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Wacky Wednesday, Jan. 21, 2015

Explore Hoover's failed response to the Depression, RF Corporation, Hoover Dam, Bonus Army, and Communist/Fascist solutions. Essential question: Why did Hoover's policies fail? Prepare for discussions and quizzes following detailed notes.

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Wacky Wednesday, Jan. 21, 2015

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  1. Wacky Wednesday, Jan. 21, 2015 • Take your seat • Take out your notebook • Open to notes “Hoovers Response Fails” Precious Time / Warm -Up Highlight and add in Cornell questions Read over your notes and answer the following questions separately, in 3-5 sentences each. • Why do you think Hoovers response to the Great Depression failed? • What did you find interesting about these notes and what do you need more information on?

  2. Today Agenda • Precious Time / Warm-Up • FN Discussion: “Social and Cultural Tensions” • Homework: • Read Ch. 8 Sec. 1 – quick reading quiz tomorrow • Work on Vocabulary – Quiz Friday

  3. Hoover’s Response Fails 11.5.1, 11.6.2 EQ: Why did Herbert Hoover’s policies fail to solve the country’s economic crisis?

  4. Hoover’s Response to the Depression 1. Rugged Individualism • he didn’t believe he legally could give direct aid • it’s not in the Constitution • gave money to local and state governments and businesses instead • Hoover encouraged businesses to voluntarily help • he cut income tax on the wealthiest from 74% to 23% • businesses cut wages and fired more workers • he tried to get local communities and the states to fix the depression

  5. Hoover’s Response to the Depression • Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC), 1932 • Hoover loaned billions to private businesses to jump start the economy • banks, railroads, insurance companies, and local governments • from 1932 – 1941 the RFC loaned $9.5 billion • FDR continued this program • it was too late, voters dumped Hoover for FDR in 1932

  6. Hoover’s Dam (or should it be Dam Hoover?) • Hoover Dam, 1931 – 1935 • Hoover set aside $49 million to build a dam to provide irrigation and electricity • Hoover supported jobs for the unemployed so they wouldn’t sacrifice their dignity • FDR called it the Boulder Dam so it wouldn’t have Hoover’s name • the “trickle-down theory” allspark

  7. Hoover’s Response to the Depression • Bonus Army, 1932 • Large assembly of WWI veterans marched on DC to demand the money they’d been promised • the Adjusted Compensation Act was like the GI Bill • Congress refused so they set up Hoovervilles outside the city • Army chased them out and Hoover looked really bad • a baby was killed, the veterans did not get their money 11.6.2

  8. Communist / Fascist Solutions • communists argued that the government should seize all property • the government would control all businesses • the depression in the USSR was less severe • fascists wanted a dictator to control every aspect of society

  9. Essential Question – 1 paragraph, SUTW • Why did Herbert Hoover’s policies fail to solve the country’s economic crisis?

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