 • Don’t use your SSN for the StudentID field! • Full instructions are on the website – will start using it today • Everybody needs to get one! • Whom to contact • Please start using use cs101@cs.virginia.edu instead of me • You’ll get a quicker response that way

  21. Monday, 16 October 2006

  22. What is your favorite number? • 1 • e •  •  • I don’t like numbers

  23. Wednesday, 18 October 2006 • Music today: ??? • Tests • Midterm 2 is one week from today • It is cumulative • Will focus on chapters 5 (decisions), 6 (iteration), and some of chapter 4 (classes) • And a lab quiz that Thurs/Fri in lab • Assignments • HW J5 is out, due this Friday • Lab 8 is this Thursday/Friday, on creating classes • HW J6 will not be out this week (as there is a test next week) • HW C2 will be out “soon”, due shortly before the test • Whom to contact • Please start using use cs101@cs.virginia.edu instead of me • You’ll get a quicker response that way • Game (& JPJ show) this Thursday • There will be lab • If you want to do a make-up lab, that’s fine – just e-mail a request to cs101@cs.virginia.edu • Homework still due Friday @ 10 • I will not have office hours this Thursday • Student response system (clickers) • Use class key: H24043A592 • Don’t use your SSN for the StudentID field! • Full instructions are on the website – will start using it today • Everybody needs to get one!

  24. Music today: Eagles Tests Midterm 2 is one week from today It is cumulative Will focus on chapters 5 (decisions), 6 (iteration), and some of chapter 4 (classes) There will be a review session on Monday evening And a lab quiz that Thurs/Fri in lab The final exam will be optional Assignments HW J5 is out, due this Friday HW C2 is out, due next Tuesday at 2 p.m. CodeLab questions from chapters 5 and 6 Lab 8 is this Thursday/Friday, on creating classes HW J6 will not be out this week (as there is a test next week) Whom to contact Please start using use cs101@cs.virginia.edu instead of me You’ll get a quicker response that way Game (& JPJ show) this Thursday There will be lab! If you want to do a make-up lab, that’s fine – just e-mail a request to cs101@cs.virginia.edu Homework still due Friday @ 10 I will not have office hours this Thursday Student response system (clickers) Use class key: H24043A592 Don’t use your SSN for the StudentID field! Full instructions are on the website Everybody needs to get one! Wednesday, 18 October 2006

  25. Monday, 23 October 2006 • Music today: Indigo Girls • Tests • Midterm 2 is this Wednesday • It is cumulative • Will focus on chapters 5 (decisions), 6 (iteration), and some of chapter 4 (classes) • There will be a review tonight at 8 p.m. in Olsson 009 • And a lab quiz this Thurs/Fri in lab • The final exam will be optional • Review session tonight at 8 • Assignments • HW C2 is out, due this Tuesday (tomorrow!) at 2 p.m. • CodeLab questions from chapters 5 and 6 • Lab 8 is this Thursday/Friday, on creating classes • HW J6 will not be out later this week, due a week from Friday • “Vagueness” of assignments • Whom to contact • Please start using use cs101@cs.virginia.edu instead of me • You’ll get a quicker response that way • Student response system (clickers) • Use class key: H24043A592 • Don’t use your SSN for the StudentID field! • Full instructions are on the website • Everybody needs to get one!

  26. HW J5 results graph

  27. Wednesday, 25 October 2006 • Please sit every other seat! • All office hours will be cancelled after the exam (will resume next Sunday at 4) • HW J6 will not be out later this week, due a week from Friday • Lab quiz this Thu/Fri in labs • It is open textbook! • Asking questions during the exam… • Put pens down when it’s called! • And please put your exams in the right pile

  28. Monday, 30 October 2006 • Music today: U2 • Tests • Midterm 2 was returned in lab last week • I have the remaining ones with me today • Average was 77.4, standard deviation 14.4 • Will go over it today • Grading guidelines are on the exams page • Assignments • HW J6 is out, due this Friday at 10 a.m. • About the late release of the homework • Will go over it today as well • Lab 9 is this Thursday/Friday, on creating classes • “Vagueness” of assignments • Whom to contact • Please start using use cs101@cs.virginia.edu instead of me • You’ll get a quicker response that way • Student response system (clickers) • Use class key: H24043A592 • Don’t use your SSN for the StudentID field! • Full instructions are on the website • Everybody needs to get one!

  29. Wednesday, 1 November 2006 • Music today: Tool • Tests • Midterm 2: 5 point curve for everybody to handle poorly worded questions • Grading guidelines are on the exams page • Regrades will be accepted all of this week and next week • Assignments • HW J6 is out • Due Monday by 10 a.m. • But you get 5 extra credit points (on the HW) if you turn it in by Friday at 10 a.m. • Will review a bit of HW J6 on the next slide • Don’t wait until the last moment! • We only have a limited number of TAs! • Lab 9 is this Thursday/Friday, on arrays • Whom to contact • Please start using use cs101@cs.virginia.edu instead of me • You’ll get a quicker response that way • Student response system (clickers) • Use class key: H24043A592 • Don’t use your SSN for the StudentID field! • Full instructions are on the website • Everybody needs to get one!

  30. Ship Ship “rowboat" • length = 3 • name • int xPosition = 4 • int yPosition = 7 • int hits = 1 • boolean isHorizontal = true • + … • length = 2 • name • int xPosition = 0 • int yPosition = 0 • int hits = 1 • boolean isHorizontal = false • + … “canoe" b Board (0,0) (7,7) Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell • ship • isHit = false • + … • ship • isHit = false • + … • ship • isHit = false • + … • ship • isHit = false • + … • ship • isHit = true • + … • ship • isHit = true • + … • ship • isHit = true • + … • ship • isHit = false • + …

  31. Monday, 6 November 2006 • Music today: Annie Lennox • Grading • Am all caught up with grading • HW J5, quiz 2, and lab 8 returned this weekend • Exam 1 test regrades processed, and gradebook updated • Still have a few regrades, but am moving through those quite well • Assignments • HW J7 is out • Due Friday by 10 a.m. • Will talk about it a bit today • Don’t wait until the last moment! • We only have a limited number of TAs! • Lab 10 is this Thursday/Friday, on creating classes • TA office hours (and general shortage of TAs) • Whom to contact • Please start using use cs101@cs.virginia.edu instead of me • You’ll get a quicker response that way • Student response system (clickers) • Use class key: H24043A592 • Don’t use your SSN for the StudentID field! • Full instructions are on the website • Everybody needs to get one!

  32. Recount day 1 • Music today: Pink Floyd • Grading • Am all caught up with grading • Exam 1 test regrades processed, and gradebook updated • Exam 2 bonus not added in yet • Still have a few regrades, but am moving through those quite well • Assignments • HW J7 is out • Due Friday by 10 a.m. • Don’t wait until the last moment! • We only have a limited number of TAs! • HW J8 will be out this Friday • Will talk about it a bit today • Lab 10 is this Thursday/Friday, on creating classes • TA office hours (and general shortage of TAs) • Whom to contact • Please start using use cs101@cs.virginia.edu instead of me • You’ll get a quicker response that way • Student response system (clickers) • Use class key: H24043A592 • Don’t use your SSN for the StudentID field! • Full instructions are on the website • Everybody needs to get one!

  33. HW J6 graph

  34. Monday, 13 November 2006 • Music today: The Commodores • Grading • Plan is to have HW J6, lab 9, and lab 10 back before break (i.e. Thurs evening) • Hope to have HW J7, HW J8, and lab 11 back after break (i.e. Mon morning) • Exam 2 bonus not added in yet • Still have a few regrades, but am moving through those quite well • Assignments • HW J8 is out • Due Friday by 10 a.m. • The workload has been reduced due to the late release date • Will talk about it today • Don’t wait until the last moment! • We only have a limited number of TAs! • Lab 11 is this Thursday/Friday, on 2-D arrays • Exams • 3rd midterm is the Wednesday we get back from Thanksgiving break • Final is Thursday, Dec 14, and is optional • TA office hours (and general shortage of TAs) • Whom to contact • Please start using use cs101@cs.virginia.edu instead of me • You’ll get a quicker response that way • Student response system (clickers) • Full instructions are on the website • Everybody needs to get one!

  35. Wednesday, 15 November 2006 • Music today: Simon & Garfunkel • Grading • Plan is to have HW J6, lab 9, and lab 10 back before break (i.e. Thurs evening) • Hope to have HW J7, HW J8, and lab 11 back after break (i.e. Mon morning) • Exam 2 bonus not added in yet • Still have a few regrades, but am moving through those quite well • Assignments • HW J8 is out • Due Friday by 10 a.m. • The workload has been reduced due to the late release date • Will talk about it today • Don’t wait until the last moment! • We only have a limited number of TAs! • Lab 11 is this Thursday/Friday, on 2-D arrays • Exams • 3rd midterm is the Wednesday we get back from Thanksgiving break • Final is Thursday, Dec 14, and is optional • TA office hours (and general shortage of TAs) • No office hours over break! • Whom to contact • Please start using use cs101@cs.virginia.edu instead of me • You’ll get a quicker response that way • Student response system (clickers) • Full instructions are on the website • Everybody needs to get one!

  36. Board’s setupBoard() method public Board setupBoard(int x, int y) { Board board = new Board(x, y); board.generateRandomBoard (Game.DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_SHIPS); return board; }

  37. HW J7 graph

  38. Monday, 27 November 2006 • Music today: Meat Loaf • Grading • We’re a bit behind, but are working on catching up • Exam 2 bonus has been added in • Still have a few regrades, but am moving through those quite well • Assignments • HW J9 will be out very soon (probably tomorrow) • Due Tuesday by 10 a.m. • Can turn it in up to 24 hours late with no penalty • Lab 12 is a do-at-home lab • And deals with course surveys • No HW C3 • Exams • 3rd midterm is this Wednesday • Review session tonight at 8 p.m. in Olsson 005 • Bring questions to ask! • Lab quiz this Thursday/Friday • Both exam and lab quiz are cumulative • Focus is on chapters 4 (classes) and 8 (arrays) • And chapter 7 (which we have covered most of) • Final is Thursday, Dec 14, from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m., and is optional • Any make-ups must be AFTER the exam date • Whom to contact • Please start use use cs101@cs.virginia.edu instead of me • You’ll get a quicker response that way

  39. HW J8 graph

  40. HW J8 graph, the other one

  41. Wednesday, 29 November 2006 • Office hours this week • Will not be any tonight • But will (generally) have them for the rest of the week • Check online to be sure (I may have to cancel mine) • Lab quiz tomorrow/Friday • It’s open text book • Assignments • No HW C3 • HW J9 is out, as is lab 12 • Final is Thursday, Dec 14, from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m., and is optional • Any make-ups must be AFTER the exam date

  42. Today’s music: Pink Floyd HW J9 Due tomorrow (or Wednesday) by 10 a.m. Will chat about it in a bit Grades Quiz 3 and HW J9 should be returned by next Monday Regrade window will be 2 days No whiny regrade requests! Or else we may lower your grade! Lab 12 will be returned by then as well If you did it, you get 4 points If you didn’t, see me after class HW C1 and C2 grades will be up there “soon” Clicker bonus will not be reflected in the online numerical grades Your letter grade will be modified if it applies Office hours All TA office hours will end at the end of the day on Tuesday (tomorrow) My office hours will be posted on the website They will probably change during finals week E-mail replies from me after the semester ends will be very slow Like in January Exam 3 Average was 81.5, stdev 16.2 I have them with me today Regrades due by the end of this week! Can drop them off at my office Grading guidelines are available online Final is Thursday, Dec 14, from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m., and is optional Any make-ups must be AFTER the exam date Please don’t take it! I don’t want to have to grade it! CS 101: The End

  43. Each letter grade is a 10-point range 60-70 is a D, 90-100 is an A, etc. The lower 3 points of this range is the minus grade (A-, B-, etc.) The middle 4 points is the grade itself (A, B, etc.) The upper 3 points is the plus grade (A+, B+, etc.) The only difference is the A+ range We’re still working on that Note that a 89.4999999999999 is an B+, no matter how many times you ask Grade ranges: A+: 97.5 -> 100.0 Subject to change! A: 92.5 -> 97.5 A-: 89.5 -> 92.5 B+: 86.5 -> 89.5 B: 82.5 -> 86.5 B-: 79.5 -> 82.5 C+: 76.5 -> 79.5 C: 72.5 -> 76.5 C-: 69.5 -> 72.5 D+: 66.5 -> 69.5 D: 62.5 -> 66.5 D-: 59.5 -> 62.5 F: 0 -> 59.5 Grade ranges

  44. Ship • length = 2 • name • int xPosition = 0 • int yPosition = 0 • int hits = 1 • boolean isH = false • + … “rowboat" Board “canoe" b - int NOT_SHOT_AT = 0 - int MISSED = 1 - … - int sizex = 8 - int sizey = 8 - ShipList ships - Cell [][] cells + … ShipList - int shipCount = 0 - Ship[] list + … Ship • length = 3 • name • int xPosition = 4 • int yPosition = 7 • int hits = 1 • boolean isH = true • + … Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell • ship • isHit = false • + … • ship • isHit = false • + … • ship • isHit = false • + … • ship • isHit = false • + … • ship • isHit = true • + … • ship • isHit = false • + … • ship • isHit = true • + … • ship • isHit = true • + … (0,0) (7,7)

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