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INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF HYDROGEOLOGISTS the worldwide groundwater organisation. THE AGRICULTURAL INTERFACE critical to groundwater resource status in the EU and beyond Prof Dr Stephen Foster (IAH Past President 2004-08)
INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF HYDROGEOLOGISTS the worldwide groundwater organisation THE AGRICULTURAL INTERFACE critical to groundwater resource status in the EU and beyond Prof Dr Stephen Foster (IAH Past President 2004-08) World Bank – Groundwater Management Team Director University College London – Visiting Professor of Groundwater Science IUGS Affiliate UN-Water Partner WWC Member GWP Member
AGRICULTURE & GROUNDWATER an intimate relationship BECAUSE agricultural activity occupies large proportion of most aquifer recharge areas CONSEQUENCES • predominant influence on groundwater quality • affects mechanisms/rates of aquifer recharge • also the major consumer of (ground)water resources must understand and control relationship to conserve/protect groundwater resources
AGRICULTURE & GROUNDWATER Scope of Presentation • focused at science-policy interface • in each facet start with the scientific realities • then concentrate on the policy implications • conscious of climate-change dimensions • groundwater often key to adaptive management • subtle long-term (but significant) impacts on groundwater recharge rates and quality likely • increased irrigation demand more immediate • biofuel cultivation could give rise to concern
AGRICULTURE & GROUNDWATER FACETS CONSIDERED : • Effects of Agricultural Land-Use on Groundwater Quality • Groundwater Use for Irrigated Agriculture • Conjunctive Use of Groundwater & Surface Water Resources
EFFECT OF AGRICULTURAL LAND-USE ON GROUNDWATER QUALITY‘As the Land – So the Water’ • cultivation of permeable soils is a ‘leaky activity’ – thus farmers cultivating land also (accidentally) harvest (and pollute) groundwater • agricultural land use practices thus markedly influence groundwater quality (especially N compounds + some pesticides leached) • diagnostic/prognostic capability as regards ‘groundwater quality risks’ now improved - but confirmatory monitoring always needed
DIFFUSE POLLUTION FROM AGRICULTURAL LAND-USE nutrient leaching pesticide mobility Cryptosporidium hazard saline returns
AGRICULTURAL LAND-USE & GROUNDWATERwidespread nutrient leaching • well established and often dominant influence (especially intensive monocultures on permeable soils) • principally NO3 (and in some cases NH4, PO4) • subsurface denitrification can reduce impact, but only in some hydrogeological conditions • technical control measures (plant husbandry, fertiliser regimes, livestock density, irrigation scheduling) very important – but for vulnerable aquifers may not be sufficient to protect drinking water and ecosystem interests
DIFFUSE GROUNDWATER POLLUTION FROM AGRICULTURAL LAND USElong term nitrate trends related to intensification
NO3(mg/l) EXCESS N APPLICATIONS TO SOIL GROUNDWATERNO3 CONCENTRATIONS kgN/ha/a Groundwater Nitrate Trend Data for Valencia Plain - Spain
AGRICULTURAL LAND-USE & GROUNDWATER the question of pesticide mobility • pesticides are designed to be (to some degree) biotoxic • more localised basis problem than nitrate (usually related to preferential flow in vadose zone, shallow water table, thin low storage aquifers) • main concern focuses on persistence in subsurface environment of soluble/mobile pesticides and their metabolites used in : • pest/weed control in horticulture/fruit production • weed control on arable/pasture land
GROUNDWATERPESTICIDES CONTAMINATION problem of analytical complexity and spatial + temporal variability in vulnerable aquifers(South Yorkshire Triassic Sandstone, England –compounds detected during Jan 2002 –June 2003) • 14 other compounds detected occasionally, almost all at <0.1 g/l) • pesticide metabolites and derivatives not included (Goody et al, 2005)
IMPACT OF GROUNDWATER POLLUTION IN BRITAIN problems requiring water utility action CAPITAL COST – E 950million (plus operational costs) MAIN CAUSES- groundwater quality deterioration- tighter drinking-water standards M/ld various causes - incl. cryptosporidium largely pesticides,arsenic and solvents mainly nitrates
CONTROL OF DIFFUSE AGRICULTURAL POLLUTION approaches and their limitations for protecting groundwater quality • Guidelines of ‘Best Agricultural Practice’ • Groundwater Special Protected Areas • Drinking Water Safeguard Zones • Private Agreements on Modified Cropping • Groundwater-Friendly Farming Regimes (with CAP financial support)
BEST AGRICULTURAL PRACTICE integration of groundwater quality considerations much welcomed BUT for some crops and soils not capable of reducing average nutrient and/or pesticide losses to below drinking-water guidelines
CONTROL OF DIFFUSE AGRICULTURAL POLLUTION approaches and their limitations for protecting groundwater quality • Guidelines of ‘Best Agricultural Practice’ • Groundwater Special Protected Areas • Drinking Water Safeguard Zones • Private Agreements on Modified Cropping • Groundwater-Friendly Farming Regimes (with CAP financial support)
GROUNDWATER PROTECTED AREASspecific measures needed for quality protection
GROUNDWATER PROTECTED AREAS legal basis and limitations • declaration of ‘protected areas’ with special powers to constrain/prohibit activities in public interest feasible in most national legal codes • but legal powers may require a level of land-owner • compensation that is difficult to administer – and • private agreements may be more practicable • participation of stakeholders always needed with • major implications for monitoring and data provision
IMPACT OF BRITISH ‘NITRATE SENSITIVE AREA’ POLICYin fast response aquifer required tight control of N applications and limited conversion of arable land to unfertilised pasture and deciduous woodland – with payment of some compensation to farmers Old Chalford - Oxford(Jurassic Limestone) NO3 Concentration (mg/l) 1960 1980 2000 2020 1940 measured data model output Silgram et al, 2005
CONTROL OF DIFFUSE AGRICULTURAL POLLUTION approaches and their limitations for protecting groundwater quality • Guidelines of ‘Best Agricultural Practice’ • Groundwater Special Protected Areas • Drinking Water Safeguard Zones • Private Agreements on Modified Cropping • Groundwater-Friendly Farming Regimes (with CAP financial support)
GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORINGDo we really know what is going on under our feet ? substantial investment widely needed with much more emphasis on impact monitoring in recharge zones
AGRICULTURE & GROUNDWATER FACETS CONSIDERED : • Effects of Agricultural Land-Use on Groundwater Quality • Groundwater Use for Irrigated Agriculture • Conjunctive Use of Groundwater & Surface Water Resources
BENEFITS OF GROUNDWATER USE FOR IRRIGATED AGRICULTURE‘The Silent Revolution’ • massive growth of waterwells for agricultural irrigation – especially in more arid and/or drought-prone regions • mainly private investment but frequently stimulated by government waterwell grants, electrical energy subsidies, crop guarantee prices, etc • initially investment returns are very good both for : • staple crops (groundwater development fuelling ‘green revolution’) • cash crops with improvements in rural livelihoods and high water productivity
GROUNDWATER FOR AGRICULTURAL IRRIGATION controlling demand versus regulating use • many areas with good aquifers showing signs of excessive groundwater abstraction with question of sustainability over 10-50 year time-base • more consistent enforcement of controls over illegal waterwell drilling/deepening + installation of larger-capacity well pumps • ‘irrigation water demand management’ critical to sustainable groundwater resources in such areas (especially in aquifers susceptible to irreversible degradation) – with blend of agronomic, participatory, regulatory and economic measures required
GROUNDWATER FOR AGRICULTURAL IRRIGATION understanding the ‘use drivers’ • clear that ‘irrigation demand’ is strongly driven by economic subsidies for irrigation infrastructure, pumping energy and crop prices/risks – which reduce effectiveness of auto-regulation of abstraction through increasing costs in situations of falling water-table • solution of agricultural sector is invariably so-called ‘irrigation water-use efficiency’ improvements – but unless nature of real water-losses versus recirculation returns well understood and respected this is not effective and can be positively misleading
IRRIGATION WATER ORIGIN & APPLICATION TECHNIQUE major influence on groundwater recharge rates and scope for ‘real water resource saving’
REAL GROUNDWATER RESOURCE SAVINGSfrom improved irrigation techniques only reductions in non-beneficial evaporation are real groundwater savings
rh5 Carrizal Valley Mendoza- Argentina
MENDOZA CARRIZAL AQUIFER growing problem of groundwater salinisation
MENDOZA CARRIZAL AQUIFERcharacteristics of groundwater flow regime
GROUNDWATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT approach in Mendoza – Carrizal Aquifer • declare ‘area of restriction’ to prevent further growth in numbers of irrigation waterwells • constrain spatial transfer of groundwater use rights from ‘down-gradient’ areas to ‘terrenos chacra’ • intensify monitoring of groundwater levels, use and salinity – as basis to ensure continued aquifer drainage • caution about cumulative effects of improving irrigation efficiency (widespread adoption of ‘drip technology’) since total groundwater resource consumption increasing (even if licensed abstraction fixed)
AGRICULTURE & GROUNDWATER FACETS CONSIDERED : • Effects of Agricultural Land-Use on Groundwater Quality • Groundwater Use for Irrigated Agriculture • Conjunctive Use of Groundwater & Surface Water Resources
CHALLENGE OF CONJUNCTIVE USE OF GROUNDWATER & SURFACE WATER RESOURCES the ‘dismal reality’ in many areas • informal/spontaneous conjunctive use widely practised in tail zones of major canal commands as ‘coping strategy’ – response of farmers to inadequate canal-water supply (poor maintenance related) • simultaneously some head-canal zones are experiencing soil waterlogging/salinisation and loss of valuable agricultural land – due to excessive seepage from canals and over-irrigation of fields • overall cropping intensity thus reduced to < 150%
HYDROGEOLOGICAL CONDITIONS OF GANGETIC PLAIN interfluve canals as recharge mounds and rivers as discharge sumps
CHALLENGE OF CONJUNCTIVE USE OF GROUNDWATER & SURFACE WATER RESOURCES scientific logic frustrated by social barriers • integrated modelling for tropical climates often demonstrates that cropping intensity for entire command area could be increased to 200-250% with ‘planned conjunctive use’ and better crop choices could further enhance ‘irrigation water productivity’ • but how to overcome social and economic obstacles to rationalising conjunctive use (political power of head-canal land owners, comparative water cost to users and initial capital investment requirements) ?
AGRICULTURE & GROUNDWATERGeneral Conclusion • need very widely to move from ‘opportunistic water engineering and agricultural development to integrated land and water management including full consideration of groundwater ‘ (long overdue even in EC) • in our overall long-term interest and especially so facing the need to adapt to accelerated climate change
INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF HYDROGEOLOGISTS the worldwide groundwater organisation www.iah.org www.worldbank.org/gwmate