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The procedure of the lesson :

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  1. Сабақтың тақырыбы: “Travelling around Kazakhstan”Сабақтың мақсаты:Білімділік: Қазақстан қалалары туралы танымдық білімін арттыра отырып әңгімелей білуге үйрету. Тәрбиелік: Отанды сүйюге,тіл мәдениетіне, сұлулыққа, сезімталдыққа, имандылыққа, адамгершілік ізгі қасиеттерді сіңіруге тәрбиелеу;Дамытушылық: Әңгімелей білуге , ойын жеткізуге, мәнерлеп оқу, сөздік қорын, тілін дамыту. Сабақтың түрі: Білім беру, жинақтау, топтастыру Сабақтың әдісі: Түсіндіру,саяхат жасау, әңгімелеу, сұрақ-жауап, талдау, ой туғызу Көрнекі құралдар: Интерактивті тақта, бейнетаспа, слайд, дидактикалық материалдар, карта, кестелер Сабақтың байланысы: География, әдебиет

  2. The procedure of the lesson: I. Organization moment • Who is duty to day? • Who is absent to day? • What date is it to day? • What day of the week? • What month is it now? • Good! Sit down, please!


  4. Білу

  5. The theme: “Travelling around Kazakhstan”

  6. II. Checking up the homework:Ex: 7. Read the description and draw the picture. Present your work to the whole class.

  7. Топтық жұмыс “Astana” ” 1.How many people live in Astana?2.Which river is there in Astana?3.When did it get its name?4. Do you know is city? (picture)5.Karaganda a small town or a big city? “Almaty” 1.Is Astana an interesting place?2.When did it became a town?3.How many people live in Kazakhstan?4. What languages do people speak in Kazakhstan?5.People found “the Golden Man” near Almaty, in________?

  8. “Astana”group“Almaty” group • Astana is a more exciting place, museums, theatres, beautiful parks, squares, monument is Bayterek. • When Astana became the capital, it became more popular than before. • More than 17 million people live in Kazakhstan • The Kazakh language is the state language. • In 1969 year • More than one million people live here. • It’s on the Ishym River. • The name is Tselinograd. • It’s Astana • Karaganda is a big town. 0 қате = 5 1-2қате = 4 3-4 қате= 3

  9. III. New lesson • Today we shall speak about Travelling around Kazakhstan. – Good morning. Today is our lesson on the topic “Travelling around Kazakhstan”. We shall talk about this country, read texts, watch video films. It’s high time to summarize and to control your knowledge. So today we are going to review the material, remind some facts and interesting information, activate lexical material and at the end of the lesson you have to do a short test. Besides we are watching a new video film about Kazakhstan for new information.  Let’s start. 

  10. President of the country NursultanNazarbaev.

  11. The capital is Astana. Almaty is the largest city of the country with a population over 1.5 million. Other major cities include Shymkent, Semey, Aqtobe and Oskemen. The capital Astana Almaty Kazakhstan's largest city

  12. Video about cities of Kazakhstan

  13. IV. New words

  14. ТҮСІНУ- Track 47. - Ex:3Read the textand translate - Find these places: Almaty, Astana, Orlovka village, Turkestan, Baikonyr.

  15. ҚОЛДАНУV. TEST 1. Which is the biggest city in Kazakhstan? a) Astana b) Atyrau c) Almaty 2. Which is the coldest place in Kazakhstan? a) Oskemen b) Orlovka village c) Karagandy 3. Which is the hottest place in Kazakhstan? a) Petropavl b) Taraz c) Turkestan 4. Which border is the longest in the world? a) between Russia and China b) between Kazakhstan and China c) between Russia and Kazakhstan 5. Which city is the youngest capital in the world? a) Astana b)Moscow c) London 6.Where is the oldest cosmodrome in the world? a) Russia b) China c) Kazakhstan

  16. Дұрыс жауаптар 1-с 2-b 3-c 1қате = 5 4-c2 қате = 4 5-a3-4 қате = 3 6-c5-6 қате = 2

  17. ТАЛДАУEx: 5 Match the meanings to the words. a capital city a place from where people fly into space a cosmodrome a big place where many people live a village a city where the President of the country lives and works a city a small place where people live a border there are planets, the sun and starts there space a line between two countries

  18. Дұрыс жауаптар a capital city a city where the President of the country lives and works a cosmodrome a place from where people fly into space a village a small place where people live a city a big place where many people live a border a line between two countries space there are planets, the sun and starts there 1қате = 5 2 қате = 4 3-4 қате = 3 5-6 қате = 2

  19. ЖИНАҚТАУ VI. Fixing Ex: 6. Practise saying these numbers. 10. 1875. 5. 3. 1978. 20 000. 1982. 12. 10. 35.

  20. VII. Home work: • to learn new words • Ex: 4 P: 47

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