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Implemented in Education. By: Lauren Bilenky, Brittiany Bolden, Bryan Trumbo and Jennifer Weber ISTC 201.013. Thesis: E-Folios Should be Implemented in Education Because of the:. Applications to and uses in education Benefits for students in school and their future careers
Implemented in Education By: Lauren Bilenky, Brittiany Bolden, Bryan Trumbo and Jennifer Weber ISTC 201.013
Thesis: E-Folios Should be Implemented in Education Because of the: • Applications to and uses in education • Benefits for students in school and their future careers • Resulting in the need of teachers to focus on the: 3. Reasons why they use e-folios 4. How to implement this technology in the classroom 5. Which type of teaching e-folio to use
Applications to and Uses in Education • Identification- maintaining and updating work and accomplishments • Assessment- no hard copy, no piles of paper • Evaluation- ongoing due to identification • Communication- between teachers (from evaluation and assessment), peers, parents and anyone (McCaughey, 1997)
Benefits for Students in School • Three metaphors of E-folios: • Mirror • Map • Sonnet • Other benefits: - Children take pride - Feelings of ownership - Rise in Self Esteem - Learn from Peers through Group work (Barrett, 2006)
Benefits for Future • Jobs • Helps with the Interview process • You can show your e-folio instead of your resume • Keeps you organized with one e-folio, compared to many copies or papers • College • Since the nineties, e-folios have been growing popular. (Dowling, 2000) • Towson University is making the production of an e-folio a graduation requirement.
Reasons Teachers Use E-folios • Guides children in learning • Documents a student’s growth over time • Makes students more independent • Keeps teachers organized and on task when teaching • Tells a lot about a student (creativity, learning style, etc.) (Copeland, 2005)
How to Implement E-folios in the Classroom Teachers of all grades and all schools must: • be open and receptive • be aware of the benefits of this technology • be trained in using technology in order to become successful • have the availability of computers in order to implement technology in education (Specht, 1999)
Types of Teacher E-folios • Product e-folios= shows the finished products • Process e-folios= shows educator’s growth and development in thinking • Process/product e-folios= shows both(Norton-Meier, 2003)
Conclusion • E-folios must be put into action in education because of the functions and uses in education and the benefits for future opportunities; ensuing in teachers using e-folios themselves and implementing them in the classroom in the right procedure. • The more and more teachers that use e-folios, the better educated students will be. • Educators and students should remember that their e-folio is never done, and can always be altered. As technology advances, a teacher must be able to do the same to keep up with the twenty first century students.
Here’s Links to Our E-folios • Bryan’s E-folio • Jennifer’s E-folio • Lauren’s E-f-olio • Brittiany’s E-folio
References Barrett, H. (2006). Electronic Portfolio Development in School of Education. Retrieved October 11 2006, from the Website: <http://transtition.alaska.edu/www/portfolios.html>. Borja, R. (2006). Researchers Weigh Benefits of One Computer per Lap: Studies Aim to Determine the Impact Technology. Education Week, 25 (36), 10-11. Brown, (2006). Education World The Educator's Best Friend. Retrieved November 12, 2006, from the Website: <http://www.educationworld.org/>. Buie, E. (2006, July 7). The New Professionals. The Times Educational Supplement. pp.B1, B4. Campbell, M. & Brummett, V. (2002). Professional Teaching Portfolios: For Pros and Preservice Teachers Alike. Music Educators Journal [serial online], 89(2), 25-27 Available from: ERIC, Ipswich, MA. Accessed November 17, 2006. Copeland, M. (2003). Electrifying the Experience. In Secondary English. Retrieved November 17, 2006, from <http://www.secondaryenglish.com/electrifying_the_experience.htm>. Dowling, Laura (2000). Using Electronic Portfolios: A Description and Analysis. RetrievedNovember 12, 2006, from the Website: <http://www.dowlingcentral.com/gradschool/Edu6150/FinalPaper-EDUC6150- LauraJDowling.htm>. Frank, M. (1981). Young Children in a Computerized Environment. New York: The Haworth Press. Gray, L. (1986, January 5). When a Computer Joins Child’s Building Blocks. The New York Time, pp. A8. Hook, P. & McCabe, R. (2006). The efficacy of computer-based supplementary phonics programs for advancing reading skills in at-risk elementary students. Journal ofResearch in Reading, 29(2), 162-172. Ivers, K. (2002). Changing Teachers’ Perceptions and Use of Technology in the Classroom. Speeches/Meeting Papers, 3(2), 1-8.
References continued • Landerholm, E., Gehrie, C. & Hao Y. (2004). Educating Early Childhood Teachers for the Global World. Early Child Development and Care, 174(7-8), 593-606. • MATP. (2004, March 30). Classmate-10-Christianity. The Daily Telegraph, p. 31. • McCaughey S. (1997). Using Process-Folios with High Ability Students in Visual Arts: Expanded Program Options. Gifted Child Today Magazine [serial online], 20(6), 40. Available from: ERIC, Ipswich, MA. Accessed November 17, 2006. • Mendals, P. (1996). Study Shows Value of Wired Classroom. Retrieved October 11, 2006, from the Website: <http://www.princeton.edu/~edutech/articles/1026study.html>. • Norton-Meier L. (2003). To efoliate or not to efoliate? The rise of the electronic portfolio in teacher education. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy [serial online], 46(6), 516. Available from: Academic Search Premier, Ipswich, MA. Accessed November 17, 2006. • Patrick, S. (2006, September, 20). New Learning Models. The i.e. Magazine, pp.20-21. • Robinson, C. (2003). Florida Center for Reading Research. Retrieved Octobers 4 from the Website: <http://www.fcrr.org/>. • Rodriguez, S., & Williams, M. (2002). Developing a Curriculum Framework in Technology for Young Children.Early Child Development and Care Available from: ERIC database, Ipswich, MA. Accessed November 17, 2006. • Russo, J. (2005). The Rise of Technology Committees in Corrections. American Correctional Association, 1 (1), 56-58, 98. • Specht, J. (1999). Computer Training for Early Childhood Educators. Speeches/Meeting Papers, 17(3), 1-17. • Thomas, C. & Mendez M. (2005). K-12 In-Service Teachers' Attitudes Towards Electronic Portfolios. Retrieved Octobers 4, 2006, from the Website: <http://efoliomnsummit.com/>.