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Educational Brand Highlighting the Future of Economic Studies in 2023

In the latest issue of The Knowledge Review, u2018Educational Brand Highlighting the Future of Economic Studies in 2023,u2019 we explore the educational Brands.<br>

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Educational Brand Highlighting the Future of Economic Studies in 2023

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  1. www.theknowledgereview.com Vol. 06 | Issue 04 | 2023 Vol. 06 | Issue 04 | 2023 Vol. 06 | Issue 04 | 2023 EDUCATIONAL Ensuring Be?er Futures Brand Highligh?ng The Role of Economic Education in Fostering Financial Literacy the FUTURE of ECONOMIC Studies in2023 STARS International University

  2. E d i t o r ’ s N o t e The Evolution of Prominent Educational STARS International University Brands is recognized as n today's rapidly changing Recognizing this shift, certain As we look to the horizon, we must global landscape, the importance educational brands are embracing an celebrate and support such EDUCATIONAL I I of quality education cannot be interdisciplinary approach to educational brands for their Brand overstated. The advent of technology economic studies. This commitment to preparing students has revolutionized the educational interdisciplinary approach fosters for the challenges and opportunities Highligh?ng landscape, allowing educational creativity, adaptability, and problem- that lie ahead. the FUTURE of brands to offer innovative and solving skills, equipping students immersive learning experiences. with a well-rounded education that In this edition, 'Educational Brand ECONOMIC Educational brands have harnessed transcends traditional silos. Highlighting the Future of Studies in2023 technology to offer specialized Economic Studies in 2023,'The courses and interactive simulations, As the future of economic studies Knowledge Review delves into the enabling students to explore real- unfolds, these educational brands are story of one such educational brand, world economic scenarios and apply playing a pivotal role in shaping the STARS International University, theoretical concepts in practical minds of tomorrow's economic who are fostering the education of for its outstanding contributions in highlighting settings. Through these technological leaders. By embracing technology, economics in Uzbekistan and advancements, students can develop adopting interdisciplinary beyond. the future of economic studies by leveraging critical thinking skills and gain a approaches, emphasizing ethical and superlative pedagogical facilities. deeper understanding of economic sustainable economics, and fostering So, flip through the pages and have a principles. experiential learning, these brands captivating read! are equipping students with the As economies become more knowledge, skills, and values necessary to thrive in an ever- interconnected and complex, the Riya ajee evolving economic landscape. boundaries between different fields Mary d ‘souza of study are increasingly blurred. - Riya Chatterjee Mary D'souza Editor-in-Chief

  3. E d i t o r ’ s N o t e The Evolution of Prominent Educational STARS International University Brands is recognized as n today's rapidly changing Recognizing this shift, certain As we look to the horizon, we must global landscape, the importance educational brands are embracing an celebrate and support such EDUCATIONAL I I of quality education cannot be interdisciplinary approach to educational brands for their Brand overstated. The advent of technology economic studies. This commitment to preparing students has revolutionized the educational interdisciplinary approach fosters for the challenges and opportunities Highligh?ng landscape, allowing educational creativity, adaptability, and problem- that lie ahead. the FUTURE of brands to offer innovative and solving skills, equipping students immersive learning experiences. with a well-rounded education that In this edition, 'Educational Brand ECONOMIC Educational brands have harnessed transcends traditional silos. Highlighting the Future of Studies in2023 technology to offer specialized Economic Studies in 2023,'The courses and interactive simulations, As the future of economic studies Knowledge Review delves into the enabling students to explore real- unfolds, these educational brands are story of one such educational brand, world economic scenarios and apply playing a pivotal role in shaping the STARS International University, theoretical concepts in practical minds of tomorrow's economic who are fostering the education of for its outstanding contributions in highlighting settings. Through these technological leaders. By embracing technology, economics in Uzbekistan and advancements, students can develop adopting interdisciplinary beyond. the future of economic studies by leveraging critical thinking skills and gain a approaches, emphasizing ethical and superlative pedagogical facilities. deeper understanding of economic sustainable economics, and fostering So, flip through the pages and have a principles. experiential learning, these brands captivating read! are equipping students with the As economies become more knowledge, skills, and values necessary to thrive in an ever- interconnected and complex, the Riya ajee evolving economic landscape. boundaries between different fields Mary d ‘souza of study are increasingly blurred. - Riya Chatterjee Mary D'souza Editor-in-Chief

  4. 06 C C O V E R sales@theknowledgereview.com June, 2023 S T O R Y o Editor-in-Chief Mary D'souza STARS Managing Editor Riya Chatterjee n Contributing Writer Anish David International Visualiser David King CORPORATE OFFICES Art & Design Head t Rahul Shinde University Co-designers Paul, Sonia Assist. Vice President Swapnali Vasaikar e Sr Sales Manager Alice Smith Business Development Executive David Brown A r t i c l e n Technical Head Jacob Smile Survey No.133/134, Braod Square, Office No. 512, Kuojir Chowk, Pimple Saudagar, Rajeshwari Avhad Assistant Technical Head Puoe, Maharashtra 411027 Technical Consultants David, Robert 28 t Digital Marketing Manager Alina Sege Ensuring Better Futures Digital Marketing Manager Mark Clain The Role of Economic Educa?on s SME-SMO Executives Ravindra, Gemson in Fostering Financial Literacy Research Analyst Eric Smith Circulation Manager Tanaji Fartade

  5. 06 C C O V E R sales@theknowledgereview.com June, 2023 S T O R Y o Editor-in-Chief Mary D'souza STARS Managing Editor Riya Chatterjee n Contributing Writer Anish David International Visualiser David King CORPORATE OFFICES Art & Design Head t Rahul Shinde University Co-designers Paul, Sonia Assist. Vice President Swapnali Vasaikar e Sr Sales Manager Alice Smith Business Development Executive David Brown A r t i c l e n Technical Head Jacob Smile Survey No.133/134, Braod Square, Office No. 512, Kuojir Chowk, Pimple Saudagar, Rajeshwari Avhad Assistant Technical Head Puoe, Maharashtra 411027 Technical Consultants David, Robert 28 t Digital Marketing Manager Alina Sege Ensuring Better Futures Digital Marketing Manager Mark Clain The Role of Economic Educa?on s SME-SMO Executives Ravindra, Gemson in Fostering Financial Literacy Research Analyst Eric Smith Circulation Manager Tanaji Fartade

  6. We strive to consistently provide services that meet students’ needs and comply with applicable laws and regula?ons of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as interna?onal standards. C O V E R S T O R Y

  7. We strive to consistently provide services that meet students’ needs and comply with applicable laws and regula?ons of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as interna?onal standards. C O V E R S T O R Y

  8. ducation assists one in acquiring and exploring new ideas. It is the medium through which an individual learns the skills, E techniques, information, and knowledge one needs to know, understand, and respect the responsibilities of society, families and nations. The value of education in life allows everyone to develop a positive outlook on the world and the community. We apply a The modern, developed, and industrialized world revolves around education. Education lights the way to survive in today's competitive systema?c approach world. With the same mindset, Uzbekistan aspires to maximize intellectual potential and promote education as a national social to management in priority. Therefore, STARS International University is paving its order to constantly way on the path of the Rector, Mr. Bahram Gurbanov, to deliver premium educational services in the country. improve the quality of the services Mr. Gurbanov is frequently seen on campus engaging in friendly conversations with students and always providing valuable advice. provided. His perfectionism and high level of empathy make him an elder brother to everyone around him and those seeking any help. He is a great inspirer and thinker, caring for and creating a one-of-a-kind experience and environment for all students and team members. Mr. Gurbanov is a professional athlete and cross-fit trainer who believes in healthy and active learning experiences for all students. As a result, physical culture discipline was made mandatory to complete and run by professional trainers in state elite-class sports bases. Mr. Bahram Gurbanov is also the Founder and CEO of GRBS Global, an international education and examination provider with offices in Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan. For over 20 years, he has been influential in GRBS Global's consistent success in the field of international education, including highly demanded and globally recognized qualifications, MBA training and certifying examinations. THE BIRTH OF THE STAR AND GREATEST HERITAGE STARS International University is a premium class provider of higher education, academic levels, and global certifications and is one of the fastest-growing international universities in Central Asia, based in the city of Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan. Founded in 2021, STARS International University admissions for the first academic year of the 'BSc Accounting & Audit' Degree Program brought nearly 1,000 students in both national and international streams. Mr. Bahram Gurbanov  For overall comfort, there are the latest smart technologies, as well as Rector additional power generator units, water and gas reserve tanks, are available at the university. To maintain the quality of education, the student volume per cohort does not exceed 35 people.

  9. ducation assists one in acquiring and exploring new ideas. It is the medium through which an individual learns the skills, E techniques, information, and knowledge one needs to know, understand, and respect the responsibilities of society, families and nations. The value of education in life allows everyone to develop a positive outlook on the world and the community. We apply a The modern, developed, and industrialized world revolves around education. Education lights the way to survive in today's competitive systema?c approach world. With the same mindset, Uzbekistan aspires to maximize intellectual potential and promote education as a national social to management in priority. Therefore, STARS International University is paving its order to constantly way on the path of the Rector, Mr. Bahram Gurbanov, to deliver premium educational services in the country. improve the quality of the services Mr. Gurbanov is frequently seen on campus engaging in friendly conversations with students and always providing valuable advice. provided. His perfectionism and high level of empathy make him an elder brother to everyone around him and those seeking any help. He is a great inspirer and thinker, caring for and creating a one-of-a-kind experience and environment for all students and team members. Mr. Gurbanov is a professional athlete and cross-fit trainer who believes in healthy and active learning experiences for all students. As a result, physical culture discipline was made mandatory to complete and run by professional trainers in state elite-class sports bases. Mr. Bahram Gurbanov is also the Founder and CEO of GRBS Global, an international education and examination provider with offices in Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan. For over 20 years, he has been influential in GRBS Global's consistent success in the field of international education, including highly demanded and globally recognized qualifications, MBA training and certifying examinations. THE BIRTH OF THE STAR AND GREATEST HERITAGE STARS International University is a premium class provider of higher education, academic levels, and global certifications and is one of the fastest-growing international universities in Central Asia, based in the city of Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan. Founded in 2021, STARS International University admissions for the first academic year of the 'BSc Accounting & Audit' Degree Program brought nearly 1,000 students in both national and international streams. Mr. Bahram Gurbanov  For overall comfort, there are the latest smart technologies, as well as Rector additional power generator units, water and gas reserve tanks, are available at the university. To maintain the quality of education, the student volume per cohort does not exceed 35 people.

  10. Mission. Values. Goals. TARGETS The university strives to consistently provide services that meet students' needs and comply with applicable laws and regula?ons of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as interna?onal standards. Its MISSION employees are high-level professionals. The personal responsibility of each employee for their work is a criterion for quality services.  Ÿ Unlocking the poten?al of hidden opportuni?es and suppor?ng the individual Ÿ Providing the high demanding skills and knowledge Reliable and mely data from all stages of the technological cycle of works guarantee reliable control over their implementa?on.    The university also applies a systema?c approach to management to constantly improve the quality of the Openness VALUES services provided and uses modern technologies in work.  Devo?on Courage All staff members and lecturers have been trained and cer?fied according to ISO 9001 interna?onal STARS Interna?onal University relies standard in quality management system and share the principles of the system, hence are involved in the on the values and principles that process of its func?oning, clearly understand the goals of their work, see the result, and can influence it. characterize the vision and a?tude The opinion of each employee is taken into account in the work of the quality system.    Privacy Honesty towards the services provided. There are 8 core values that determine the "We strive to become a leader in the quality of educa?onal services," says the management.  func?oning of the university and are Pa?ence an integral part of the quality policy. Mercy Gra?tude GOALS Ÿ STARS Interna?onal University’s primary goal is to help every student in obtaining a quality educa?on. Ÿ Delivering globally demanded high-quality educa?on based on Interna?onal Standards. Ÿ Everyone is important, and this is the principal value university holds. The addi?onal goals include: Ÿ Prepare students so that they are able to pass the exam on the first a?empt Ÿ Create condi?ons for con?nuous learning and improvement of lecturers Ÿ Enhance the quality of internal communica?on between students and the university administra?on, as well as between students and lecturers Ÿ Environment Safety and Security – for both students and the administra?on/lecturer staff Ÿ Incen?ves for every member of our learning community who proposes innova?ons or contributes to the development of any innova?on

  11. Mission. Values. Goals. TARGETS The university strives to consistently provide services that meet students' needs and comply with applicable laws and regula?ons of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as interna?onal standards. Its MISSION employees are high-level professionals. The personal responsibility of each employee for their work is a criterion for quality services.  Ÿ Unlocking the poten?al of hidden opportuni?es and suppor?ng the individual Ÿ Providing the high demanding skills and knowledge Reliable and mely data from all stages of the technological cycle of works guarantee reliable control over their implementa?on.    The university also applies a systema?c approach to management to constantly improve the quality of the Openness VALUES services provided and uses modern technologies in work.  Devo?on Courage All staff members and lecturers have been trained and cer?fied according to ISO 9001 interna?onal STARS Interna?onal University relies standard in quality management system and share the principles of the system, hence are involved in the on the values and principles that process of its func?oning, clearly understand the goals of their work, see the result, and can influence it. characterize the vision and a?tude The opinion of each employee is taken into account in the work of the quality system.    Privacy Honesty towards the services provided. There are 8 core values that determine the "We strive to become a leader in the quality of educa?onal services," says the management.  func?oning of the university and are Pa?ence an integral part of the quality policy. Mercy Gra?tude GOALS Ÿ STARS Interna?onal University’s primary goal is to help every student in obtaining a quality educa?on. Ÿ Delivering globally demanded high-quality educa?on based on Interna?onal Standards. Ÿ Everyone is important, and this is the principal value university holds. The addi?onal goals include: Ÿ Prepare students so that they are able to pass the exam on the first a?empt Ÿ Create condi?ons for con?nuous learning and improvement of lecturers Ÿ Enhance the quality of internal communica?on between students and the university administra?on, as well as between students and lecturers Ÿ Environment Safety and Security – for both students and the administra?on/lecturer staff Ÿ Incen?ves for every member of our learning community who proposes innova?ons or contributes to the development of any innova?on

  12. SUPPORTIVE GOVERNMENT STARS Interna?onal We have faced certain challenges while establishing the University is the first university. But it is astonishing and fortunate that the state and regulatory bodies have accepted the and exclusive rights application despite the unique curriculum. State Inspectorate for Supervision of Quality in Education owner of the official under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of transla?on into the Uzbekistan granted a license after successful application. Uzbek language of 10 ACCA qualifica?on INITIATIVES FOR HOLISTIC CAREER STARS International University has been designated as disciplines. a Microsoft Authorized Testing Venue, providing preparation courses within the curriculum for students and other candidates, as well as allowing them to pass their official Microsoft office exams at the campus. SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTIONS Global Career Centre's launch will be initiated in 2023. Developing future professionals in This was meant to engage the local and International International Finances is a significant approved employers in the field of banks, audit, and contribution as it requires great efforts to insurance companies to help with part-time and full- obtain governmental approval for the time internships for the students and graduates. unique curriculum presented by the university. The future vision of STARS International University is to launch new BSc and MSc programs and dual STARS International University is the first degrees with the top universities in the world, of which and exclusive rights owner of the official few are: translation into the Uzbek language of 10 ACCA qualification disciplines, thanks to a Ÿ Jurisprudence/Local Law long-standing collaboration and trilateral Ÿ International Law agreement with ACCA and the largest UK- Ÿ International Business based platinum publisher of study materials Ÿ Sports Management - BPP Learning Media. Ÿ Information Technologies Ÿ Nano Technologies By focusing on providing the best education Ÿ Fashion & Design possible today, the BSc Accounting & Audit Ÿ Hospitality & Tourism programme curriculum has been validated and recognized by the UK Enic, hence FUTURE ENVISION making STARS Bachelor's Degree Apart from expanding within the country, by 2033, equivalent to a UK BSc Degree, whereas STARS International University's regional full-scale ACCA offers nine exemptions from exams functioning network will cover 6 Turkic countries for STARS graduates. (Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan and Turkiye), as well as be the leader The curriculum includes globally among all functioning universities in the Republic of recognized courses with final certification, Uzbekistan in terms of the volume of actual students. such as SAP (Germany) and Microsoft Further on, upon reaching the students' volume of 50k, Office (US). In addition, subjects like Fraud the university will launch its campus overseas, in Examination and Cyber Security in the Canada or the United States. The ultimate goal of curriculum are allowing students to be STARS International University is to launch the first globally recognized and qualified in a educational cluster on Mars following its successful rapidly changing and digitizing world. colonization.

  13. SUPPORTIVE GOVERNMENT STARS Interna?onal We have faced certain challenges while establishing the University is the first university. But it is astonishing and fortunate that the state and regulatory bodies have accepted the and exclusive rights application despite the unique curriculum. State Inspectorate for Supervision of Quality in Education owner of the official under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of transla?on into the Uzbekistan granted a license after successful application. Uzbek language of 10 ACCA qualifica?on INITIATIVES FOR HOLISTIC CAREER STARS International University has been designated as disciplines. a Microsoft Authorized Testing Venue, providing preparation courses within the curriculum for students and other candidates, as well as allowing them to pass their official Microsoft office exams at the campus. SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTIONS Global Career Centre's launch will be initiated in 2023. Developing future professionals in This was meant to engage the local and International International Finances is a significant approved employers in the field of banks, audit, and contribution as it requires great efforts to insurance companies to help with part-time and full- obtain governmental approval for the time internships for the students and graduates. unique curriculum presented by the university. The future vision of STARS International University is to launch new BSc and MSc programs and dual STARS International University is the first degrees with the top universities in the world, of which and exclusive rights owner of the official few are: translation into the Uzbek language of 10 ACCA qualification disciplines, thanks to a Ÿ Jurisprudence/Local Law long-standing collaboration and trilateral Ÿ International Law agreement with ACCA and the largest UK- Ÿ International Business based platinum publisher of study materials Ÿ Sports Management - BPP Learning Media. Ÿ Information Technologies Ÿ Nano Technologies By focusing on providing the best education Ÿ Fashion & Design possible today, the BSc Accounting & Audit Ÿ Hospitality & Tourism programme curriculum has been validated and recognized by the UK Enic, hence FUTURE ENVISION making STARS Bachelor's Degree Apart from expanding within the country, by 2033, equivalent to a UK BSc Degree, whereas STARS International University's regional full-scale ACCA offers nine exemptions from exams functioning network will cover 6 Turkic countries for STARS graduates. (Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan and Turkiye), as well as be the leader The curriculum includes globally among all functioning universities in the Republic of recognized courses with final certification, Uzbekistan in terms of the volume of actual students. such as SAP (Germany) and Microsoft Further on, upon reaching the students' volume of 50k, Office (US). In addition, subjects like Fraud the university will launch its campus overseas, in Examination and Cyber Security in the Canada or the United States. The ultimate goal of curriculum are allowing students to be STARS International University is to launch the first globally recognized and qualified in a educational cluster on Mars following its successful rapidly changing and digitizing world. colonization.

  14. Significant Achievements Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Uzbekistan STARS Interna?onal University is a member of the Republic of Uzbekistan's and Recognitions Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Currently, a deliberate, well-thought- out policy is being pursued, with the primary goal of crea?ng a class of S ST TA AR RS S I In nt te er rn na at ti io on na al l U Un ni iv ve er rs si it ty y i is s a a M Me em mb be er r o of f t th he e F Fo ol ll lo ow wi in ng g O Or rg ga an ni iz za at ti io on ns s: : owners and the most favourable condi?ons for the effec?ve and dynamic development of the private sector, which is the driving force of any market economy. ECCTIS (UK ENIC & UK Visas and Na?onality Service & UK CPQ) STARS Interna?onal University is the first university in Uzbekistan to be a member of the Bri?sh na?onal agency ECCTIS, indica?ng an innova?ve Associa?on of Cooks of Uzbekistan approach and a?tude toward the quality of educa?on provided, as well as STARS Interna?onal University is a member of the Associa?on of Cooks of global recogni?on. Uzbekistan, which expands the possibili?es for quality control of services in the upcoming launch of Express-24, a delivery service of various SAP University Alliances cuisines and types of food from the Kitchen by STARS brand. An expert In collabora?on with the university competence centre, STARS team of professionals is preparing the project implementa?on Interna?onal University is a licensed SAP partner for academic research throughout the city of Tashkent. and teaching, as well as a member of the SAP University Alliances. Bri?sh Na?onal School Curriculum IFLA - Interna?onal Federa?on of Library Associa?ons and Ins?tu?ons In collabora?on with a UK Awarding Body - NCC Educa?on and the Ministry of STARS Interna?onal University is Uzbekistan's only university to join the Interna?onal Public Educa?on of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Bri?sh Na?onal School Federa?on of Library Associa?ons and Ins?tu?ons - IFLA, a non-governmental interna?onal Curriculum in Computer Literacy and Informa?on Technologies - Level 2 Award in organiza?on comprised of libraries, na?onal library organiza?ons, and informa?on Compu?ng (DIGI) is exclusively offered across the country by STARS Interna?onal services. It has over 1600 members from 150 countries around the world in total.  University. The unique school program offers an equivalent to IGCSE cer?ficate and includes TOEFL and SAT official exams and cer?fica?on. AUAP - Associa?on of Universi?es of Asia and the Pacific S ST TA AR RS S I In nt te er rn na at ti io on na al l U Un ni iv ve er rs si it ty y i is s a a P Pa ar rt tn ne er r o of f t th he e F Fo ol ll lo ow wi in ng g O Or rg ga an ni iz za at ti io on ns s: : STARS Interna?onal University joined the Associa?on of Universi?es of Asia and the Pacific. The university intends to become an ideal pla?orm for the exchange of best prac?ces in educa?on with other member universi?es, par?cipate in the exchange of students and employees, a?end scien?fic forums, organize interna?onal student sports and cultural events and collaborate with industrial academies for internships. College Board  One of the oldest US-based educa?onal organiza?ons in developing standardized examina?ons in admissions process, such as SAT (Scholas?c Ap?tude Test), which will be delivered in Uzbekistan in partnerhsip with STARS Interna?onal University. Trade Union Council of Uzbekistan The Trade Union of Uzbekistan represents all STARS Interna?onal University students and staff. As a result, it became possible to enjoy privileges in the Union's range of offers and services.

  15. Significant Achievements Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Uzbekistan STARS Interna?onal University is a member of the Republic of Uzbekistan's and Recognitions Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Currently, a deliberate, well-thought- out policy is being pursued, with the primary goal of crea?ng a class of S ST TA AR RS S I In nt te er rn na at ti io on na al l U Un ni iv ve er rs si it ty y i is s a a M Me em mb be er r o of f t th he e F Fo ol ll lo ow wi in ng g O Or rg ga an ni iz za at ti io on ns s: : owners and the most favourable condi?ons for the effec?ve and dynamic development of the private sector, which is the driving force of any market economy. ECCTIS (UK ENIC & UK Visas and Na?onality Service & UK CPQ) STARS Interna?onal University is the first university in Uzbekistan to be a member of the Bri?sh na?onal agency ECCTIS, indica?ng an innova?ve Associa?on of Cooks of Uzbekistan approach and a?tude toward the quality of educa?on provided, as well as STARS Interna?onal University is a member of the Associa?on of Cooks of global recogni?on. Uzbekistan, which expands the possibili?es for quality control of services in the upcoming launch of Express-24, a delivery service of various SAP University Alliances cuisines and types of food from the Kitchen by STARS brand. An expert In collabora?on with the university competence centre, STARS team of professionals is preparing the project implementa?on Interna?onal University is a licensed SAP partner for academic research throughout the city of Tashkent. and teaching, as well as a member of the SAP University Alliances. Bri?sh Na?onal School Curriculum IFLA - Interna?onal Federa?on of Library Associa?ons and Ins?tu?ons In collabora?on with a UK Awarding Body - NCC Educa?on and the Ministry of STARS Interna?onal University is Uzbekistan's only university to join the Interna?onal Public Educa?on of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Bri?sh Na?onal School Federa?on of Library Associa?ons and Ins?tu?ons - IFLA, a non-governmental interna?onal Curriculum in Computer Literacy and Informa?on Technologies - Level 2 Award in organiza?on comprised of libraries, na?onal library organiza?ons, and informa?on Compu?ng (DIGI) is exclusively offered across the country by STARS Interna?onal services. It has over 1600 members from 150 countries around the world in total.  University. The unique school program offers an equivalent to IGCSE cer?ficate and includes TOEFL and SAT official exams and cer?fica?on. AUAP - Associa?on of Universi?es of Asia and the Pacific S ST TA AR RS S I In nt te er rn na at ti io on na al l U Un ni iv ve er rs si it ty y i is s a a P Pa ar rt tn ne er r o of f t th he e F Fo ol ll lo ow wi in ng g O Or rg ga an ni iz za at ti io on ns s: : STARS Interna?onal University joined the Associa?on of Universi?es of Asia and the Pacific. The university intends to become an ideal pla?orm for the exchange of best prac?ces in educa?on with other member universi?es, par?cipate in the exchange of students and employees, a?end scien?fic forums, organize interna?onal student sports and cultural events and collaborate with industrial academies for internships. College Board  One of the oldest US-based educa?onal organiza?ons in developing standardized examina?ons in admissions process, such as SAT (Scholas?c Ap?tude Test), which will be delivered in Uzbekistan in partnerhsip with STARS Interna?onal University. Trade Union Council of Uzbekistan The Trade Union of Uzbekistan represents all STARS Interna?onal University students and staff. As a result, it became possible to enjoy privileges in the Union's range of offers and services.

  16. Nearly 400 scientific articles were sorted by an expert For maximum involvement and activity of participants, the stage - Sevara Nazarkhan gave a musical performance. FEATURES MAKING LEARNING ACCESSIBLE group of editors in collaboration with the scientific board of conference was accompanied by intellectual discussions Each participant of the conference received a VIP gift brand STARS International University is investing in the develop- the university and received DOI indexing, subsequently, the and contests with material rewards, followed by rich coffee kit from STARS International University. ment of scientific activities of students and young scientists, articles were published in the conference proceedings with break with hot meals, and finally, a mega-star of Uzbek pop being inspired by the Decrees of the President of the ISBN number, sponsored by STARS International Republic of Uzbekistan No. DP-6097 dated Oct-29, 2020 University. "On approval of the Concept of Science Development until 2030" and No. DP-4611 dated Feb-24, 2020 "On additional measures for the transition to international financial reporting standards." December 15-16, 2022, the university organized a large- scale Annual International University Conference at the Hilton Tashkent City hotel for more than 1,200 students and young scientists and over 300 professionals and academics, representing world organizations from the USA, Great Britain, Germany, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Russian Federation etc., on the topics: "Modern Trends of Innovative Development of Science and Education in the Global World" and "New Uzbekistan: International Successful Experience in Implementing International Financial Reporting Standards."

  17. Nearly 400 scientific articles were sorted by an expert For maximum involvement and activity of participants, the stage - Sevara Nazarkhan gave a musical performance. FEATURES MAKING LEARNING ACCESSIBLE group of editors in collaboration with the scientific board of conference was accompanied by intellectual discussions Each participant of the conference received a VIP gift brand STARS International University is investing in the develop- the university and received DOI indexing, subsequently, the and contests with material rewards, followed by rich coffee kit from STARS International University. ment of scientific activities of students and young scientists, articles were published in the conference proceedings with break with hot meals, and finally, a mega-star of Uzbek pop being inspired by the Decrees of the President of the ISBN number, sponsored by STARS International Republic of Uzbekistan No. DP-6097 dated Oct-29, 2020 University. "On approval of the Concept of Science Development until 2030" and No. DP-4611 dated Feb-24, 2020 "On additional measures for the transition to international financial reporting standards." December 15-16, 2022, the university organized a large- scale Annual International University Conference at the Hilton Tashkent City hotel for more than 1,200 students and young scientists and over 300 professionals and academics, representing world organizations from the USA, Great Britain, Germany, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Russian Federation etc., on the topics: "Modern Trends of Innovative Development of Science and Education in the Global World" and "New Uzbekistan: International Successful Experience in Implementing International Financial Reporting Standards."

  18. STARS Interna?onal University offers its Premium Class Hostel located in the heart of Tashkent city for regional and interna?onal students, as well as students of all the state, non-state and interna?onal higher educa?on ins?tu?ons. Students Hostel has the following ameni?es: Ÿ Lounge area + PlaySta?on 5 Ÿ Personal Smart TV + more than 3000 channels, more than 2000 movies (personal headphones) Ÿ Free WI-FI, speed of 500 mb/s Ÿ Personal shelves - 2 pieces Ÿ Personal electronic key Ÿ Modern restrooms Ÿ Modern separate washrooms Ÿ Refrigerators Ÿ Microwave ovens Ÿ Washing machines Ÿ Power generator Ÿ Prayer's room Ÿ Besides, students' clothes and linens are washed and ironed by Hostel Laundry Service absolutely for FREE! Ÿ Video surveillance and fire protec?on systems are installed for the safety of tenants and their personal property. Ÿ The Hostel is located in 250 meters from the university campus and all the public transport intersec?ons.

  19. STARS Interna?onal University offers its Premium Class Hostel located in the heart of Tashkent city for regional and interna?onal students, as well as students of all the state, non-state and interna?onal higher educa?on ins?tu?ons. Students Hostel has the following ameni?es: Ÿ Lounge area + PlaySta?on 5 Ÿ Personal Smart TV + more than 3000 channels, more than 2000 movies (personal headphones) Ÿ Free WI-FI, speed of 500 mb/s Ÿ Personal shelves - 2 pieces Ÿ Personal electronic key Ÿ Modern restrooms Ÿ Modern separate washrooms Ÿ Refrigerators Ÿ Microwave ovens Ÿ Washing machines Ÿ Power generator Ÿ Prayer's room Ÿ Besides, students' clothes and linens are washed and ironed by Hostel Laundry Service absolutely for FREE! Ÿ Video surveillance and fire protec?on systems are installed for the safety of tenants and their personal property. Ÿ The Hostel is located in 250 meters from the university campus and all the public transport intersec?ons.

  20. "

  21. "

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  23. Success to Check ¨hzuld be d awo io favz  zf INSIGHTS SUCCESS MEDIA TECH LLC CONTACT US The Knowledge Review Io¨ight¨ Succe¨¨ Media Tech LLC 555 Met z Place Nz th, Suite 100, Dublio, OH 43017, Uoited State¨ Phzoe - (614)-602-1754 Eojzyed thi¨ I¨¨ue? Email: iofz@thekozwledge eview.czm For Subscription: thekozwledge eview.czm Give it a

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  25. Ensuring Better Futures any of us take the help of shows that financially literate people The Role of finance masters to manage are less prone to fraud and build a M our money and handle strong relationship with money, decisions related to finance. However, economic education is the key to pursuing a variety of important achieving financial success and Education financial skills and concepts can uplift economic stability. Economic the country's future. As the study in Fostering F Fiin na an nc ciia all Literacy www.theknowledgereview.com www.theknowledgereview.com 28 | June 2023 June 2023 | 29

  26. Currently, many governments and challenges, and ways to overcome the Regulatory and Development firms are using experts to analyse and same. And for that, basic knowledge of Authority (PFRDA) have taken the predict the economic future of the credit, debit, compound interest, and initiative to educate Indians about country. However, after the pandemic, the time value of money must be basic concepts such as the difference the system has started demanding the understood. between saving and investing as well incorporation of financial literacy in as the importance of diversification the micro-levels of the economy. And before understanding all these key among others. Moreover, the pandemic also has had principles of finance, it is a must-know an impact on employment, and many thing to understand how much money Benefits of Economic Education in were left with no jobs, with an one actually makes. Considering Financial Literacy increased concern about paying bills various plans that include strategies Financial illiteracy, even in well- and EMIs. Though many economies according to the time span, such as educated people, especially youngsters, managed to catch track, this has given daily, weekly, monthly, annually, etc., is a concern, and it is a matter that rise to minimising financial literacy. it is necessary to first know about the needs serious attention. When applied fixed income and deductions from your various programs to uplift this Current Condition income; after that comes the concept of situation, financial literacy empowers The Organisation for Economic Co- debt, savings, and investments. people to make wise financial operation and Development (OECD) decisions. Below are the benefits of it: aptly defines financial literacy as not What initiatives has country like Ÿ It increases the ability to make only the knowledge and understanding India taken to increase financial better financial decisions. of financial concepts and risks but also literacy (A Case Study)? Ÿ Money and debt are often left the skills, motivation, and confidence. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has unmanaged and make financial This can result in applying such launched the National Strategy of conditions poor. Financial literacy knowledge and understanding in order Financial Education (NSFE) 2020- helps to manage money and debt to make effective decisions across a 2025. The policy encourages teaching properly. range of financial contexts, improve financial literacy concepts among Ÿ With better decisions and money the financial well-being of individuals ordinary people so that they can management, individuals can and society, and enable participation in participate actively in their financial achieve their financial goals. economic life. developments and security and boost Ÿ There is a significant reduction in their participation in the financial everyday and monthly expenses by What comes under Financial markets. Moreover, the central bank varying out money regulation. Literacy? has recommended including curricula Ÿ A structured budget can be made While financial literacy has a widely consisting of financial education in effective. spread subject, and it is hard to learn schools and colleges. As it is easy to Ÿ Individuals get knowledge before every possible skill that comes under educate children with new and difficult selecting loans, investment plans, the finance and economy umbrella, concepts, inculcating finance-related credit cards, etc. individuals, especially women, are education at such an early age creates a taking an interest in learning various generation that can use this knowledge Last but not least, here is a list of tools concepts such as how to earn, spend, in the future. to increase your financial literacy. save, invest, borrow, and protect. Ÿ Investopedia Additionally, the National Centre for Ÿ Trade Smart From household budgeting learning to Financial Education (NCFE), under the Ÿ Groww manage and pay off debts, to managing Reserve Bank of India (RBI), the Ÿ Junio credit and debit systems, and insurance Insurance Regulatory and Ÿ Vital matters, education in finance makes Development Authority of India Ÿ SmartCoin (IRDAI), as well as Pension Fund people aware of the processes, www.theknowledgereview.com 30 | June 2023

  27. Currently, many governments and challenges, and ways to overcome the Regulatory and Development firms are using experts to analyse and same. And for that, basic knowledge of Authority (PFRDA) have taken the predict the economic future of the credit, debit, compound interest, and initiative to educate Indians about country. However, after the pandemic, the time value of money must be basic concepts such as the difference the system has started demanding the understood. between saving and investing as well incorporation of financial literacy in as the importance of diversification the micro-levels of the economy. And before understanding all these key among others. Moreover, the pandemic also has had principles of finance, it is a must-know an impact on employment, and many thing to understand how much money Benefits of Economic Education in were left with no jobs, with an one actually makes. Considering Financial Literacy increased concern about paying bills various plans that include strategies Financial illiteracy, even in well- and EMIs. Though many economies according to the time span, such as educated people, especially youngsters, managed to catch track, this has given daily, weekly, monthly, annually, etc., is a concern, and it is a matter that rise to minimising financial literacy. it is necessary to first know about the needs serious attention. When applied fixed income and deductions from your various programs to uplift this Current Condition income; after that comes the concept of situation, financial literacy empowers The Organisation for Economic Co- debt, savings, and investments. people to make wise financial operation and Development (OECD) decisions. Below are the benefits of it: aptly defines financial literacy as not What initiatives has country like Ÿ It increases the ability to make only the knowledge and understanding India taken to increase financial better financial decisions. of financial concepts and risks but also literacy (A Case Study)? Ÿ Money and debt are often left the skills, motivation, and confidence. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has unmanaged and make financial This can result in applying such launched the National Strategy of conditions poor. Financial literacy knowledge and understanding in order Financial Education (NSFE) 2020- helps to manage money and debt to make effective decisions across a 2025. The policy encourages teaching properly. range of financial contexts, improve financial literacy concepts among Ÿ With better decisions and money the financial well-being of individuals ordinary people so that they can management, individuals can and society, and enable participation in participate actively in their financial achieve their financial goals. economic life. developments and security and boost Ÿ There is a significant reduction in their participation in the financial everyday and monthly expenses by What comes under Financial markets. Moreover, the central bank varying out money regulation. Literacy? has recommended including curricula Ÿ A structured budget can be made While financial literacy has a widely consisting of financial education in effective. spread subject, and it is hard to learn schools and colleges. As it is easy to Ÿ Individuals get knowledge before every possible skill that comes under educate children with new and difficult selecting loans, investment plans, the finance and economy umbrella, concepts, inculcating finance-related credit cards, etc. individuals, especially women, are education at such an early age creates a taking an interest in learning various generation that can use this knowledge Last but not least, here is a list of tools concepts such as how to earn, spend, in the future. to increase your financial literacy. save, invest, borrow, and protect. Ÿ Investopedia Additionally, the National Centre for Ÿ Trade Smart From household budgeting learning to Financial Education (NCFE), under the Ÿ Groww manage and pay off debts, to managing Reserve Bank of India (RBI), the Ÿ Junio credit and debit systems, and insurance Insurance Regulatory and Ÿ Vital matters, education in finance makes Development Authority of India Ÿ SmartCoin (IRDAI), as well as Pension Fund people aware of the processes, www.theknowledgereview.com 30 | June 2023

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