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This evaluation assesses the mid-term results of communication activities related to the implementation of OPs 2007-2013. It presents the role of EU in development and recommends improvements for the 2014-2020 period.
The Mid-Term Assessment as a tool to reorient the communication plan Judit SZŰCS 8 December 2011, Brussels
The goal of the evaluation is - to sum up and assess at mid-term the results of communication related to the implementation of OPs 2007-2013 - to present how the communication activities have contributed to raising awareness of the OPs and the role that the EU plays in the developments;- to contribute to the further development of communication andto make preparations for the 2014-2020 period. The final results and recommendations will be presented - in the Evaluation Reportand - in the Annual ImplementationReports 2011 of the OPs. The evaluation is conducted by an external contractor, TNS Hoffmann under the commission of NDA. Goal and schedule of the evaluation
In Hungary, communication is centralised: 1.NSRF-level communication is provided by the NDA Communication Department (ERDF, ESF, Cohesion Fund), 2.OP-level communication(intended for the beneficiaries)is managed by intermediate bodies in cooperation with the Communication Department of NDA and with the professional support of the MA, 3.project-level communication is provided by the beneficiaries to popularise the accomplished projects, according to the Image Manual developed by the Communication Department and the provisions applicable to the information supply obligations of beneficiaries. The methodology for the evaluation has been designed accordingly: -quantitative data and facts (e.g. the number of advertisements, the number of workshops and events, etc.), - qualitative results (the evaluation of efficiency and cost- effectiveness, in-depth interviews, focus groups of beneficiaries, the evaluation of the results of surveys conducted among the general public and potential beneficiaries). Evaluation methodology
The most important communication campaigns (2007-2010) 1. Image campaign 2. Crisis management campaign 3. Local campaign Phase 1: You are a part of it! Phase 2: Get the best out of yourself! Phase 3: It is good to be proud! Involvement – Crisis management – Local communication In line with the EU trends Hierarchically structured campaigns allowing flexible reaction to the changes of their environment
Media utilisation habits of (potential) beneficiaries ”How often do you……” „ • % rate to total • population (TNS data) • Lower: • TV (appr. 85%) • Higher: • press (appr. 40%) • internet (appr. 50%) • radio (appr. 60%)
The ratio of press users is lower, but the contribution of this medium to be well-informed is outstanding • Preference: other than the population average • radio (population: well below TV) • TV (ranks 1st for the population) • Beside the mass media, • professional days play a • most important role Contribution of the respective media to be well-informed ”In your opinion, to what extent does …… contribute to be well-informed?”
The message relay method is a key issue (ads reduce efficiency). • Press: despite the decrease in use, beneficiaries consider it important due to authenticity and low avoidance of commercials. • Media co-operations – diverse programmes on the most watched channels instead of disturbing TV ads. • Internet – based on international best practices, instead of classical ads, it is worth shifting towards other (creative) solutions, e.g. social media. Opinions on the communication media based on avoidance of commercials ”How much do ads/commercials at the following places disturb you?”
Most important channels for application-writing ”Which of the items in the list below was the most useful, most efficient source for you?” • The role and effect of the mass media is significant in the first phase – basic information, ”appetizing”, emergence of the needs. • Specific action, participation in tenders or the application-writing process itself: depends on other, special, communication devices and the weighing of further pieces of information.
”Do you know, have you heard about the Applicant Information surface on the website of the National Development Agency?” The website • Awareness of the Applicant Information Surface is definitely high. • The surface is not only well-known, but it is also considered efficient. ”To what extent do you consider the NDA website and the Applicant Information Surface an efficient source of information for learning about the application opportunities?”
I. Conclusions, recommendations for NSRF-level communication, 1.
I. Conclusions, recommendations for NSRF-levelcommunication, 2
II. Conclusions, recommendations for OP-level communication, 1 (sectoral OPs)
II. Conclusions, recommendations for OP-level communication, 2 (regional OPs)
II. Conclusions, recommendations for OP-level communication, 3 (regional OPs)
III. Conclusions, recommendations for project-level communication
Fine-tuning of the NSRF Communication Strategy in view of the results of the mid-term assessment
Fine-tuning of the NSRF Communication Strategy Purpose of the change: • Re-segmentation of the target group, using a different tool system for each OP • Transformation of the system of information provision to the population • Cost-efficient system management • Transparent and unified action plans overarching the entire development policy for the last two years, involving IBs • NSZP – prioritizing EU2020 objectives • Adjusting communication with Beneficiaries to OPs and coordinating it with the institutional communications Reasons for the change: The NSRF communication strategy 2007-2008 expected a prospering economy Economic outlook and objectives of economic policy have changed due to the crisis Hungary launched a comprehensive economic development programme in 2010, known as New Széchenyi Plan with the following aims: • Dynamic increase of employment, • Maintaining financial stability, • Creating the conditions for economic growth, • Enhancing Hungary’s competitiveness. New actors have appeared in the institutional system of economic development; division of labour has changed among organizations.
Comprehensive change based on the results of the mid-term assessment in terms of target groups and communication tools The supervision of the impact indicators adopted in 2008, the inclusion of new target indicators suitable for the new economic situation Rescheduling timing based on the results of the mid-term assessment Drafting and integration of annual communication action plans made with the involvement of IBs which promote the implementation of the modified communication strategy Areas of modification of the Communication Strategy