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STUDENT ACCOUNTING . UPDATES FOR ELEMENTARY CAMPUSES. Presenter: Oscar Lopez, Student Accounting Officer Joe Rodriguez, Administrative Assistant 2012-2013 Student Attendance Accounting Handbook Prekindergarten Eligibility Enrollment Procedures
Presenter: Oscar Lopez, Student Accounting Officer Joe Rodriguez, Administrative Assistant • 2012-2013 Student Attendance Accounting Handbook • Prekindergarten Eligibility • Enrollment Procedures • Attendance Procedures • eSchoolPLUS & eLearning • Reminders • Question & Answers Student Accounting Update for Elementary CampusesAgendaAugust 16, 2012
The Student Attendance Accounting Handbook (SAAH) contains all the official attendance accounting rules and regulations for all public school districts in Texas. The handbook can be downloaded in the following link: http://www.bisd.us/StudentAccounting/forms/stu_att_hdbk_doc_12-13.doc The 2012-2013 SAAH is available on the Student Accounting Website under Student Act. Handbook. http://www.bisd.us/StudentAccounting/ 2012-2013 STUDENT ATTENDANCE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK
To be eligible for enrollment in a PK class, a child must be 3 or 4 years of age on September 1 of the current school year and must: • be unable to speak and comprehend the English language (E0790) = 1; or • be educationally disadvantaged (eligible to participate in the National School Lunch Program [NSLP]) or in Head Start(MEALST) = 99;or • be homeless (E1017) = 1; or • be the child of an active duty member of the armed forces of the United States, including the state military forces or a reserved component of the armed forces, who is ordered to active duty by proper authority (E1038) = 1; or • be the child of a member of the armed forces of the United States, including the state military forces or a reserved component of the armed forces, who was injured or killed while serving on active duty (E1038) = 1; or 6. have ever been in the conservatorship (foster care) of the Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) following an adversary hearing. (E1041) = 1 7.2 Eligibility
Enrollment Procedures
The Enrollment Report should be faxed or emailed to your Area Assistant Superintendent’s office and the Student Accounting office by no later than 11:00 a.m. on the first fifteen (15) days of school. Do not generate any report from eSchoolPLUS to report enrollment counts until the “NO SHOWS” have been identified and withdrawn. After the first fifteen days the Enrollment Report is due in Student Accounting office by 11:00 a.m. for the first and third Thursday of each month unless otherwise noted in the Enrollment Report Schedule. Enrollment (First Fifteen Days)
All students enrolled in campus need to be reported. • Lincoln Park EE students (babies) need to be included with the EE students. • Speech Only students who are enrolled but not in membership need to be reported with the appropriate grade level with the regular students Enrollment Report
Starting September 20, 2012, the Gifted & Talented and the Special Education students need to be reported. • Special Education students who are Self-Contained with instructional setting codes 44 or 45 should be reported in the special education section of the enrollment. Do Notinclude homebound, resource room/service, speech or content mastery. Enrollment Report (continued)
Enrollment forms available on the Student Accounting website. http://www.bisd.us/StudentAccounting/forms/2012-2013%20Enrollment%20Forms.doc • Enrollment count can be faxed to 544-3963or emailed to enrollment@bisd.us Enrollment Report (continued)
Enrollment report path: Registration Center – Reports – Headcount Statistics • eLearning Center Report path: • eLearning Center - eSchoolPLUS-Demographics-Phase 3 Reports, Mass Options and Activities – Reports – Registration Reports ESchoolPLUS - Enrollment Report View the following video.
Your district may not withdraw a student who is temporarily absent (e.g., as a result of illness or suspension) but still a member of your district. 3.4.2 Temporary Absences and Withdrawal
Your district should decide the withdrawal date for a student who never officially withdrew from school, but whose whereabouts can no longer be determined, according to applicable local policy FEA (LOCAL). 3.4.3 Students Whose Whereabouts Are Unknown
FEA (LOCAL) The District may initiate withdrawal of a student under the age of 18 for nonattendance under the following conditions: • The student has been absent ten consecutiveschool days; and • Repeated efforts by the attendance officer and/or principal to locate the student have been unsuccessful. NOTE:DO NOT DELETE THE TEN ABSENCES When to withdraw a student under the age of 18 with excessive absences.
A student not actually on campus at the time attendance is taken may be considered in attendance for FSP purposes if the student — 3.6.3 Requirements for a Student's Being Considered Present or Absent for FSP (Funding) Purposes
is enrolled in and attending an off-campus dual credit program course. (DCP) • is participating in an activity that is approved by your local school board and is under the direction of a professional staff (UIL) • is participating in a mentorship approved by district personnel to serve as one or more of the advanced measures needed to complete the Distinguished Achievement Program (DAP) .
is a Medicaid-eligible child participating in the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) programs implemented by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission. Such students may be excused for up to 1 day at a time without loss of ADA. (MED) • misses school for the purpose of observing religious holy days, including traveling for that purpose (REL)
misses school for the purpose of attending a required courtappearance, including traveling for that purpose. (CRT) • misses school for the purpose of appearing at a governmental office to complete paperwork required in connection with the student's application for United States citizenship, including traveling for that purpose (GOV)
Is temporarily absent because of a documented appointment with a health care professional licensed to practice in the United States. To be considered temporarily absent, the student must begin classes or return to school on the same day of the appointment. The appointment should be supported by a document, such as a note from the health care professional.65 The appointment must be a face-to-face consultation with a health care professional. (MED)
The Texas Health and Safety Code, §105.003, requires the statewide health coordinating council to collect information on the following professionals, any of which would be considered examples of health care professionals. • audiologists • chiropractors • licensed professional counselors • licensed chemical dependency • counselors • dentists • dental hygienists • emergency medical services personnel • marriage and family therapists • medical radiologic technologists • licensed vocational nurses • registered nurses Examples of health care professionals • certified nurse aides • occupational therapists • optometrists • pharmacists • physical therapists • physicians • physician assistants • psychologists • social workers • speech-language pathologists
the temporary absence of the student for any reason acceptable to the teacher, principal, or superintendent. However, the student will not be counted as present for FSP (funding) purposes for the day(s) of the absence 3.6.4 Excused Absences for Compulsory Attendance Purposes
Sufficient paper documentation to support any changes to posted absences Class admittance slips or other documentation to support the claim that a student was with a nurse, counselor, assistant principal, or other school official at the time was taken 2.3.5 Additional required documentation
Documentation supporting the claim that a student was attending a board-approved activity, accompanied by a certified teacher/adjunct staff member of the district, signed by the person who supervised the students Documentation supporting the claim that a student was at a documented appointment with a health care professional 2.3.5 Additional required documentation (continued)
Attendance Correction Forms need to be used for all correction done before and after the Absence Verification Report is given to the teachers Post all attendance correction in Office Entry only DO NOT DELETE ANY ABSENCE CODE IN TEACHER ENTRY The only time an attendance record in Teacher Entry is deleted, is if the attendance code is on or after the withdraw date ATTENDANCE CORRECTIONS
Attendance need to be recorded daily. All campuses are required to enter the proper attendance codes based on the documentation provided by the students or teachers. Attendance clerks are responsible of entering the proper attendance codes to eSchoolPLUS. Attendance
There is a total of 25 attendance codes available. • 21 attendance codes are equivalent to present • 3 attendance codes are equivalent to an absence • 1 attendance code used only during the first week of school • The attendance code specify what kind of attendance was recorded for each day the student was not physically in the instructional classroom. Attendance Codes
1 = 1st Day In School • ADM = with administrator • COU = with counselor • EXT = extra curricular activity • FTR = approved field trip • MED = health care appointment • NUR = in nurse’s office • PRE = present • REL = religious holy day Attendance Codes Equivalent to a “Present”
ISS = in school suspension TDY = tardy TES = testing UIL = UIL activity CRT = req. court appearance Attendance Codes Equivalent to a “Present” (continued)
DAP = distinguish achievement program DCP = dual credit program ELC = election clerk GOV = governmental office for U.S. citizenship TAP = military veteran funeral UNI = visiting an institution of higher education USN = United States naturalization oath ceremony Attendance Codes Equivalent to a “Present” (continued)
ABS = absent (unexcused) OSS = out of school suspension (excused absence) EXA = excused absence Attendance Codes Equivalent to an “Absence”
NS = NO SHOW • Used only the first week of school until campus has indentified the “no show” and withdrawn the students from eSchoolPLUS Other Attendance Codes
Most common folders you will be using are the following: • Daily Attendance Path: • Student Center – Attendance – Year View or Range View • Daily Attendance Path: • Attendance Center – Attendance Entry • Daily Attendance by classroom Path: • Attendance Center – Entry by Class EschoolPlus – Daily attendance
eSchoolPLUS has an eLearning Center which has excellent detailed videos on attendance • Once on eLearning do the Demo video first then try Practice video. • eLearning Path: • Once log in to eSchoolPLUS scroll toward the bottom left hand side and click on the bullet “eLearning Center” DAILY ATTENDANCE – eLearning Center
View the videos pointed with an arrow Attendance – eLearning center Path: eLearning - eSchoolPLUS - Attendance – Phase 2D:Entering Attendance by Day
The “No Show” student need to be withdrawn by August 31, 2012 by 5:00 p.m. NO Show Students
Student membership from the teacher’s roster is to be reconciled to the attendance accounting records at the end of the first and fourth 6-week reporting periods. The reconciliation is to verify that all students are reported on attendance records and that “no show” students have been purged from the attendance accounting system. District personnel are to develop a form to be used at the end of the first and fourth 6-week reporting periods to show the total number of students in membership in each teacher’s class during the official attendance period. The reconciliation does not need to be conducted on the last day of the 6-week reporting period. However, it should be conducted no later than the final week of the 6-week period. The reconciliation should be for the official attendance period (usually second period). 2.3.4 Reconciliation of Teacher's Roster Information and Attendance Accounting Records
Brownsville I.S.D. 2011-2012 End of 1st & 4th Six Weeks Reconciliation Second Period Attendance Verification _________________________________ (Campus) Date: ___________________________________ Six Weeks: ______________________________ Teacher’s Name: __________________________________________ (Please Print) Grade Level: Number of Students enrolled in my class this period: ____________ (2nd Period) Instruction to teachers: Include in this count any student who is registered for your class during this period. If a student is absent, the student should be counted since the student is registered for your class. Eligibility is not a factor in determining the number of students registered for your class. If students withdrew from your class yesterday do not count them. ______________________________ (Principal Signature) (PEIMS Supervisor Signature) _______________________________ (Teacher Signature) RECONCILIATION FORM sample
Brownsville I.S.D. End of the Year Pupil Attendance Check out List 2012-2013 Campus: _______________________ In Order Missing [ ] [ ] Teachers’ Advisor List [ ] [ ] Teachers’ Attendance Sheets Second Period (six-weeks: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th) [ ] [ ] Teachers’ Absence Verification Report (six-weeks: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th) [ ] [ ] PEIMS Student Detail Report (six-weeks: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th) [ ] [ ] PEIMS Campus Summary Report (six-weeks: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th) [ ] [ ] PEIMS Campus Summary with ADA & Refine ADA Reports (six-weeks: 1st, 2nd 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th) [ ] [ ] PEIMS Campus Completer Report (six-weeks: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th) [ ] [ ] Average Daily Attendance Report (six-weeks: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th) and yearly [ ] [ ] Alpha Listing (Fall & Spring) [ ] [ ] G/T Listing, if applicable [ ] [ ] List of Ineligible Students (indicate reason for ineligible) [ ] [ ] Data Entry & Attendance Clerks daily & weekly six-weeks check list [ ] [ ] Reconciliation of student membership (1st and 4th six-weeks) ____________________________ ____________________________ Signature of Principal or Designee Signature of Data Entry Clerk ____________________________ _________________________________ Signature of Attendance Clerk Signature of Student Accounting Officer ____________________________ Date END OF THE YEAR BOX sample
Student Accounting Administrator: Mr. Oscar Lopez, Email o.lopez@bisd.us Phone: 698-3964 Fax: 544-3963 Administrative Assistant: Joe Rodriguez Email: jnr@bisd.us Enrollment Reports to: Phone: 698-0263 enrollment@bisd.us Fax: 544-3963 Student Accounting DepartmentContact Information