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Biology 113. Photosynthesis:Transformation of Energy. History of Photosynthesis; Light and Color. OBJECTIVES:. To understand the basic concepts associated with energy transformations,. including the Laws of Thermodynamics that govern energy transformations.
To understand the basic concepts associated with energy transformations,
including the Laws of Thermodynamics that govern energy transformations.
To understand the history of our understanding of photosynthesis.
To master basic concepts associated with the nature of light
kinds of energy - thermal, light, electrical, mechanical, chemical
First Law of Thermodynamics (Law of the Conservation of Energy)
exergonic vs. endergonic chemical reactions; enzymes, coenzymes and cofactors
6CO2 + 12H2O ---------> C6H12O6 + 6O2 + 6H2O ; Equation for Photosynthesis
ATP/ADP – the universal energy exchange system in living organisms
coupled reactions: endergonic rxn + ATP + ATPase --> exergonic reaction
Ingenhousz experiments - light are green plants are necessary for “restoring air” (1778)
6CO2 + 12 H2S --------=> C6H12O6 + 12S + 6H2O purple sulfur bacteria
Hill Reaction – isolated chloroplasts if given an electron acceptor will generate 02
Ruben and Kamen - verify that the O2 in photosynthesis comes from water (1941)
gamma - X-rays - UV - violet - blue - green - yellow - orange - red - infrared - radio
10 380 nm 500 nm 750 nm 10
visible light - 380-750 nm - biologically active (some use infrared & some use UV)
light as a wave phenomenon; velocity (speed of light) = wavelength X frequency