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Elizabeth Hall Kaplan University CJ246- Human Relations in a Diverse Society April 1, 2011

http:// www.matthewshepard.jeff-reys.com /. Cross Cultural Awareness & Professionalism in Policing The Matthew Shephard Case A Criminological Examination. Elizabeth Hall Kaplan University CJ246- Human Relations in a Diverse Society April 1, 2011 Stacie HaenDarden.

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Elizabeth Hall Kaplan University CJ246- Human Relations in a Diverse Society April 1, 2011

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  1. http://www.matthewshepard.jeff-reys.com/ Cross Cultural Awareness & Professionalism in PolicingThe Matthew Shephard CaseA Criminological Examination Elizabeth Hall Kaplan University CJ246- Human Relations in a Diverse Society April 1, 2011 Stacie HaenDarden http://www.splcenter.org/get-informed/intelligence-report/browse-all-issues/2011/spring/the-year-in-hate-extremism-2010

  2. Matthew Shephard Case StudyA Hate Crime Murder Timeline • 10/6/98 - Fireside Bar 10:30 PM Matthew goes into establishment 11:45 PM Suspects Aaron McKinney and Russell Henderson enter bar and order beer • 10/7/98 - Fireside Bar Between 11:45 and a little after midnight, suspects offer Matthew a ride and they leave driving west • - In Vehicle By 12:30 AM suspect McKinney had informed Matthew that he and Henderson were not gay and that he had in fact been “Jacked” (Trib.com, 2011) http://www.matthewshepard.jeff-reys.com/

  3. Matthew Shephard Case Study IIA Hate Crime Murder Timeline • 10/7/98 - In Vehicle By 12:30 AM suspect McKinney beaten Matthew while in vehicle pulled up to the fence pictured, tied him to it and beaten him further with a pistol, then left him for dead after robbing him • Total take from robbery- $20, a credit card, and Matthew’s shoes • 10/7/98 - Seventh and Harvey St. McKinney involved in additional incident/fight with Jeremy Herrera and Emiliano Morales Uses same gun as used to beat Matthew after Herrera uses stick Leaves evidence in truck when attempting to flee police from second scene (Trib.com, 2011) http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_CijcaA9yq58/SPDxnxiBd3I/AAAAAAAAAp4/GewADY4rIuo/s400/ed_shepard_fence.jpg

  4. Matthew Shephard Case Study IIIA Hate Crime Murder Timeline • 10/7/98 - Later in morning 1:30 AM McKinney seen at home blood soaked 2:00 AM Morales enters Ivinson Memorial Hospital • 10/7/98 - Later in evening 4:25 PM Kristen Price tells friend that McKinney might be in trouble for murder because he “beat some gay up” 5:00 PM McKinney arrives at same hospital for fractured skull Approximately a little after 6:00 PM Aaron Kriefels finds Matthew tied to fence 6:22 PM 911 call is made. (Trib.com, 2011) http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0PDoS8yL5lNhVQAgzijzbkF/SIG=143hn8klq/EXP=1301913522/**http%3a//kooldog54.deviantart.com/art/Matthew-Shepard-40715668%3fq=sort%253Atime%2bfavby%253Abigbadwolfiee%26qo=3

  5. http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Pridefest.jpg Cultural Factors Present • Matthew Shephard was openly homosexual • Suspects mentioned the fact that the victim was homosexual and they were not (Trib.com, 2011) • Fueled by drugs suspects were out to rob someone • Many gay men dress sharply • Nicer clothes indicate wealth to criminal elements • Beating was indication of rage against victim (ABC 20/20, n.d.)

  6. www.myfoxaustin.com/dppnews/local/Second-Hate-Crime%3F Chosen Population (LGBT) • According to the ACLU (2011), there are many active cases,and concluded cases already for the year 2011. Examples of this would include: • Active Cases- Appling v. Doyle (WI domestic partnerships) TSA HIV Discrimination Suit (employment) Cole v. Arkansas (parenting ban on same sex couples) Cooley v. Forrest Co Sheriff Dept (Employment discrimination) • Concluded Cases (victories) Alaska CLU v. State of Alaska (state employee benefits) Fresno Hospital Discrimination (lesbian barred from partner) (ACLU, 2011)

  7. www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2010/11/22/FBI-repor...s-in-2009/UPI-59771290447937/www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2010/11/22/FBI-repor...s-in-2009/UPI-59771290447937/ Challenges faced by Law Enforcement • Most hate crimes are performed against gays lesbians and Jews • Hate crimes against LGBT and Jewish individuals increased in the 1990’s • Increasing Diversity makes cultural clashes less avoidable • Victims of hate/bias crimes feel helpless to change the situation • Many of these crimes go unreported for fear of retaliation (Shusta, Levine, Wong, Olson, & Harris,2008)

  8. http://www.thelegalline.net/ Recommend Solutions • In 2009, Congress passed the Matthew Shephard and James Byrd , Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act. The truth is that it took over a decade for this legislation to pass. Getting legislation passed sooner is important to protect all minorities in our communities (Human Rights Campaign, 2010) • Because of the number of diverse populations moving into communities law enforcement must learn the cultural differences of the people living in the communities they serve in to be able to diffuse cultural differences quickly and efficiently (Shusta et all, 2008)

  9. References ABC 20/20, (n.d.). New Details Emerge in Matthew Shephard Murder. Retrieved From: http://abcnews.go.com/2020/story?id=277685&page=3 ACLU, (2011). LGBT and Aids Project Profiles. Retrieved From: http://www.aclu.org/hiv-aids_lgbt-rights/case-profiles Human Rights Campaign, (2010). Matthew Shephard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act. Retrived From: http://www.hrc.org/laws_and_elections/5660.htm Shusta, R., Levine, D., Wong, H., Olson, A., & Harris, P. (2008). Multicultural Law Enforcement Strategies for Peacekeeping in a Diverse Society (4th Ed.). Pearson Prentice Hall. Upper Saddle River, NJ Trib.com, (2011). Matthew Shephard Murder Timeline. Retrived From: http://trib.com/news/state-and-regional/article_3b785e53-2560-58c7-83ab-ec20d14e926c.html http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://towleroad.typepad.com/.a/6a00d8341c730253ef0147e01a5b65970b-800wi&imgrefurl=http://www.towleroad.com/dan_savage/&usg=__CInA4UHkKmsd_VJ3FT5afkSyT6o=&h=264&w=480&sz=45&hl=en&start=137&zoom=1&tbnid=ZqeGoOHL1-vXJM:&tbnh=162&tbnw=216&ei=GRKYTZvnK8Gitgeov8D6Cw&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dhate%2Bcrimes%2Bagainst%2Blgbt%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1366%26bih%3D681%26tbs%3Disch:10%2C3957&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=282&vpy=316&dur=4179&hovh=166&hovw=303&tx=185&ty=108&oei=uQ6YTZKmO8ultwfPkMD0Cw&page=8&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:7,s:137&biw=1366&bih=681

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