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Social Housing Projects Habitat for Humanity Poland . Habitat for Humanity Overview. Habitat for Humanity is a Christian, non-profit, housing agency that seeks to eliminate poverty housing and homelessness from the world, and to make decent shelter a matter of conscience and action.
SocialHousingProjects Habitat for HumanityPoland
Habitat for Humanity Overview • Habitat for Humanity is a Christian, non-profit, housing agency that seeks to eliminate poverty housing and homelessness from the world, and to make decent shelter a matter of conscience and action. • Through volunteer labor and donations of money and materials, Habitat builds and rehabilitates simple, decent and affordable houses in partnership with low-income families and vulnerable groups like single mothers, orphans, elderly, people with disabilities, homeless and individuals undergoing therapies. • Operating in 80 countries • Served more than 3 million people in100 countries through housing projects • Mobilizingover 10,000 internationalvolunteers (Global Village) annually to providehelp and to bringhope to people in need of housing.
Habitat for Humanity Poland • HFH Poland was founded in 1992, as the first Habitat presence in Europe. • We operate through a national office in Warsaw and anaffiliated organisation in Gliwice. • We respond to poverty housing through a number of activities, including construction of new housing, renovations of apartments and institutions, advocacy and micro-loan programs. • So far we have created 112 housingunits& helped more than 750 families in Poland.
Housing in Poland • Poland hasa population of 38.4 million. • For most housing statistics, Poland scores among the worstof the EU countries: • 30% of Poles live in overcrowdedspaces (>2 persons per room) • 6.5millionPoleslive in substandard conditions • 3.2 millionadultsshare homes withsiblingsorparents • Only100,000 new units arebeingbuilt per year (only 3% by municipalities ) – 1.5 millionnew affordableunits areneeded; meanwhileolderbuildings deteriorate. • Waiting lists for families in need of social housing extend 3-7 years in metropolitan areas, and up to 15 years in smaller towns.
The Problem • The number of rental flats in Poland (municipal, communal, and in resources of social housing associations) is highly insufficient in relation to the need. It is estimated that about 60% of young people with unmet housing needs have an income which does not allow for the purchase of a flat and should be served by the social housing sector, at least at the beginning of their housing careers. • Municipalities are not financially supported by the state in the development of social housing programs. • Lack of a consistent national policy on housing causes a need to provide more flats for social rent from municipal resources for a growing number of people. • Therefore, it is necessary to build local partnerships consisting of non- governmental organizations, local donors and local governments to join forces and urgently improve condition of existingmunicipal housing units as well as to look for new possibilities or financial solutions for such initiatives.
TheSolution • Habitat for Humanity Poland buildscros-sectorallocalpartnershipswheremunicipalities, business donors, corporatevolunteers and local community areimportant partners; • Therenovation and thermo-insulationprojectstargetingthetenants of socialflatsareconstructedin a way to bothbecome a model solution to improvealarminglivingconditions of thesocialhousingtenants and to triggeractivity of localmunicipalitiesinthisrespect; • Withintheframework of itsAdvocacyProgramme, Habitat builds a coalition of experts and launch national campaigns to impact policy changes to improve the living conditions of large numbers of people. Theadvocacycampaigndrawsexamplesfrom model solutionsthataredemonstratedthrough Habitat projects; • Habitat Poland is poised to be a source of information and expertise to government policy makers. In November 2013, HFH Poland releases an updated study of Poland’s demographic situation as it relates to housing.
Building Adaptation for Hostel and Social Housing for Families in Crisis Project Goals: Creating housing units(18 flats) for families in need of emergency shelter (single mothers, homeless and evicted persons) and former patients of MONAR rehabcentre. Providing decent housing conditions – respondingto family crises, and supporting the beneficiaries on their path towards social reintegration and securing employment. Solution:Adaptation of oldofficebuilding – converting office space into houisng units– providing temporary social housing Location: Poland, Wyszków (57 km from Warsaw),Komunalna 10 Period: May 2013 – June 2014 (14 months) Partners: Habitat for Humanity PolandMONAR Centre – MONAR WyszkówMunicipality of Wyszków Community,Wyszków SocialHousingAssociation, SocialWelfare Centre in Wyszków Project Budget: 396,000 PLN (ca. 94,000 EUR)
The Project Partners’ Roles • Habitat for Humanity Poland • Providing financial support in the form of a non-profit loan for the purchase of windows, tools, construction materials and furnishing. Providingtechnicalsupport and know-how. • Providingvolunteerworkers from corporate partners. Supervisedby construction specialists, the volunteershelp in the adaptation and renovationworks. • Promoting the project , approachingDonorswithin the construction industry. • MONAR-Wyszków Rehabilitation Centre • Selectingbeneficiaries • Providinglabour (futureresidentsprovideregularworkcontributionduring the renovationas part of theirsocialreintegrationefforts) and playing role of local leader for socialhousingprojectimplementation • Wyszków HousingAssociation • Providingfinancial and technicalsupportthroughout the project • Wyszków MunicipalAuthorities and SocialWelfare Centre • Providingpartial financial contribution (for roofrepair), offeringemptybuilding for rent & adaptation for housingpurposes, technicalsupervision of works
Thermo-insulation of olderbuildings • Project Aim: Improvement of living conditions for 44 families, residents of social flats in two buildings located in Targówek Fabryczny in Warsaw. • Phase One - applying waterproof layer and vertical insulationon buildings’ foundations. • Phase Two - thermo insulation of the exterior walls of the buildings will be applied by the municipality. • Volunteers:47 corporatevolunteerswereinvolved in Phase One; theyhelpedwith ground work (digging, cleaning foundations), and will also help to createa small playground for the children(in spring) • Project Location: Poland, Warsaw, Targówek district, Naczelnikowska 50/ Birżańska 2a Street • Project Duration: May 2013 – November 2013 (7 months) • Partners :Habitat for Humanity Poland Foundation, Procter & Gamble Polska,Municipality of Targówek and Committe of Targówek Inhabitants • Project cost: Phase One - 150.000 PLNPhase Two - 400.000 PLN
Thermo-insulationof older buildings • Since 2006, Habitat for Humanity Poland runs an Energy EfficiencyProgramme for HousingAssociations and Condominiumsin Poland. Theexperienceshows, thatthe most deteriorated and underinvestedbuildingsarethemunicipalones. • A new globalpartnershipof Procter & Gamble with Habitat for Humanitylaunchedin 2013, created an opportunity to apply forfinancial support for the project of energy efficiencyimprovementthat will significantly improve the housing conditions ofpoorfamiliesliving in social flats in the two buildings, neighbouringtheP&G plant. • To make the thermo-insulation efficient, a complex approachis necessary: thermal insulation of the externalwalls and waterproof insulation of the foundations. The foundation work planned by HFH Poland, supported by P&G volunteers, triggered action on the side of municipal authorities to fund insulation of the walls. • Acoalition of local partners appeared: Procter & Gamble Company, Habitat for Humanity Poland, municipal authorities and alocalCommittee of Residents.
Building Social Flats in Partnership with Municipalities Project Goals: Seeking for efficient and scalable model intervention to enlarge housing stock available for social rent for low-income families fromthemunicipalwaitinglists. Solution: On the land offered by municipalities, minimum 3 terraced houses of 6 flats each will be built, using low-cost & energy efficient technology (pre-fabricated elements, 9-week construction process). Location: Poland: Wyszków, Zielonka, Kobyłka Period: May 2014 – December 2015 Partners: Habitat for Humanity PolandMunicipality of Wyszków Community,Municipality of ZielonkaMunicipality of Kobylka
CONTACT DETAILS Margo Salamon Magdalena Ruszkowska-Cieślak National DirectorProgrammeManager mobile: +48 697 979 902 mobile: +48 697 979 901 msalamon@habitat.plmruszkowska@habitat.pl Fundacja HFH Poland ul. Mokotowska 55 lok. 51 00-542 Warsaw, Poland tel/fax: (+48) 22 642 57 42 www.habitat.pl https://www.facebook.com/HabitatPL