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Overview: Massachusetts PHCAST project

MA PERSONAL & HOME CARE AIDE STATE TRAINING PROJECT PHCAST Lisa Gurgone, Executive Director, MA Council for Home Care Aides Leanne Winchester, MS RN Project Director, PHCAST.

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Overview: Massachusetts PHCAST project

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  1. MA PERSONAL & HOME CARE AIDE STATE TRAINING PROJECTPHCASTLisa Gurgone, Executive Director, MA Council for Home Care AidesLeanne Winchester, MS RN Project Director, PHCAST This project is supported by funds from the Division of Nursing (DN), Bureau of Health Professions (BHPr), Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) under HRSA PHCAST Program Announcement HRSA-10-288 CFDA No. 93.512. Massachusetts PHCAST Grant Project T82HP20323 was awarded $738,993 for year 1, $744,769 for year two, with expected continued funding for year 3. The information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any official endorsement be inferred by, the DN, BHPr, HRSA, DHHS, or the US Government.

  2. Overview: Massachusetts PHCAST project To enhance the existing direct care training programs by integrating a common curriculum focused on a set of “core” competencies that are relevant to direct care workers across health and human service sectors.

  3. PHCAST Training at a Glance Existing PHCAST New PHCAST Format Personal Care Home Maker PCHM Training New PHCAST Curriculum with Shared Core Competencies PHCAST Personal Care Attendant PCA Training

  4. PHCAST CurriculumKnowledge, Skills, and Attitude • Competency based • Adult Learner model • Focus on Participation • Case scenarios • Role Plays • Small Groups • Interactive Presentation • Improved Outcomes: knowledge and skills

  5. Roles & Responsibilities 1. What Do Personal Care Attendants and Personal Care Homemakers Do? 2. Who Are the People Who Receive Support or Assistance? 3. Introduction to Consumer Rights, Confidentiality, and Ethics 4. Professionalism 5. Employment and Career Opportunities

  6. Communication 1. Basics of Communication  2. Body Language and Effective Listening 3. Paraphrasing 4. Asking Open-Ended Questions 5. Pulling Back 6. Communication Skills Practice 7. Culture and Communication

  7. Health Care Support 1. Body Systems 2. Common Diseases 3. Assisting with Medications:  Different Roles of the PCA and the PCHM

  8. Infection Control 1. Overview of Infectious Disease  2. Applying Infection Control Strategies 3. Skills Demonstration and Practice 4. Specific Precautions

  9. Basic Restorative 1. Review of Key Principles for Basic Restorative Skills  2. Principles of Body Mechanics 3. Assisting with Positioning the Consumer 4. Assisting with Transfers and Ambulation 5. Assisting with Toileting

  10. Personal Care Skills 1. Key Principles for Assisting with Personal Care 2. Assisting with Bathing 3. Assisting with Grooming and Mouth Care 4. Assisting with Routine Skin Care, including Hand and Foot Care 5. Assisting with Dressing

  11. Nutrition Support & Housekeeping • Basic Information on Eating for Health • Simple Modified Diets and Special Food Issues 3. Safe Food Preparation and Storage 4. The Dining Experience 5. Assisting the Consumer with Shopping 6. Housekeeping

  12. Addressing Consumer Needs 1. Identifying Beliefs and Attitudes 2. Exploring the Needs of Different Types of Consumers 3. Experiencing Sensory and Physical Disabilities 4. The Role of the PCA/PCHM in Supporting Consumers 5. Revisiting Beliefs and Attitudes

  13. Safety & Emergency 1. Safety in the Home 2. Falls Prevention 3. Fire Safety and Emergency

  14. Consumer Rights, Ethics & Confidentiality 1. Decision-Making Rights of Consumers 2. Privacy and Confidentiality 3. Recognizing and Reporting Abuse, Neglect, and Financial Exploitation 4.Boundaries and Ethics

  15. Life Skills 1. Reducing and Resolving Conflict at Work 2. Managing Time 3. Managing Stress

  16. MA Council for Home Care Aide Services and the Massachusetts PHCAST Initiative: Year 1 Objectives • Objective #1: Enhance the Council’s Home Care Aide Training Curriculum Outline • Objective #2 : Pilot new Council/PHCAST Enhanced Personal Care Homemaker Training Curriculum through 15 Regional Trainings • Objective #3: Cooperate with PHCAST Demonstration Project Core Competency Development and Evaluation

  17. Objective #1: Enhance Council’s Home Care Aide Training Curriculum Outline Timeframe: February – May 2011 Tasks: • Council’s Standards Committee charged with revising curriculum • EOEA/EOHHS RN staff provided input and reviewed all enhancements • Worked with PHI to add Adult-Centered Learner Techniques throughout Training curriculum • Enhanced the PCH training to better prepare the PCH to care for the complex-care needs of consumers • Incorporated consumer-directed/person-focused care • Provided additional training in common diagnoses that cause re-hospitalizations and strengthens the aide’s ability to communicate concerns to support the prevention of re-hospitalization • Added 10 hours of Soft Skills Training to Pilot curriculum

  18. Objective #2 : Pilot new Council/PHCAST Enhanced Personal Care Homemaker Training Curriculum Timeframe: June - September 2011 Tasks: • Train 19 RNs at Council member agencies on how to use this new curriculum • Hire 3 Case Manager Consultants to recruit students for pilot training, provide 10 hours of Soft skills training, and support students throughout pilot training • Conduct 15 regional trainings based on the new pilot curriculum • Total training time – 80 hours – 70 hours of training will be conducted using the enhanced Home Care Aide Training Curriculum outline revised under Objective 1. 10 Hours will be added which will focus on Soft skills. Soft skills training will be provided by Case Manager. • Training group – enroll at least 10 students per training • Total to be trained through pilot – 150 individuals • Regional Training locations • Expected outcomes – 7 of the 10 enrollees at each regional training will complete training • Provide Case Management services to all enrollees on a regional basis

  19. Year 1 Outcomes: Council/PHCAST Enhanced Personal Care Homemaker Training Pilots Total Council/PHCAST Year 1 Pilot Training Enrollees: 188 Total Council/PHCAST Year 1 Pilot Training Graduates:174 June 2011- Session 1 • Worcester: 12 students enrolled and successfully completed this training • Danvers: 11 students enrolled and 8 students successfully completed this training. July 2011: - Session 2 • Holyoke: 9 students enrolled and successfully completed this training. • Lynn: 12 students enrolled and 10 students successfully completed this training. • Malden: 17 students enrolled and successfully completed this training. August 2011: - Session 3 • North Andover: 13 students enrolled and successfully completed this training. • Burlington: 17 students enrolled and 15 students successfully completed this training. • Hadley: 12 students enrolled and 9 students successfully completed this training. • Taunton: 12 students enrolled and successfully completed this training September 2011- Session 4 • Greenfield(evening format: 4pm to 9pm) : 17 enrolled • Taunton: 13 students enrolled and successfully completed this training. • Malden: 10 students enrolled and 9 students successfully completed this training. • Worcester: 10 students enrolled and 10 students successfully completed this training • Danvers: 11 students enrolled and 10 students successfully completed this training • South Dennis: 11 students enrolled and 10 students successfully completed this training

  20. MA Council for Home Care Aide Services and the Massachusetts PHCAST Initiative: Year 2 Objectives • Objective #1: Incorporate PHCAST Core Modules and Further Enhance the Council’s Home Care Aide Training • Objective #2 : Pilot Year 2 Council/PHCAST Enhanced Personal Care Homemaker Training Curriculum through 20 Regional Trainings • Objective #3: Cooperate with PHCAST Demonstration Project Core Competency Development and Evaluation

  21. Council PHCAST Enhanced Personal Care Homemaker Training Curriculum Outline

  22. Council/PHCAST Year 2 Pilot Training Schedule Session 1: March 12th to March 30th • Holyoke • Taunton • Worcester Session 2: April 2nd to April 20th • Danvers • Malden • Worcester • Quincy Session 3: April 23rd to May 11th • Brockton • Greenfield – (Evening Format –April 16th to May 11th) • North Andover • Brookline Session 4: May 14th to June 1st • Burlington (Evening Format – May 7th to June 1st) • Malden • Lowell Session 5: June 4th to June 22nd • Holyoke • Fall River • Lynn • Pittsfield  Additional training locations to be added: • Burlington • Cape Cod

  23. Moving forward - PHCAST Goals Increase the LTC workforce capacity through • Improving retention rates • Supporting informal caregivers and • Broadening role of formal caregivers

  24. Contact Information Lisa Gurgone MA Council for Home Care Aides 1430 Main Street Waltham, MA 02451 781-693-5719 lgurgone@mahomecareaides.com www.mahomecareaides.com Leanne Winchester EOHHS PHCAST 1 Ashburton Place Rm 1109 Boston, MA 02108 617-573-1823 Leanne.Winchester@state.ma.us www.mass.gov/hhs/communityfirst

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