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Chapter 12: Sustainable Prosperity- Challenges and Opportunities. Created by Jeff, Tyler, Jordan, Megan. CHAPTER ISSUE: To what extent can globalization bring sustainable prosperity to all people?. Looking Ahead: What is sustainable prosperity?
Chapter 12: Sustainable Prosperity- Challenges and Opportunities Created by Jeff, Tyler, Jordan, Megan
CHAPTER ISSUE: To what extent can globalization bring sustainable prosperity to all people? • Looking Ahead: • What is sustainable prosperity? • What political and economic challenges and opportunities are associated with globalization? • What choices are associated with sustainable prosperity?
WHAT IS SUSTAINABLE PROSPERITY? What do you think it means to have prosperity that is sustainable? Benjamin WiliamMkapa: > Believes that “the dynamics of globalization will bring prosperity to some, and misery and marginalization to many others,” Peter Ellyard: > Believes that sustainable prosperity will be achieved only when it extends beyond economics and trade to include all the needs of society and of the environment.
WHAT IS SUSTAINABLE PROSPERITY? How can people sustain prosperity in a globalized world? Environmental Goals And Sustainable Prosperity Act > The bill aims to reduce green house gas emissions, as well as the amount of garbage going to landfills, and to encourage people to produce electricity from renewable sources. Sustainable Development: > Development that meets peoples needs in the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Development is sustainable according to the UN 1987 World Commission on Environment and Development when it follows these conditions.
SUSTAINABLE PROSPERITY AND GLOBAL INTERDEPENDENCE What other examples can you think of? • Oftentimes economic and social goals will interfere with one another • Gildan, a transnational T-shirt manufacturer, closed down a factory based in Quebec in 2006. Over previous years, the focus of the company’s workforce began to shift from developed countries to developing countries to take advantage of cheaper labour. • In 2007, 800 Canadians lost their jobs when Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. closed down a plant. The company president’s reasons for closing were due to “today’s intensely competitive and increasingly global business environment.