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PLURAL NOUN Regular Plural Noun if a noun ends with: a. Hissing sound S, SH, CH, X, O, Z, are added ES and read IZ . Class - Classes = Kelas Dish - Dishes = Piring Watch - Watches = Jam tangan Box - Boxes = Kotak
PLURAL NOUN Regular Plural Noun if a noun ends with: a. Hissing sound S, SH, CH, X, O, Z, are added ES and read IZ. Class - Classes = Kelas Dish - Dishes = Piring Watch - Watches = Jam tangan Box - Boxes = Kotak Hero - Heroes = Pahlawan Quiz - Quizes = Kuis b. F or Fe, is directly changed with VES, and read VZ. Leaf - Leaves = Daun Knife - Knives = Pisau c. Consonant + Y, is changed i + es, and read the same plus sound Z. Fly - Flies = Lalat Dragonfly - Dragonflies = Capung City - Cities = Kota Activity - Activities = Kegiatan
Irregular Plural Noun Singular Plural Meaning Man Men Laki-laki Woman Women Perempuan Child Childern Anak-anak People People Orang, Rakyat Dwarf Dwarfs Orang cebol Ox Oxen Lembu jantan Mouse Mice Tikus Louse Lice Kutu Goose Geese Angsa Fish Fish, Fishes Ikan Deer Deer Rusa Betina Foot Feet Kaki Tooth Teeth Gigi Die Dice Dadu