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Reading B

Unit 5. Reading B. New words:. Lively (adj.) Hate (v.) Bored (adj.) Knock (v.) Whole (n) Slam (v.) Break (v.) Bite (v.) Ring (n.) Mess (n.) Din (n.). 生动的,有趣的 讨厌 无聊的,无趣的 敲 整体,全部 砰地关上 打碎,打破 咬 圈,环 肮脏,混乱 嘈杂声,吵闹声.

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Reading B

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  1. Unit 5 Reading B

  2. New words: Lively (adj.) Hate (v.) Bored (adj.) Knock (v.) Whole (n) Slam (v.) Break (v.) Bite (v.) Ring (n.) Mess (n.) Din (n.) 生动的,有趣的 讨厌 无聊的,无趣的 敲 整体,全部 砰地关上 打碎,打破 咬 圈,环 肮脏,混乱 嘈杂声,吵闹声

  3. How many people are there in the speaker’s family? Who are they? The speaker Dad Mum Sister Brother My grandpa Baby

  4. Please read the poem and point out the family members. the speaker dad mum sister brother grandfather baby

  5. What is she/he /it doing Doors are always slamming. Things falling down. My dadkeeps shouting. My mum breaks things. The baby will bite you. My sister cries. My brother roars. My grandpa always slams doors.

  6. Discussion: 1. What’s the writer’s feeling? How do you know? 2.Do you like live in a quiet(安静的) house or a noisy(吵闹的) house? Why?

  7. Reading task Reading Task One: read the poem and find out the rhymes(韵脚)of the poem. Part One: bored-door[כ:] Part Two: town-down[au] Part Three: shouting-things-rings[iŋ] Part Four: roars-doors[כz] Part Five: address-mess[es] Part Six: din-in[iŋ]

  8. Reading Task Two: Look at the picture and read the poem again, then answer the following questions. ( )1. A ____ is probably speaking in the poem. A. dog B. woman C. baby D. boy 2. How can a visitor find the speaker’s house? He / She can hear the noise from ten miles away and the outside’s a mess.

  9. 3. What are the members of the writer’s family doing? Please describe them in sentences. His dad is shouting loudly. His mum is breaking things. The baby is playing with a rattle. His brother is roaring. His grandpa is slamming the door. The dog is running in rings. His sister is crying.

  10. 4. What kind of feelings does the writer want to tell the readers? Why do you think so? The writer wants to share the exciting moments in his life with the readers. Though his house seems to be in a mess and the family members always make a lot of noise, the house is very lively and the writer will never feel bored.

  11. 5. In this poem, the second and the fourth lines of each part rhyme with each other. What does this do with the poem’s theme? In this way, the poem moves quickly and the strong rhythm shows that the writer is full of hope for life.

  12. Language Points If you like to keep lively, 如果你想保持活力, If you hate being bored, 如果你厌倦无聊的生活, Just come down to our house! 就来我们家吧! And knock on the door. … 敲敲门就行了。 My dad keeps shouting, ... 我爸爸一直在喊……

  13. keep+adj. 表示“保持某种状态”。 keep doing (sth.)意为“一直做(某事)”。 例如: We must keep our classroom clean. 我们必须保持教室清洁。 They kept talking when they met each other. 当他们见面的时候,他们一直谈个不停。

  14. ★bored是形容词,意为“烦闷的”,常用来形容人;boring也是形容词,意为“令人厌烦的”,常用来形容事物。★bored是形容词,意为“烦闷的”,常用来形容人;boring也是形容词,意为“令人厌烦的”,常用来形容事物。 例如: I was bored when I read the boring story. 当我读这无聊的故事时我感到烦闷。

  15. C 单项选择。 • I felt __. It seemed that everything was __. A. bored; bored B. boring; boring C. bored; boring D. boring; bored 2. Tom keeps _____ playing football. He is good at it. A. practise B. practising C. to practise D. practises B

  16. 完成句子。 3. 如果你少吃点肉多吃点蔬菜,你会保持 健康。 If you eat less meat and more vegetables, you will _____ ________. keep healthy

  17. And our dog runs in rings. 我们的狗绕圈跑。 run in rings意为“绕着圈跑”。 in rings绕圈地,类似的短语还有in pairs 成 双成对地,in groups以小组形式地等。 完成句子。 1. 孩子们围着老师坐了一圈。 The children sat ____ ____ round the teacher. 2. 学生们以小组的形式讨论这个问题。 The students discussed the problem ____ ________ in rings in groups

  18. 根据句意和字母提示写出正确的单词。 ored 1. I’m b____. Let’s find something funny to do. 2. I h____ onion. Don’t put any in the soup. 3. There is not a dull line in the w____ of the article. I believe you will like it too. 4. Don’t k_____ at the door. Just ring the bell. ate hole nock

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