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Promoting sustainable conservation of sheep and goat genetic resources through biotechnology, economic evaluation, and rural development initiatives in marginal areas.
ECONOGENE http://lasig.epfl.ch/projets/econogene Paolo Ajmone Marsan1& the ECONOGENE Consortium2 1Istituto di Zootecnica, Università Cattolica del S. Cuore, 29100 Piacenza, Italy. paolo.ajmone@unicatt.it 2http://.lasig.epfl.ch/projets/econogene Upssala, June 4, 2005
http://lasig.epfl.ch/projets/econogene ECONOGENE Sustainable conservation of animal genetic resources in marginal rural areas: integrating molecular genetics, socio-economics and geostatistical approaches Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources Framework V EU programme Key Action 5, Sustainable agriculture, fishery and forestry, and integrated development of rural areas including mountain areas Upssala, June 4, 2005
http://lasig.epfl.ch/projets/econogene SHEEP AND GOATS IN EU-25 Source: EAAP database, 2004. breeds subtotal. 1Percent calculated on autochthonous Upssala, June 4, 2005
http://lasig.epfl.ch/projets/econogene OBJECTIVE Promote the sustainable conservation of sheep and goat genetic resources by: • Identifying the most diverse and distinctive populations with the aid of biotechnology • Evaluating the economic value of genetic resources • Identify areas where actions for promoting rural development through the use of these GR has the higher chance of success Upssala, June 4, 2005
http://lasig.epfl.ch/projets/econogene THE CONSORTIUM 17 Countries 12 Partners York 12 Subcontractors York Kiel Norwich Warsaw Cardiff Utrecht Other collaborators Giessen Louvain Berne Vienna Herceghalom Lausanne Kluj-Napoca Milano Grenoble Grenoble Piacenza Tirana Viterbo Campobasso Madrid Sassari Ankara Ankara Thessaloniki Catania Cyprus Animal husbandry Socio-economics Genetics GIS Science Ibid FW5 FW6 Minia Upssala, June 4, 2005
Detailed step by step guidelines Sampling questionnaire Sampling protocol Photodocumentation protocol Table of Measuring Animals Phenotipic traits GPS position recording protocol Uppsala, June 4, 2005
http://lasig.epfl.ch/projets/econogene SAMPLING AND DATA COLLECTION 3401 samples 104 breeds 885 sampling sites Autochtonous breeds Area of traditional breeding Reference breeds, double sampling 3 unrelated adult animals per farm 33 animals (1/3 males) GPS position of farms Uppsala, June 4, 2005
http://lasig.epfl.ch/projets/econogene BIOTECHNOLOGIES •Origin •History •Demography •Diversity •Distinctiveness Upssala, June 4, 2005
http://lasig.epfl.ch/projets/econogene HUSBANDRY •Breed questionnaire •On farm questionnaire on husbandry •Photodocumentation Upssala, June 4, 2005
http://lasig.epfl.ch/projets/econogene ENVIRONMENT 885 farms with environmental data Corine landcover database Upssala, June 4, 2005
http://lasig.epfl.ch/projets/econogene SOCIO-ECONOMICS Questionnaires Upssala, June 4, 2005
http://lasig.epfl.ch/projets/econogene Effect of existing CAP on conservation Analysis of Case Studies in United Kingdom, France and Italy Gabriele Canali¹*, Michel Trommetter², Riccardo Scarpa³, Sam Jones4, Mauro Carboni¹, Ignazio Cabras³ ¹ Department of Agricultural and Food Economics, Catholic University of Sacred Hearth, via Emilia Parmense 84, 29100 Piacenza - Italy. ² Université Pierre Mendes, Sociology and Economy of R&D INRA/SERD P.O. Box 47, 38040, Grenoble cedex 9 - France ³ University of York, PO Box 373, YO10 5YW - United Kingdom 4The Sheep Trust, Biology Area 8, University of York, P.O.Box 373, York YO10 5YW – United Kingdom Upssala, June 4, 2005
http://lasig.epfl.ch/projets/econogene Economic value of diversity Economic Evaluation and Biodiversity Conservation of Animal Genetic Resources Jutta Roosena, *, Aziz Fadlaouib, c, Marco Bertagliaa, c aDepartment of Food Economics and Consumption Studies, University of Kiel, Olshausenstr. 40, 24098 Kiel, Germany bDepartment of Applied Biology and Agricultural Production, Unit of Genetics, Catholic University of Louvain, Place Croix du Sud 2/14, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium cDepartment of Applied Biology and Agricultural Production, Unit of Rural Economics, Catholic University of Louvain, Place Croix du Sud 2/15, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium Upssala, June 4, 2005
http://lasig.epfl.ch/projets/econogene Breed description Biodiversity Socio-economy Environment GIS Science GPS of sampling sites Geographic information Upssala, June 4, 2005
http://lasig.epfl.ch/projets/econogene http://lasig.epfl.ch/projets/econogene Economic value of biodiversity Map of conservation priorities GIS Science GIS Map of development perspectives Overlaid map Upssala, June 4, 2005
http://lasig.epfl.ch/projets/econogene http://lasig.epfl.ch/projets/econogene RECOMMENDATIONS Economic value of biodiversity Integrated maps and analyses Genetic management Development strategies Recommended actions (within Common Agriculture Policy objectives) Upssala, June 4, 2005
http://lasig.epfl.ch/projets/econogene Mission and collaborations Ranked SSR list ISAG/FAO advisory group Nordic project? DNA from standard animals SSR genotypes of standard animals Upssala, June 4, 2005
http://lasig.epfl.ch/projets/econogene THANK YOU!! Upssala, June 4, 2005