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Age of Ideologies II. Communism: Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and Brother Andrew,. Karl Heinrich Marx. Born 1818 in Trier, Germany to a wealthy German-Jewish family His father born into a line of rabbis name was Herschel Mordecai but he changed it to Heinrich Marx for business’ sake
Age of Ideologies II Communism: Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and Brother Andrew,
Karl Heinrich Marx • Born 1818 in Trier, Germany to a wealthy German-Jewish family • His father born into a line of rabbis name was Herschel Mordecai but he changed it to Heinrich Marx for business’ sake • Began studying at the University of Bonn, where he joined the Trier Tavern club • His father wanted him to be serious about education so sent him to the Friedrich Willhelms Universität in Berlin • Obtained a doctorate in 1841
Karl Heinrich Marx • 1842 began a career in Journalism • 1843 his paper was shut down • Met Engels in Paris and they had warm happy communist feelings together • Marx began to develop the philosophy of historical materialism • 1848 Marx and Engels first published a copy of The Communist Manifesto as a statement of faith for their small Communist League
Karl Heinrich Marx • Marx/Engels were kicked out of Paris and moved to Brussels in Belgium • They were kicked out of Belgium and moved to Köln (Cologne) Germany • 1849 Marx moves to Cologne and starts a leftist paper • May 1849 Marx is kicked out of Germany and moves to London where he remains for the rest of his life • Gets married to Jenny von Westphalen and has 7 children (3 survived)
Karl Heinrich Marx • Marx lived in London writing books and political commentaries like “Das Kapital” • Emphasized revolutionary activist politics • Was an atheist and saw religion as a thing to be pitied, and useful only as a drug “Religious suffering is, at one and the same time, the expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people. The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the demand for their real happiness. To call on them to give up their illusions about their condition is to call on them to give up a condition that requires illusions. The criticism of religion is, therefore, in embryo, the criticism of that vale of tears of which religion is the halo.” • Marx died 2 years after his wife in 1883
Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov - Lenin • Born 1870 in Simbirsk, Russia • During his childhood his brother was hanged for attempting to assassinate Tsar Alexander III this cemented Lenin to Marxist extremism • Was well learned in Latin and Greek, but was kicked out of university for participating in protest • After independent study he obtained a license to practice law in 1891 • Continued revolutionary activity and was exiled to Siberia from 1895-1900
Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov - Lenin • Wrote reactionary material and led the Bolshevik party in the split up of the primary leftist party. • During WWI he led an anti-patriotic faction hoping for the overthrow of Russia to provide the chaos needed for revolution • Ultimately with the slogan of “All power to the Soviets” Lenin led a successful revolution in 1917 • Became leader of Russia and made an unloved treaty with Germany to end WWI
Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov - Lenin • Lenin’s major contribution to Communism was his professionalizing of the party • Began a secret police service the Cheka Всероссийская чрезвычайная комиссия по борьбе с контрреволюцией и саботажем • Lenin initiated the “Red Terror” stomping out imprisoning and executing all “counter-revolutionary elements” • He consolidated and led the government promoting a new economic policy to help care for the war ravaged Russia he was now ruling
Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov - Lenin • Tried to prevent greater Anti-Semitism • 1922 suffered a stroke and was partially debilitated • Began to doubt the other leaders of the party, especially Stalin, whom he had personally trained and elevated • Died Jan. 21 1924 not wishing to have any special memorial or services • He received the exact opposite in the formation of the cult of Lenin which included the renaming of St. Petersburg into Leningrad in his honor
Joseph Stalin • Иосиф Виссарионович Сталин Iosif Vissarionovich Stalin • Born in 1898 into the Georgian ჯუღაშვილი (Jughashvili)family • Grew up abused as a child, which some say hardened him for the rest of his life • At 14 he attended the Tiflis Theological seminary, living off of a scholarship and a small stipend for singing in the choir • Became an active Marxist and his activities earned him Siberian exile to 1917
Joseph Stalin • Had a bad home life, his first wife died, their son committed suicide. His second wife committed suicide, their son died an alcoholic, and their daughter emigrated to the U.S. • Stalin rose to power, using manipulation and great political cunning • He started the cult of Lenin and attached himself as Lenin’s most devoted follower • Used a ban on party factionalism to exile and ban all of his detractors from the party
Joseph Stalin • Ruthlessly encouraged industrial growth and collectivized the peasants into communes triggering a famine that killed 5-10 million. • Blamed failures on rich peasants (kulaks) who were then sent to Gulag prison camps • Stalin harshly repressed religion wanting worship only for Lenin and thus himself the number of churches went from 54,000 in 1917 to a few hundred in the mid 20th century. • The Orthodox church was re-allowed during WWII as a patriotic and nationalistic organization, though it split from mainstream Orthodoxy in following Stalin
Joseph Stalin • Performed a “great purge” removing “bad” influences from the party and re-emphasizing the Lenin-Stalin cult • Initiated mass deportations of ethnic groups out of mainland Russia • Severely persecuted the Jews as American spies and traitors • A low estimate of 20 million people died during his reign • Died in 1953 of a stroke or poisoning
Chairman Mao • Basically, see Stalin and replace Russia with China • Created a massive personality cult around himself, being worshiped above all. His picture was everywhere, and his printed words were in red • Part of the cult was the “little red book” that was full of the sayings of Mao • Initiated various programs resulting in the death of 10’s of millions of his citizens • Died in 1976 leaving behind a subjugated China
Brother Andrew • Anne van der Bijlwas born in 1928 to a poor family in Holland • Grew up in a good Christian home, but didn’t personally have faith • 1939 his brother died of Tuberculosis and Andrew blamed God for it • 1940 Germans occupied Holland and Andrew raised small mischief against them • After the war he became a soldier and was injured, while convalescing he began to read the Bible
Brother Andrew • Prayed “Lord, if you will show me the way I will follow you.” • Wanted to become a missionary but was daunted by the 12 years training required • 1953 attended the Glasgow missionary school in Scotland for training because they had a much quicker program • He learned much from a month long “no money, don’t ask for any” mission trip • During this time Andrew witnessed many miracles and a faith which would mark the rest of his life grew
Brother Andrew • Had an opportunity to attend a socialist youth festival in Warsaw and there saw the hopelessness of the communists • He felt his calling in Rev. 3:2 “Now wake up! Strengthen what little remains, for even what is left is at the point of death” • At God’s prompting someone taught Andrew to drive, then later two others gave him a brand new VW bug and money • Andrew loaded his car with bibles and smuggled them into Yugoslavia relying on God to give him a place to deliver them
Brother Andrew • 1958 Andrew married the love of his life Corrie Van Dam • Developed a famous border crossing prayer when openly smuggling bibles in “Father, You have made blind eyes to see -- now I ask you to make seeing eyes blind." • Continued smuggling bibles by dozens, hundreds, and thousands into various Communist countries • 1961 project pearl delivered 1 million bibles to China in one night
Brother Andrew • Wrote his autobiography God’s Smuggler which led others to join him in his work • Founded the Open Doors ministry which focuses on bringing bibles to those who don’t have them • Now Open Doors works primarily in the Muslim countries • Corrie Ten Boom also ministered to the communists with her “pepperbox messages” and speaking tours
Christian Communism • Pre-Marx Communism was primarily espoused by Christian Idealists • The emphasis is placed on Acts 2:44-5 • “And all that believed were together, and had all things common; And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need.” • Post-Marx, Marxian social/economic ideals were kept, but atheism was rejected • Modern Christian communalist movements stemmed from this e.g. Calvary Chapel Communes