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Good Samaritan

Good Samaritan. Parables of the Messiah. Shema – Hebrew. Shema Israel, Adonai elohenu – Adonai echad Ve’ahavta et Adonai eloeikah B’khol levavkah Uve’khol naphshekah Uve’khol m’odekah Ve’ahavta le’reacha Kamocha , Amen. Shema.

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Good Samaritan

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Good Samaritan

    Parables of the Messiah
  2. Shema – Hebrew Shema Israel, Adonaielohenu – Adonaiechad Ve’ahavta et Adonaieloeikah B’khollevavkah Uve’kholnaphshekah Uve’kholm’odekah Ve’ahavtale’reachaKamocha, Amen
  3. Shema Hear O Israel, the Lord is our God. The Lord alone. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might. And Love your neighbor as yourself. Amen.
  4. Greatest Commandment Expert in the law asks Jesus what is the greatest commandment What law summarizes all 613 in the Torah? This question is extremely simple Everyone knows this answer – Shema Jesus gets beyond this question by answering the next one – what is second commandment This sets up which “camp” Jesus is in Hillel – Love neighbor 2nd commandment Shami – Love neighbor down about #13
  5. Real Question Expert wants to “justify” himself Who is my neighbor? Shami – compassionate to Jews only Hillel – compassionate to almost everyone 1st century folk tale
  6. Jericho to Jerusalem Video
  7. Lots of hiding places No where to run Very narrow 17 miles of this
  8. Jericho Road Passed by on the “other side”? Kind of a joke
  9. Following Torah Why didn’t Priest and Levite help the man? Left him “half dead” or “dying” or “almost dead” Numbers 19:11 – don’t touch human corpse Priest – serving in the Temple 2 weeks a year Levite – unclean for 7 days They may have been terribly sad not to help God said “Don’t touch”!
  10. Samaritan The folk tale has a Pharisee as the hero Jesus takes a known story and changes the focus Samaritan “touches” the man over and over
  11. What is the point? Helping those in need is not the primary point It is definitely in there What is the original question? Who is my neighbor? The Torah expert can’t even say the answer “The one who had mercy on him” Go and love your neighbor The person you can’t stand, your most hated adversary
  12. City Gates
  13. Next week Lost son Luke 15
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